Residency Truths


Very Active Member
It dawned on me as I was reading a thread, I bet there is a handful of people out there that lie on their residency for personal gain with their big game applications.

So my question is, have you heard of or aware of someone cheating on their residency for the purpose of drawing tags? Did they ever get caught and why? I personally do not know anyone and I think for the most part, everyone really respects the residency requirements issued by each state.
It dawned on me as I was reading a thread, I bet there is a handful of people out there that lie on their residency for personal gain with their big game applications.

So my question is, have you heard of or aware of someone cheating on their residency for the purpose of drawing tags? Did they ever get caught and why? I personally do not know anyone and I think for the most part, everyone really respects the residency requirements issued by each state.

There have been several cases in Wyoming where people not eligible to receive resident licenses have been charged for applying and receiving resident licenses.

There are more than "a handful" of people illegally obtaining resident licenses, at least in Wyoming this is true.

People are caught every year in most western states fraudulently applying for resident licenses. The penalties are severe, in many cases worse than if you were caught hunting without any license whatsoever.
While perhaps tempting, virtually everyone gets caught.
I am SURE it is attempted with some regularity. People are clever, ethics are often rationalized (for example…, “well I USED to be resident and I paid taxes all those years” or “all my family still lives there”) for better or for worse, and nobody ever feels like they will be caught.
Utah activity searches for people trying to game the system like this. And they have caught and prosecuted several of them.
There have been several cases in Wyoming where people not eligible to receive resident licenses have been charged for applying and receiving resident licenses.

There are more than "a handful" of people illegally obtaining resident licenses, at least in Wyoming this is true.

I am SURE it is attempted with some regularity. People are clever, ethics are often rationalized (for example…, “well I USED to be resident and I paid taxes all those years” or “all my family still lives there”) for better or for worse, and nobody ever feels like they will be caught.
The old PÓ Box I’m sure was a few’s defense.

Happens all the time, and yes, they do at times catch people and prosecute them.

Happens all the time, and yes, they do at times catch people and prosecute them.
I believe after this case they really started looking into it a lot more. I'm pretty sure they have people going over anyone that looks suspicious in the draw, (mainly new residents with a bunch of points) to verify that they legitimately have a claim to residence in the state.
When I applied for an IL LL back in 2006, I familiarized myself of the rules and made sure to comply. State required a 30 day stay and I waited 60. Required so many documents and I accumulated triple. Voters reg, parking permit, utilities, cable contract, etc, etc along with drivers lic/housing contract. CO’s visited my prior address in IN and even interviewed neighbors, then showed up at my new house unannounced. The CO told me there were two full time officers just to check out all applications along the IN/IL border. He congratulated me for passing their interview, seemed surprised. So I asked him how many applications were fraudulent, and he said I was in the 15% legitimate! ? Ended up living there for 13 years, but sure was glad I had the LL in 2019 when I moved out of state. Best $190 ever spent.
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I think there is still a problem here in Wyoming. I have heard of people using businesses they own in Wyoming to get residency but not actually living here full time. I believe they have to be in state more than 180 days a year. I hope the state gets more serious about this. These people are in some cases dodging their states taxes as well as getting resident tags they really don’t deserve. I would take a hard look at sporting goods and hunting/outdoor related businesses real close if I was law enforcement.
I turned a guy in for this exact illegal activity.

Mainly because he blew up at me for being a dumbass paying non-ressy fees when he just got an address in Wyoming and in New Mexico plus his home state back east.

He went on the hunting sites and really said a lot of untruths about me to discredit me after he found out I turned him in and that they were indeed investigating him.

They busted his azz bigtime.

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Once my daughter hit the magic mark when she moved to UT to go to school, I switched her residency status on her account in NM to non-resident to ensure there were no mishaps.

Just not worth it...
Back in 2018 on a muzzleloader deer hunt here in NV I bumped into a guy from UT helping his NV resident sister on “her” muley hunt. “They” were toting a custom set up muzzleloader. On maybe the 3rd day of the hunt, “she” killed a buck. You could clearly tell that she wasn’t the hunter, she had no binos, no gear… nothing! Even when I asked her direct questions, her brother would answer. It was just completely odd. I’m certain that he was applying in her name so it would be easier for him to obtain a NV tag.
Back in 2018 on a muzzleloader deer hunt here in NV I bumped into a guy from UT helping his NV resident sister on “her” muley hunt. “They” were toting a custom set up muzzleloader. On maybe the 3rd day of the hunt, “she” killed a buck. You could clearly tell that she wasn’t the hunter, she had no binos, no gear… nothing! Even when I asked her direct questions, her brother would answer. It was just completely odd. I’m certain that he was applying in her name so it would be easier for him to obtain a NV tag.
Maybe she does it because that is the only way she can spend quality time with her DB brother! ?
Years ago, I was hunting with some friends here in Utah. My friend was driving a vehicle with Idaho plates (it might of been me driving a vehicle with Idaho plates, my in-laws vehicle). I cannot remember for sure as it’s been about 30 years back. Regardless, a local game warden that I knew checked us.

All was legal and he told us they had a lot of problems with Utah State students falsely claiming residency (we were in Logan at the time).

I know years ago my friends brother did it and got caught. I do not believe it turned out well for him.

Why someone would be dumb enough to do this is beyond me. I have no sympathy for them.
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Back in 2018 on a muzzleloader deer hunt here in NV I bumped into a guy from UT helping his NV resident sister on “her” muley hunt. “They” were toting a custom set up muzzleloader. On maybe the 3rd day of the hunt, “she” killed a buck. You could clearly tell that she wasn’t the hunter, she had no binos, no gear… nothing! Even when I asked her direct questions, her brother would answer. It was just completely odd. I’m certain that he was applying in her name so it would be easier for him to obtain a NV tag.
Could just be that he was being a good brother and taking her hunting? Why would you be asking her "direct" questions? You F&G? LE?
My wife likes to hunt, has taken some great animals. She does help glass, but I am sure she would not meet your standards. Do you think women can't hunt? 2 nieces and a sister inlaw have killed some great animals. I am sure they would not reach your bar of a hunter.
How could you be certain?
I know someone who got busted. I know they lost their privileges for 5 years of hunting. I was always curious what the fee of this would be, anyone know?
It's not worth lying about residency. I lived next door to the game warden in Wyoming. He knew more about me than I did. Good guy. He was too nice. They ran him out of the agency.

"It's not stalking, it's research"...but only if you are a law enforcement officer. Having been a law enforcement officer, I can testify that most criminals are not very intelligent. I found license plates, wallets, and unemployment benefit paperwork at crime scenes. One guy came back to get his tools after a burglary.
Could just be that he was being a good brother and taking her hunting? Why would you be asking her "direct" questions? You F&G? LE?
My wife likes to hunt, has taken some great animals. She does help glass, but I am sure she would not meet your standards. Do you think women can't hunt? 2 nieces and a sister inlaw have killed some great animals. I am sure they would not reach your bar of a hunter.
How could you be certain?
Sounds like you might have a sister in Nevada. ??????
I Kinda Remember That Robb!

But I Can't Remember Who It Was?

I turned a guy in for this exact illegal activity.

Mainly because he blew up at me for being a dumbass paying non-ressy fees when he just got an address in Wyoming and in New Mexico plus his home state back east.

He went on the hunting sites and really said a lot of untruths about me to discredit me after he found out I turned him in and that they were indeed investigating him.

They busted his azz bigtime.

A guy who went to the college in my hometown got busted. He claimed both California and Idaho residency and killed a bear, a deer and a wolf up in Idaho. IDFG and CADFW had a joint case against him
The only state I could have tried this in was California so naturally I just let it go as it was just cheaper, and better in the state I’m in.
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You Guys remember Little2Feather?

This Was A Reply To nv!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-14 AT 09:11AM (MST)[p]So, you say you killed one deer in Utah? I thought it was 2?

So let me git it straight, you applied for hunts in Nevada as a resident even though you weren't living there and applied for hunts in Utah as a nonresident even though you were living there which was OK with Nevada regulations but not with Utah regulations.

So, it's like having one girlfriend that allows you to have "an open" relationship so you bang the gal next door and then move in with her just so you can go back and bang your open relationship chick but the gal next door gets pissed, wraps you up in the sheets and beats the hell out of you with a frying pan because even though it is OK with ms. open relationship it ain't OK with her? And you are mad at her brother for telling her that even though you were living with her you were still banging your ex without telling her about it - and HE's the cowart?

Yeah, there are some grey areas there for sure!!

Are you sure your MM name isn't BigFish??


"Pics or it didn't happen!"
I Doubt nv_hunter is Still With SLUGGER?

But I'm Not Sure!

If You're Out There nv_hunter & Want Me To Remove This I Will!

Not Tryin To Stirr It!
I know a guy who grew up in Utah but moved to PA. He was a competition archer with several sponsorships. 3 years after moving to PA he drew an Oak Creek Utah archery deer tag. He killed a nice buck and was later prosecuted for using his parents address for his residence. Lost his deer, all his sponsorships along with a hefty fine.

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