Recent content by Horsecorn

  1. Horsecorn

    CO "assault weapons" ban

  2. Horsecorn

    Will Trump pick Noem for VP running mate??

    By the way all us republicans are up in the hills right now training for a civil war. Just ask Maxi pad waters, she can tell ya, she already said so.
  3. Horsecorn

    Will Trump pick Noem for VP running mate??

    Your way off brother. I get my news from infowars,( Alex jones,) and the arian brotherhood news out of Moscow Idaho. Hahaha….
  4. Horsecorn

    Will Trump pick Noem for VP running mate??

    Ap news and Jonschweppe . Great sources for the real news.
  5. Horsecorn

    Will Trump pick Noem for VP running mate??

    Who said she didn’t want to keep men out of women sports and also who said the legislature forced her to reverse course. I call bull sh-t on that. I’ve killed a bad dog too, so what! I’ll vote for her over camel toe harris any day.
  6. Horsecorn

    How times have changed.

    How come a guy would get in trouble for walking railroad tracks today.? Is there a problem with that
  7. Horsecorn

    How times have changed.

    That’s a good one.☝️
  8. Horsecorn

    Swarovski NL Pure 12x42

    They are the greatest. I’d snatch them up but I got a pair just like em.
  9. Horsecorn

    How times have changed.

    It will Be a good time when you do it brother.
  10. Horsecorn

    How times have changed.

    Ya we’d go smoke left handlers on lunch break sometimes and not go back to class,
  11. Horsecorn

    How times have changed.

    Let’s see some of you guys old pics of high school.
  12. Horsecorn

    How times have changed.

    We kinda look like these yahoos.
  13. Horsecorn

    How times have changed.

    No the one on the front row with the smoke in my mouth.
  14. Horsecorn

    How times have changed.

    Yes San Angelo for sure. Just make sure you make sheepskin covers for the gun racks.
  15. Horsecorn

    How times have changed.

    Cause we couldn’t hit ‘em..
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