I actually drew that tag in 2021 (12bw late) and had to return it with Point Guard due to family medical issues. I caught heck for it from everyone I knew as I was booked early and had to do so at the last minute. I drew it in the random tag pass and even in the bonus pass there are no real guarantees. I have a BIL that has been max points since the beginning and finally drew 13 b a few years ago. Luck plays a huge part it in all. Nothing is really a sure 100% guarantee, if you draw a tag with max points it's still not a done deal you're going kill a whopper worth waiting 25+ years to draw. It could turn off dry and antler development suffers, a burn could destroy the best parts of the unit, and I could go on and on, not mention Life Happens and you might have to return a tag. So what, a glass half full philosophy might work for some, so why go bed to bed tonight, no one is guaranteed tomorrow, so if really one only plays for the sure no miss shots in life, their odds of that not changing are still not guaranteed. I'm 68 and in great physical health and shape, praise God. When that changes, as it inevitably will, I may reasses my glass half full philosophy in life. Why not swing for the fence, for certain, odds are one will never hit it out the park without the effort.
Hey best of LUCK to you this fall and that you draw your for sure hunts and kill a whopper!