Great Photo from 2022 - Phone Skope Giveaway

Photo contest


Founder Since 1999
Let's see your favorite 2022 hunting photo(s)! Look through what you've got and share your favorite. It doesn't need to be a success photo. It could be of a big buck, or bull, or your kids hiking the mountain, or scenery from your favorite glassing spot, or a success photo, etc.
Actually, feel free to share 3 or 4 or 5 if you just can't decide on one.
Descriptions are always great too.

In a month or so I'll randomly pick a couple winners from the photos shared. Each 10 likes your post gets will give you an extra entry as well.

The prizes will be a Phone Skope Kit for 1st drawn and Pyro Putty and an Arch Lighter for 2nd drawn. Thanks to the folks at Phone Skope for the gear! If you don't already own the a Phone Skope, then get over to their site and get one......that is if you don't win one here! It's a valuable piece of gear to have with you for helping to preserve your hunting and scouting adventures.

Get Yourself a Phone Skope


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2022 was 100% about my son.

Early teal was a blast in Nebraska-


This was a picture my son and I thought was pretty cool during one of his Wyoming hunts. First is normal and second is zoomed in on the mirror. We took a short mid-day snooze and woke up to antelope feeding fairly close.


Last pic is a young man my son decided to introduce to hunting this year. 3 months of training and teaching led to a successful first deer.

From opening weekend of rifle. Freezing cold puking snow. Came up and a single set of tracks. I follow them and see a little dirt kicked up in with the snow in the track, fresh. That instinct kicks in and I slam all my water. 30 slow, patient minutes later i come up and see where he bedded down briefly as the snow is all melted. I follow his tracks as they head off down the ridge. I stay high expecting the double back. Sure enough we cross paths in a clearing. I raise my rifle and see the horns and quickly drop the cross hairs behind the shoulder and double lung him.

I in reach my wife and told here it’ll be a few hours. Boning him out kept my hands warm. I hang the meat and head and shoulder the soul crushing pac. The slipping and sliding became comical but the soaked state of my cloths is not. I even rode the backpack like a sled down a few hills. I get tunnel vision and keep one frozen foot in front of the other hoping the truck is close

Right as the brain fog was setting in i hear laughter. surely hypothermia is setting in. I see foot prints and a sled track. Once i turn the corner my wife and kid are sledding and having the time of their lives. Then i realized WE were having the time of our lives. I wasn’t so cold anymore and damn that beer she brought me tasted good.

The next day a friend watch’s our kid and my wife and I pack out of an enchanted winter wonderland.


I was able to hunt with my brother in laws alot this year. They came along on my Utah Mtn goat hunt and do a backcountry back pack hunt. Then we took Tys on his first elk hunt and almost got his first elk for him. Then I killed a buck on the rifle hunt and you could see where I shot my mountain goat from where I killed my deer.





The giveaway may be over, but feel free to share more of your photos. They're always fun to see and hear the stories behind them.

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