Recent content by grosventrehunter

  1. grosventrehunter

    Cheatgrass 101

    Readings sucks but pictures are nice. Anyone have a cheatgrass picture?
  2. grosventrehunter

    WYGF stiffs NR, then begs them for $

    Another bash on Wyoming? Gorilla are you from Utah? Last I checked no one is forced to hunt or buy anything from WGF. Life is a about choices. Maybe if Wyoming pimped their wildlife out like a certain state, WGF wouldn't need to send out emails looking for money. SFW, the Expo, Mossback tags...
  3. grosventrehunter

    Just thought I’d share

    Well that doesn't make me feel good about that set up.
  4. grosventrehunter

    WYGF stiffs NR, then begs them for $

    Isn't every western state? Even better if you boycott, my draw odds might go up.
  5. grosventrehunter

    WYGF stiffs NR, then begs them for $

    You first? So what did you apply for in Wyoming this year and how many points are you buying? Do tell.....put your mouth where your boycott is.
  6. grosventrehunter

    Just thought I’d share

    Looks great! Can you send a link or a picture of the bracket you have for the gun boot?
  7. grosventrehunter

    How times have changed.

    If you're homeless you can get away with anything these days. Do you bird hunt on the tracks in California?
  8. grosventrehunter

    How times have changed.

    Not just walking, but hunting the ditch bank on both sides of the tracks. It's private property, but years ago it was never enforced.
  9. grosventrehunter

    How times have changed.

    I used to do the same thing. A friend and I purposely had study hall first period. We would skip that class and shoot a pheasant or two then head to school with the guns still in the gun rack. At lunch we would clean the birds. We used to walk the Rail Road tracks which would get you in trouble...
  10. grosventrehunter

    A great hunting tale

    Are these over the counter mule deer tags or draw? Pretty impressive!!
  11. grosventrehunter

    Utah vs Wyoming

    Maybe because Utah folks think they should tell Wyoming folks how to run their state. Then ***** and moan about what we have and they don't. Just a thought..... Edit; I find it ironic the guys from Utah are bitching in the Wyoming forum, not Wyoming guys bitching in the Utah forum. Interesting....
  12. grosventrehunter

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    Mr. Hush'n, that little child predator mustache in your profile picture gave me a good laugh. You kill one decent 5x5 and all of a sudden you're making bets with people, and then tell us YOUR research shows Montana is better elk hunting than Wyoming. You should just stick to watching your...
  13. grosventrehunter

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    This coming from a guy who knows gay. Kind of weird you know there is a pride parade in Jackson. Attend much?
  14. grosventrehunter

    Wyoming shed opener 😍

    How is Mr. HUSH'N today? Let me drive a Toyota, wear jewels on your pant pockets, drink mountain opps, live in Salt Lake City, and are married to a dude.
  15. grosventrehunter

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    I think we should stick it to the NR hunters and make them pay a non-refundable hunting license similar to Nevada and Utah, but maybe closer to $200.00. That should help fund the GnF. Maybe even 90/5/5 would be nice to see too.
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