Recent content by mozey

  1. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Yes, but only if I complete this one. If I do, I'll be starting the AT next year.
  2. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    My view forward:
  3. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Yup. I'll have to look at it when I get to it, but odds are I'll take the easiest/shortest route... :-)
  4. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Had to do a 20-mile water carry today. This my view looking back:
  5. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    There are still a few behind me and to the east. I'm about six miles from Jawbone Canyon road. First time I've had cell service all day.
  6. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    I'm currently researching if there are any snowless sections of trail north of the Sierras to see if I can do exactly that. I might ruin it for some purists, but all I really care about is a continuous footpath from Mexico to Canada. If I have to leapfrog and then come back to a section, then...
  7. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    I carry a ResMed Air Mini, and I drive it with an Easy Longer 40,000 mA 24 amp charger. A full charge will give me two nights plus recharge my phone, InReach, head lamp, and Skulz. I also carry an ozonic cleaner and clean it at least twice a week.
  8. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    This is a tough question, and I can only answer it from my own experience. I too am afraid of heights when it comes to things like sky diving, cliff diving, bungy jumping, or walking out over the Grand Canyon on a glass floor. I avoid those types activities. On the other hand, I personally...
  9. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    I did that twice in the early 90s, so at the moment I don't plan to. But, I could change my mind once I get there.
  10. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    It did not, but it might now.
  11. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Surprisingly, this one looks vacant.
  12. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    The trail parallels Highway 58 for a couple miles, which is fine, but there is hardly any shade, and more critical, a private place to pee. But just as things were reaching critical, the trail provides this nice underpass...
  13. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    This was a pretty big bird. Not a lot in the pic to give it some scale, but the trail is probably at least two feet wide there. I was thinking it was probably 2.5' from head to tail.
  14. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    The pic doesn't show it very well, but its head was bald like a buzzard's so I assumed it was a buzzard. Maybe the windmill blade gave it a shave?
  15. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

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