$150 NR tickets for violating Wyoming Wilderness rule (12 tickets in 10 years)


Active Member
$150 violations. And every hunter was allowed to keep antlers/cape/meat if he was honest with the warden.

FOIA results summary from WY GFD regarding actual enforcement of the NR Wilderness Rule.

In the 10 years ending July, 2022:
1. 12 NR hunters were cited for violating WS 23-2-401(a) (a few warning tickets also issued)
2. No hunter was required to return to WY for a court appearance and total cost of violation was the bond amount, $150.
3. All of these misdemeanor tickets were marked "no court appearance required" - just like a speeding ticket.
4. No hunter lost WY hunting privileges or was reported to another state for loss of privileges under the interstate compact agreement.
5. No hunter had any property seized (gun, atv, truck, etc).
6. Of those 12 violators, 4 hunters were in possession of an animal that was harvested in a wilderness area. Three of those 4 hunters were allowed to keep antlers, cape and meat from the illegal harvest. One of those 4 harvesters had antlers confiscated as his group hadn't tagged the animal and tried to pass it off as a resident kill. Despite the dishonesty, the warden only took the antlers - and then donated the meat back to the hunter.
7. None of the 12 violations appeared to be written by a hiking warden or a warden on horseback. Each report starts with a warden driving up on a camp/hunter near a wilderness area.
8. None of the 12 violations related to an NR retrieving meat only (where the resident guide departed after the animal was down).

Agency heads tend to avoid pigeonholing themselves by committing to how they will/won't enforce a statute within their agency's purview. Past results are no guarantee of future performance. But 10 years of historical enforcement data is perhaps a pretty good indicator of how the next NR will be treated.

FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request (public records request) was free. Email the director if you would like to read the warden reports about all twelve violations (including names of violators).
Yikes! Everyone including the wardens are aware that it’s a funky regulation. I wonder if any nonres sheep hunters have ever been caught? The going rate for a Wyo wilderness guided sheep hunt is around $14,000.

A nonres accompanied by a Wyo res with a guide license is legal. Who is to say the res “guide” has any experience dealing with bears and dangers of wilderness conditions.
As mentioned in another post, what happens if a nonres has his buddies guide license in his pocket and is stopped by a warden packing out a critter in wilderness? His hunt was over after he shot and tagged his animal and isn’t hunting in wilderness when he was stopped.

As long as the nonres wasn’t caught actually “hunting” without a guide what proof does a warden have? The nonres also could be bear or coyote hunting without a guide if caught in the wilderness with rifle in hand. If caught alone in camp with a rifle he could say the rifle was protection from grizz. I’m not saying I would do it , but there seems like there are a lot of funky ways around this bogus law!
Can You tell Us Where This Happened & Where This Warden Works?
Which one? The only example where antlers were seized (but meat donated back to hunter) occurred near the Bridger WA.

I wonder if any nonres sheep hunters have ever been caught?
The only 12 citations issued in those 10 years related to deer & elk. No pronghorn or MSG-Bison citations.

As long as a ram hunter didn't lie, it's pretty fair to assume he would be able to keep the ram horns & meat.
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Such a dumb law! I wonder if it could be taken up by the Supreme Court.
Would taking it to court be more expensive than just paying the $150 fine?

The violation is literally in the exact same column/category as 11-15mph (over) speeding tickets on the WY fine schedule.
For a long time in Utah, a BJ from the misses was a class B misdemeanor. Everyone but Peter Priesthood thought the law was outdated. Police did not enforce it. The courts would not enforce it. The wilderness law is antiquated and unnecessary, as proven by how few violations there are coupled with the fact that the penalty isn’t worth the paper it was written in.
I’m surprised a couple of the Wyoming resident experts over on the Wyoming forum haven’t jumped all over this yet.

I’m guessing not too many wardens want to hassle with confiscating and packing out an elk from the backcountry. Not as easy as sliding it from one pickup bed to another or dragging it out with an ATV like on the series “Yellowstone Wardens”.

Is the law right or wrong? Highly debatable.
Is the penalty appropriate? - doesn’t sound like it? Most game violations are just a slap on the wrist.
Were the 12 incidents intentional or mistakes?
(Barely over the line or 5 miles deep into WA?)
Would you personally intentionally violate the law knowing this is the penalty?
I’m surprised a couple of the Wyoming resident experts over on the Wyoming forum haven’t jumped all over this yet.

I’m guessing not too many wardens want to hassle with confiscating and packing out an elk from the backcountry. Not as easy as sliding it from one pickup bed to another or dragging it out with an ATV like on the series “Yellowstone Wardens”.

Is the law right or wrong? Highly debatable.
Is the penalty appropriate? - doesn’t sound like it? Most game violations are just a slap on the wrist.
Were the 12 incidents intentional or mistakes?
(Barely over the line or 5 miles deep into WA?)
Would you personally intentionally violate the law knowing this is the penalty?
At this point in history where the government just spends in to oblivion and lets illegals in, I’ll gladly violate this unjust law. I’ll gladly kill a grizzly bear that is charging as well in their wilderness that I’m not supposed to be in. But there is no need to worry because I won’t give Wyoming a cent for the way they have went after non residents. Them adjusting their tag quotas I totally get. They gave a generous split for a long time and I think anyone can be grateful for that. But their wilderness law, their out of control price hikes, and the May 1-6 retard shed Olympics is about a joke.
At this point in history where the government just spends in to oblivion and lets illegals in, I’ll gladly violate this unjust law. I’ll gladly kill a grizzly bear that is charging as well in their wilderness that I’m not supposed to be in. But there is no need to worry because I won’t give Wyoming a cent for the way they have went after non residents. Them adjusting their tag quotas I totally get. They gave a generous split for a long time and I think anyone can be grateful for that. But their wilderness law, their out of control price hikes, and the May 1-6 retard shed Olympics is about a joke.
Well you can be there, to hunt predators, fish, hike, backpack, take photos, rock climb… but if you have a deer or elk tag, you better get a guide cause then it’s illegal
Do the 150 dollar fines go directly to the welfare recipients, ur, I mean guides? Or is it funneled through the game department ?
At this point in history where the government just spends in to oblivion and lets illegals in, I’ll gladly violate this unjust law. I’ll gladly kill a grizzly bear that is charging as well in their wilderness that I’m not supposed to be in. But there is no need to worry because I won’t give Wyoming a cent for the way they have went after non residents. Them adjusting their tag quotas I totally get. They gave a generous split for a long time and I think anyone can be grateful for that. But their wilderness law, their out of control price hikes, and the May 1-6 retard shed Olympics is about a joke.
Look at how Utah treats non residents. You’re a clown. He’ll look at how they treat their residents.

Not giving Wyoming a cent? Ok noted, and no one cares.
I’ve always wondered how Wyoming has managed to keep this state law in place. Wilderness areas are federally managed lands, not state managed. The state does have primacy for wildlife management. If any of those people cited went to court, I bet they could get the citation overturned and challenge state law if they had the time and money. It might hold up in lower courts, but it’s a stretch in the higher courts. Wyoming is effectively limiting a Congressionally approved recreational “use” called out in the National Forest Management Act. Congress never limited access to wilderness areas for hunting, so it is likely unconstitutional. Drawing the line between residents and non-residents could easily be overturned on the basis of “safety” alone. Both groups get injured or lost in wilderness. At the end of the day, the guides and outfitters are the only ones that directly benefit from the law (resulting from exclusive use…in essence). I’m not an attorney, but I’m certain it will get challenged eventually.
I’ve always wondered how Wyoming has managed to keep this state law in place. Wilderness areas are federally managed lands, not state managed. The state does have primacy for wildlife management. If any of those people cited went to court, I bet they could get the citation overturned and challenge state law if they had the time and money. It might hold up in lower courts, but it’s a stretch in the higher courts. Wyoming is effectively limiting a Congressionally approved recreational “use” called out in the National Forest Management Act. Congress never limited access to wilderness areas for hunting, so it is likely unconstitutional. Drawing the line between residents and non-residents could easily be overturned on the basis of “safety” alone. Both groups get injured or lost in wilderness. At the end of the day, the guides and outfitters are the only ones that directly benefit from the law (resulting from exclusive use…in essence). I’m not an attorney, but I’m certain it will get challenged eventually.
Probably why they stick with a 150$ no appearance ticket… I think they know it wouldn’t hold up if pressed
I was ticked for me and my elk being in the wilderness at the kill site. It was close and before GPS devices. I honestly think the bull was outside the wilderness on the first shot. Like above, just a fine like a traffic ticket. Freak that a forest service ranger was there and wrote the ticket, not a warden.
I’ve always wondered how Wyoming has managed to keep this state law in place. Wilderness areas are federally managed lands, not state managed. The state does have primacy for wildlife management. If any of those people cited went to court, I bet they could get the citation overturned and challenge state law if they had the time and money. It might hold up in lower courts, but it’s a stretch in the higher courts. Wyoming is effectively limiting a Congressionally approved recreational “use” called out in the National Forest Management Act. Congress never limited access to wilderness areas for hunting, so it is likely unconstitutional. Drawing the line between residents and non-residents could easily be overturned on the basis of “safety” alone. Both groups get injured or lost in wilderness. At the end of the day, the guides and outfitters are the only ones that directly benefit from the law (resulting from exclusive use…in essence). I’m not an attorney, but I’m certain it will get challenged eventually.
So you’re saying the residents pushed the wilderness law through? Or you just have an axe to grind with the residents?

Utah couldn’t return the favor because they have no real wilderness areas. 😂. That state is more wallowed out than mia khalifa in her prime.
Do you have any pictures?
So you’re saying the residents pushed the wilderness law through? Or you just have an axe to grind with the residents?

Utah couldn’t return the favor because they have no real wilderness areas. 😂. That state is more wallowed out than mia khalifa in her prime.
You’ve never been to the uintahs there is a **** ton of huge wilderness. As far as wallowing you’ve probably done a ton of that at your daddy’s sheep farm.
I’m surprised a couple of the Wyoming resident experts over on the Wyoming forum haven’t jumped all over this yet.

I’m guessing not too many wardens want to hassle with confiscating and packing out an elk from the backcountry. Not as easy as sliding it from one pickup bed to another or dragging it out with an ATV like on the series “Yellowstone Wardens”.

Is the law right or wrong? Highly debatable.
Is the penalty appropriate? - doesn’t sound like it? Most game violations are just a slap on the wrist.
Were the 12 incidents intentional or mistakes?
(Barely over the line or 5 miles deep into WA?)
Would you personally intentionally violate the law knowing this is the penalty?
You’ve never been to the uintahs there is a **** ton of huge wilderness. As far as wallowing you’ve probably done a ton of that at your daddy’s sheep farm.
You call the uintah’s wilderness? Ahahhahahaha



Ok i think I can stop la—- ahhahahahahababa


You better stay in Utah. The wilderness law was made for gems like you
The only 12 citations issued in those 10 years related to deer & elk. No pronghorn or MSG-Bison citations.

As long as a ram hunter didn't lie, it's pretty fair to assume he would be able to keep the ram horns & meat.
Bison can legally be hunted in Wyoming wilderness by a NR without a guide, they aren't big or trophy game.
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You’ve never been to the uintahs there is a **** ton of huge wilderness. As far as wallowing you’ve probably done a ton of that at your daddy’s sheep farm.
I’ve been to Piord (spelling) lake and kings peak via Henry’s fork trailhead. Meh. Kings peak is a day hike at best.

Nothing wild about anything in Utah. Except the morman girls, the last true wilderness in Utah. Too bad most of them are conquered so young too
As mentioned in another post, what happens if a nonres has his buddies guide license in his pocket and is stopped by a warden packing out a critter in wilderness? His hunt was over after he shot and tagged his animal and isn’t hunting in wilderness when he was stopped.

As long as the nonres wasn’t caught actually “hunting” without a guide what proof does a warden have? The nonres also could be bear or coyote hunting without a guide if caught in the wilderness with rifle in hand. If caught alone in camp with a rifle he could say the rifle was protection from grizz. I’m not saying I would do it , but there seems like there are a lot of funky ways around this bogus law!
You don't comprehend the law, not surprising. The nonresident doesn't have a resident guide license in their pocket, nor are they required to carry one. It's to remain with the RESIDENT guide.

Bears can't be legally hunted without a guide in designated wilderness, they are trophy game. The guide law applies to BIG and TROPHY game. Study up.
Buzz, How about coyotes? My guess is that a warden couldn’t write up a nonres in wilderness even if he has a sheep tag in his pocket and a rifle in his hands if he is hunting coyotes during an open sheep season?

The hunt is over so the hunter has the guides license in his pocket to demonstrate he had a guide. I’m not exactly sure why that matters if the hunter has harvested and no longer hunting? Even if a hunter has already harvested and packing a critter out inside wilderness how can a warden prove the hunter didn’t have a guide while hunting if he’s done with his hunt?
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I’ve been to Piord (spelling) lake and kings peak via Henry’s fork trailhead. Meh. Kings peak is a day hike at best.

Nothing wild about anything in Utah. Except the morman girls, the last true wilderness in Utah. Too bad most of them are conquered so young too
You coming to Utah and ever getting laid by any decent woman hasn’t happened and never will. Who would f##k cross eyes and man ****. Nobody! How big is the wilderness in g&h?
You coming to Utah and ever getting laid by any decent woman hasn’t happened and never will. Who would f##k cross eyes and man ****. Nobody! How big is the wilderness in g&h?
Put your big boy pants on and go find out how big g and h are and rest the world while you’re at it…
Based on what law?

Tuck those ears into your flatbill and make your case.

You can reach out to Sebastian for his legal advice.
Based on the fact you are locking people out of wilderness that is federal land. I’m positive it’ll change just like you’ll get a point system. I don’t wear flat brims gonzo. It’s amazing you can do Sesame Street without a mask.😂😂
Based on the fact you are locking people out of wilderness that is federal land. I’m positive it’ll change just like you’ll get a point system. I don’t wear flat brims gonzo. It’s amazing you can do Sesame Street without a mask.😂😂
you’re all over the board complaining about everything. Take a deep breath, start breathing out your nose and consolidate your hate.

You could get off your ass and do something about it but I feel you’re just full on utard at this point.

I guess I would fill wronged too to wait so long for a tag in my home state and then kill a 5 point. 😂 Doesn’t mean you have to flood MM’s with hate.
Based on the fact you are locking people out of wilderness that is federal land. I’m positive it’ll change just like you’ll get a point system. I don’t wear flat brims gonzo. It’s amazing you can do Sesame Street without a mask.😂😂
You aren't locked out of wilderness. Use it all you want.

The state has the authority to set hunting regulations, including charging NR what we want, not issuing a single NR tag, and limiting where a NR can hunt.

Feel free to fire up that lawsuit.

You don't wear flatties? That isn't you wearing the flattie with that management bull?
Buzz is right. the state can do what they want. it's a welfare program and the state has decided the guides there need it. its our job to make fun of them for it.

Alaska has similar laws regarding certain big game tags. that one though makes more sense. you get some fat fck flatlander headed up to that huge country and without a guide it's going to be expensive rescue costs for the state

lower 48 though? come on. it's just because those guys cant do anything else to put food on the table and this supplements the states food stamp program a little
"That isn't you wearing the flattie with that management bull?"

That from the 250" bull slayer....:rolleyes:
"That isn't you wearing the flattie with that management bull?"

That from the 250" bull slayer....:rolleyes:
Typically when a hunter can count to 6, the bulls score over 250".

That concludes your elk hunting lesson for the day.

Carry on...
you’re all over the board complaining about everything. Take a deep breath, start breathing out your nose and consolidate your hate.

You could get off your ass and do something about it but I feel you’re just full on utard at this point.

I guess I would fill wronged too to wait so long for a tag in my home state and then kill a 5 point. 😂 Doesn’t mean you have to flood MM’s with hate.
Not really you’re just mad I call you out on all your bullshit all the time. You’re the one that went after slam and made the pedophile comments. You are also the one that always chimes in on anything Utah related. You’re the one that has the relentless hate for everyone. And let’s get one thing straight you will never outwork me and you will never out earn me. Let’s check back here in 75 days and see who’s where. I’ll give you $200 bucks if you can beat me at this whole year long competition or even complete it I’ll give you 50 if you can make the 75 days. And why we’re at it let’s make $100 side bet who kills a bigger mule deer. And yes if you win I will gladly pay you. You in SS?

^ full triggered! Hahaha. I don’t know what your app about 75 hard is but have fun with it. If you need an app to get motivated good for you. Some people need an app or the latest greatest fad program to get motivated. I don’t but you go girl! You do you!

Full triggered is slapping silly bets online, honestly you’re the easiest guy in awhile to get worked up. It isn’t even fun. Or more importantly entertaining.

don’t even need an app to see that you’re a clown. But please keep entertaining us!
don't back down now, call his bluff. i think we would all like to see this
Hahaha you’re literally wearing a flat brim in your profile pic.
It’s bent. And i don’t need an app I’m already driven come on take one of the bets big man. You might get laid by a decent looking lady after you transform your body and brain.the 75 days is going to happen regardless. Why not show everyone what you are made of. Think of all the sunlight you’ll have to complete this summer. And you won’t have to brag about beer like a frat boy. Are you not going to hunt Mule deer either if Wyoming is so glorious you should be able to smoke me and you’ll have the benefit of a rifle against my open sight muzzy. If you aren’t confident with those odds you might need to get your estrogen checked and get on the testosterone.
Not really you’re just mad I call you out on all your bullshit all the time. You’re the one that went after slam and made the pedophile comments. You are also the one that always chimes in on anything Utah related. You’re the one that has the relentless hate for everyone. And let’s get one thing straight you will never outwork me and you will never out earn me. Let’s check back here in 75 days and see who’s where. I’ll give you $200 bucks if you can beat me at this whole year long competition or even complete it I’ll give you 50 if you can make the 75 days. And why we’re at it let’s make $100 side bet who kills a bigger mule deer. And yes if you win I will gladly pay you. You in SS?

View attachment 144359
This is funny stuff. A real life Hush'n contest on MM.
It’s bent. And i don’t need an app I’m already driven come on take one of the bets big man. You might get laid by a decent looking lady after you transform your body and brain.the 75 days is going to happen regardless. Why not show everyone what you are made of. Think of all the sunlight you’ll have to complete this summer. And you won’t have to brag about beer like a frat boy. Are you not going to hunt Mule deer either if Wyoming is so glorious you should be able to smoke me and you’ll have the benefit of a rifle against my open sight muzzy. If you aren’t confident with those odds you might need to get your estrogen checked and get on the testosterone.
wstrntines is fixing to bust some chops, he'll sort this out and set the courts straight.
Here’s what you fail to understand Buzz. Is the world is changing around you. The corner crossing case was won it’s not going to be overturned. Surely your discrimination of non residents in wilderness is going to be challenged again and it will be overturned. And your GS hunting will disappear just like the otc on the Arizona strip did. Enjoy your golden goose while you can. But then again depending on your age, you might not live to see that take place.
Not really you’re just mad I call you out on all your bullshit all the time. You’re the one that went after slam and made the pedophile comments. You are also the one that always chimes in on anything Utah related. You’re the one that has the relentless hate for everyone. And let’s get one thing straight you will never outwork me and you will never out earn me. Let’s check back here in 75 days and see who’s where. I’ll give you $200 bucks if you can beat me at this whole year long competition or even complete it I’ll give you 50 if you can make the 75 days. And why we’re at it let’s make $100 side bet who kills a bigger mule deer. And yes if you win I will gladly pay you. You in SS?

View attachment 144359
Is this to try and correct ED? Remember to call a doctor if side effects last longer than 24 hours
Is this to try and correct ED? Remember to call a doctor if side effects last longer than 24 hours
Not at all no issues I’m unvaxxed and my dick works wonderful 😂. It’s more of a push yourself to be a high performer while society spirals into weakness. But hey some people want to be average.

That The Best POON They'll Let You Watch In Alaska?

I'd Never heard Of Her!

Wish I Could Still Say That!


So you’re saying the residents pushed the wilderness law through? Or you just have an axe to grind with the residents?

Utah couldn’t return the favor because they have no real wilderness areas. 😂. That state is more wallowed out than mia khalifa in her prime.
Here’s what you fail to understand Buzz. Is the world is changing around you. The corner crossing case was won it’s not going to be overturned. Surely your discrimination of non residents in wilderness is going to be challenged again and it will be overturned. And your GS hunting will disappear just like the otc on the Arizona strip did. Enjoy your golden goose while you can. But then again depending on your age, you might not live to see that take place.
I've never heard about corner crossing.

Go on...
I've never heard about corner crossing.

Go on...
Trip up any flights of stairs, **** your pants in front of the pope, or fall on the stage Joe Biden. Did you read a Teleprompter when you typed this? You might want to check into a nursing home.

The public won. But hey in your own words how can you come up with a nonsense argument to keep nonresidents off public land in a wilderness area that they have a valid tag. That response hasn’t aged well.😂😂
The public won. But hey in your own words how can you come up with a nonsense argument to keep nonresidents off public land in a wilderness area that they have a valid tag. That response hasn’t aged well.😂😂
What was your role in this corner crossing win?

Follow up on the wilderness guide law, do you have a plan for changing statute and defying the case law?

I would like to work on both issues, but I have nowhere to start and you sound like you have answers.
The public won. But hey in your own words how can you come up with a nonsense argument to keep nonresidents off public land in a wilderness area that they have a valid tag. That response hasn’t aged well.😂😂
you would most likely win your argument if the tag was federal......
I’m surprised a couple of the Wyoming resident experts over on the Wyoming forum haven’t jumped all over this yet.

I’m guessing not too many wardens want to hassle with confiscating and packing out an elk from the backcountry. Not as easy as sliding it from one pickup bed to another or dragging it out with an ATV like on the series “Yellowstone Wardens”.

Is the law right or wrong? Highly debatable.
Is the penalty appropriate? - doesn’t sound like it? Most game violations are just a slap on the wrist.
Were the 12 incidents intentional or mistakes?
(Barely over the line or 5 miles deep into WA?)
Would you personally intentionally violate the law knowing this is the penalty?
The warden will make you pack out every bit of meat and antler and then have you load it into their truck. If you refuse you will be charged with additional crimes. Sad to see the “New America” where people pick and choose which laws they think they have to follow while still claiming they back law enforcement. @wstrntines is making a good case for metal health background checks for gun ownership.
Hey @BuzzH i actually can’t tell ( being sincere here, i know, i know) but where do you actually stand on this particular law. I’m just curious
Where ever the swamp stands.........
Well. The corner crossing comparison is an interesting one. I think this law is ridiculous, at the same time I fully support a state to implement game laws as they see fit. I just can’t see where the benefits to the state are in this one
Serious nimby stuff. Come to Montana and pay to play, shoot a cow elk or whitetail doe
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The warden will make you pack out every bit of meat and antler and then have you load it into their truck. If you refuse you will be charged with additional crimes. Sad to see the “New America” where people pick and choose which laws they think they have to follow while still claiming they back law enforcement. @wstrntines is making a good case for metal health background checks for gun ownership.
I’ll bet you called the cops on your neighbors for having a bbq during Covid with their friends. You probably made sure people wore a mask and followed the arrows at Home Depot. I thought Wyoming was all about freedom it’s now the land of govern me harder. And whack jobs like you asking the government to define mental health and gun legislation belong in Washington.
Yep, I am guilty of following the law. If I don’t agree with one I vote to change it when I can. I don’t cherry pick what I will follow based on self entitlement like you @wstrntines. If you don’t like the way we do things here in Wyoming you should just not come hunt here. Wyoming is all about freedom. The freedom to make the laws to govern OUR wildlife. You seem to be against our freedom and the rule of law. You should really think about that mental health check.
Yep, I am guilty of following the law. If I don’t agree with one I vote to change it when I can. I don’t cherry pick what I will follow based on self entitlement like you @wstrntines. If you don’t like the way we do things here in Wyoming you should just not come hunt here. Wyoming is all about freedom. The freedom to make the laws to govern OUR wildlife. You seem to be against our freedom and the rule of law. You should really think about that mental health check.
Mental health is a slippery slope.....I think mentally deficient are liberals.......do you really want to go there??
Yep, I am guilty of following the law. If I don’t agree with one I vote to change it when I can. I don’t cherry pick what I will follow based on self entitlement like you @wstrntines. If you don’t like the way we do things here in Wyoming you should just not come hunt here. Wyoming is all about freedom. The freedom to make the laws to govern OUR wildlife. You seem to be against our freedom and the rule of law. You should really think about that mental health check.
Simp harder for your masters. Just remember no matter how hard you lick the boot, it’s still going to crush ya someday
Hey @BuzzH i actually can’t tell ( being sincere here, i know, i know) but where do you actually stand on this particular law. I’m just curious
Horrible law.

But before you say it, I'm not one bit interested in trying to change it.

There is no legal path forward, in particular since s.339 passed after the Taulman lawsuit. The state holds all the cards. The Federal and State court cases all side with State control of wildlife. When s.339 passed as federal law, it reaffirmed the rights of the States to discriminate against NR hunters any way they see fit.

So, the only other path forward is to repeal state statute and/or change the law. To do that, the only way would be to do 2 things:

1. Cut a deal with the outfitters by giving them a pool of outfitter sponsored tags, probably cost NR hunters half their tags.

2. Residents hunters are going to want something too, many of them like not seeing a NR hunter around every tree and support the law. That would mean 90-10 for deer, elk, and pronghorn.

What it would take to have any chance of repealing the law is NR DIY hunters being cut to 5% of the deer, elk, and pronghorn tags.

I won't speak for every NR hunter, but the ones I hunt with and know, they don't want to trade the ability to hunt wilderness for sacrificing a large percentage of their tags.

So, for those reasons, I have no interest in trying to repeal it, not enough upside, and plenty of downside.

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