Biden on way out


Long Time Member

Democratic lawmaker invites colleagues to challenge President Biden in 2024 primary: ‘Take the chance’​

I said it before, Sleepy Joe is on his way out even with his own party. They can not win with him at the helm. Watch idiot Gavin Newsom to jump in to the primary. He would be even worse if elected, and I do not think he can win either.
Sadly the same old idiots we had as options in the 2020 GE will most likely be recycled and put before us again in 2024 unless something happens between now and then.
I’ll vote for the turd who had a great economy, secure border, and no wars.

I don’t have a fragile ego so the tweets don’t bother me. I’d rather have mean tweets than a senile, lying traitor.

Like I’ve said before…take the names away, list the accomplishments and see who people would vote for.

Add in secure elections, ID’s, and in person voting for everyone that’s physically capable and I think we’d see what this country really thinks.
I’ll vote for the turd who had a great economy, secure border, and no wars.

I don’t have a fragile ego so the tweets don’t bother me. I’d rather have mean tweets than a senile, lying traitor.

Like I’ve said before…take the names away, list the accomplishments and see who people would vote for.

Add in secure elections, ID’s, and in person voting for everyone that’s physically capable and I think we’d see what this country really thinks.
No thanks.... We need turds that are <60yrs of age.. and not criminals..


All politicians are criminals, both parties. I want someone that will clean out the corruption because that is the ONLY way forward. If we don’t clean things up it won’t matter who is in office because this country will be gone even more than it is now.

I can’t think of a single candidate on the left that fits the bill.
All politicians are criminals, both parties. I want someone that will clean out the corruption because that is the ONLY way forward. If we don’t clean things up it won’t matter who is in office because this country will be gone even more than it is now.

I can’t think of a single candidate on the left that fits the bill.

Problem is, that person will become the new attack target to destroy.

When politicians try that hard to destroy someone, what does that tell you?
I can't wait to see who the next captain of the Titanic will be.
If the next president is an establishment politician does it really matter though?

The only way this country doesn’t collapse is if gets cleaned out. Otherwise, our young country goes down the same path as others before us. It’s amazing to me that people don’t understand how history works and think we are somehow different.

I honestly believe we are at a tipping point right now.
If the next president is an establishment politician does it really matter though?

The only way this country doesn’t collapse is if gets cleaned out. Otherwise, our young country goes down the same path as others before us. It’s amazing to me that people don’t understand how history works and think we are somehow different.

I honestly believe we are at a tipping point right now.

Kind of like how many clueless fools think the USA can make communism work where others couldn't?

Hopefully, we will be able to vote stupidty out of office before long...
Too bad Brian Kemp will not throw his name in the hat. I would vote for him in a heart beat!

I have to agree that Kemp would be a good candidate. Independent/Swing voters make the difference in the general elections and they would flock to pull the lever for Kemp. Kemp would comfortably win the GE no matter who the Dem candidate is.
I have to agree that Kemp would be a good candidate. Independent/Swing voters make the difference in the general elections and they would flock to pull the lever for Kemp. Kemp would comfortably win the GE no matter who the Dem candidate is.
Who was the last moderate Republican to win the Presidency?
Reagan was the right wing outsider, The moderates all wanted Bush to win the nomination. You could argue that Bush won it all in 88 as a moderate, but I would argue that Bush won mostly because he was riding on the Reagan train. When it came to standing on his own he lost. Not that Bush was not a good man or President, the truth is moderates usually lose. The list of moderate Republican losers is long.
I have to agree that Reagan was a right wing outsider just like Trump was. Iran held our embassy hostages for about a year because they did not fear Jimmy Carter. They gave those hostages up when Reagan won the election because they knew he would have bomb them back into the stone age.
I voted for Reagan because I did not want another Democrat wimp running this country.
I never said Kemp was a moderate. I said independents/swing voters would vote for him and as a result he would be able to win the GE. Kemp is professional and articulate so this would be a welcome upgrade over the current and previous POTUS. I also see Kemp as a good leader.
Bottom line, in order to win the presidency in a close GE election, you Must win over the independent/swing voters. "Certain"candidates tend to put off these voters.
How can anyone vote democrat after the lies this administration has told and stood by, along with what they have done to the country and the downward spiral we are currently in. Hard to believe that anyone with any sense whatsoever could vote democrat.
How can anyone vote democrat after the lies this administration has told and stood by, along with what they have done to the country and the downward spiral we are currently in. Hard to believe that anyone with any sense whatsoever could vote democrat.
Ask Centerfire....

5 indications Joe Biden will not run in 2024​

We don’t see Biden on the campaign trail defending his presidency or touting his accomplishments​


Democratic lawmaker invites colleagues to challenge President Biden in 2024 primary: ‘Take the chance’​

I said it before, Sleepy Joe is on his way out even with his own party. They can not win with him at the helm. Watch idiot Gavin Newsom to jump in to the primary. He would be even worse if elected, and I do not think he can win either.
Joe Rogan has Newsom figured out. HA!


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