A new low

Bux n Dux

Active Member

When it comes to $FW and my standards/expectations of them, the bar is set pretty low. Not much surprises me any more with them, But even this had me pretty disappointed to see when I was looking at the expo hunts and auction prices. Is this really where we are with “hunting”? I would expect this kind of clown chit from some YouTuber looking for a new absurd way to get views doing “something never done before”, but a hunt thrown out by $FW? Come on. Anything to make money on I guess. I was not surprised to see the “guide” would be Mr. Snyder. 85k seems like a pretty expensive price to pay for a Broke Back mountain experience… even if a 500” bull elk is involved.

I don’t know, maybe it’s just me that sees anything wrong with it and thinks this is absolutely ridiculous. But these kinds of things being put up on YouTube and other social media platforms for the world to see, has me feeling pretty embarrassed to be a hunter.

Just because it hasn’t been done before, doesn’t always mean it should.
"Execution window is early October 2024" 😆

Not, "hunt dates early October 2024." When you're (tandem 🤫) skydiving with Navy Seals, this excursion is so badass, you're executing it.

What's next, Purple Hearts and Silver Stars for valor? Maybe they'll be awarded while you enjoy "world class food and outdoor entertainment... in the brand new, luxurious 14 bedroom Atlantis Lodge"

$85k 🤦

From What I Understand They Take Quite A Few Handicapped People To The Mountains For Several Types Of Activities!

Even Though It Isn't Your Type Of Thing Bux Nor Mine,If They Are Helping People With Special Needs,I Don't See A Big Issue With It!

I Won't Argue On The Money Part Being Involved!

But Lets Say Somebody Bought That Hunt For Somebody With Special Needs More Power To Them!

Alright,That Should Get Me In Enough Trouble For Today!

And Yes I Realize Everything In Today's World Is Related To $$$ & GREED!
Had to read the description… such a hard hunt, there will be long range shooting and skeet shooting, and fishing, and “field craft” and world class food?! Wow didn’t know anyone else hunted just like me…

Are our collective attentions so short that I dunno you can’t just go focus on hunting elk?
Stick Around Boys!

It'll Get Worse!

I Can't Wait To See What Kind Of A Mood Niller Is In When AI Gets In To Hunting,Fishing & Wildlife!

You Know It's Coming!
I'm already in a piss poor mood from all the people working to take away hunting from everyone else. The machines couldn't be much worse that what you anti-hunting people are already doing
There was a guy back in the day on the AOD forums that sky dived in for some hunts. Heres a link to to one of his stories:

Sadly he died on one of the hunts when his parachute didn't open.

Ok i made that last part up.
There was a guy back in the day on the AOD forums that sky dived in for some hunts. Heres a link to to one of his stories:

Sadly he died on one of the hunts when his parachute didn't open.LOL
Glad You're Joking On That Last Part!

Ok i made that last part up.

We Know you're In A PISS POOR Mood!

We Know How To Get Under Your Skin Already!

I Try & Warn You About Things Now & Then & You Try & Blame Me For It All!

It's Not Me Wanting To YANK Your F'N LL!

You Get That Part?

Or Not?

We Wouldn't Even Wanna Think About What Kind Of Mood You'd Be In If They Did YANK Your LL!

We Wouldn't Wanna See You Not Get Your Annual PISSCUTTER Tag!

That'd Be A Mood Yet To Be Seen!


PLEASE Send Niller His Tag!

I'm already in a piss poor mood from all the people working to take away hunting from everyone else. The machines couldn't be much worse that what you anti-hunting people are already doing
I’m guessing it’s both. Now, I don’t have any personal knowledge about this place, but that is how it reads to me.

Someone please correct me if I’m wrong. Maybe it’s just a large tract of private property and they get landowner tags. But it reads to me very much like a farmed elk operation.
Truly a special place to make some special memories. PeayDays really out punted his coverage with this SOCOM Wapiti kill. Atlantis is only the Forward operating base on this mission. If only Gritty Bowmen, Brian Call could tag along for content and get his Halloween Gi Joe suit on. Hopefully who ever bought it adds a quick 20 minute bear hunt with WLH crew. Best of luck in the draws.

I’m guessing it’s both. Now, I don’t have any personal knowledge about this place, but that is how it reads to me.

Someone please correct me if I’m wrong. Maybe it’s just a large tract of private property and they get landowner tags. But it reads to me very much like a farmed elk operation.
It's not high fence, nor an elk farm. It is in an area that is predominantly private property, and he is not even close to the largest land owner. He does have a beautiful spot though and has put in some unbelievable lodges, elevated enclosed stands, and a ton of habitat work. They are able to get tags because it is on an OTC unit. The owner does quite a few good things for vets, a couple of them that I know personally. I personally would never want to go on this, and I don't believe this is a good representation of hunting or where it is headed in regards to the money game. That is just my opinion, to each their own. If I were to venture a guess on the outcome of the hunt, I'd wager that the tag holder will kill a 6 point bull that is above average for OTC.

Overall though, I believe the owner has done good things, even though I don't love the optics of this hunt style or the publicity he is bringing to an area with very limited public land that is extremely crowded.
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I stand corrected on the elk farm statement!

However, my position of "who cares" still remains in full force. This definitely is not my cup of tea, but I won't spend any time being concerned about someone else that wants to.
An elk farm is a 5-10 minute Heli ride from where the accommodations take place, so it’s very well with in the realm of possibilities. A hunt like this will take place in a closed environment. Should be a real grinder of a hunt/operation.
An elk farm is a 5-10 minute Heli ride from where the accommodations take place, so it’s very well with in the realm of possibilities. A hunt like this will take place in a closed environment.

This is how I read the description of the hunt. That it would not necessarily be on the property where the lodges are at. You will be sky diving with SEALs while your family is back at the lodge doing long range shooting and other stuff with SEALs. Someone that seems to know suggested it would not be high fenced, but I'm still not sure how it will all shake out.

But again, I don't care either way. If someone wants to drop 80 grand to go do this, more power to them! What do you think the large money donors paid to have Tim Ballard take them along on Operation Underground Railroad "missions?" What are the odds the person that bought this went on one of those "missions" to save God's children?

Wealthy people do crazy things with their money sometimes. Whatever. I just don't care about any of that. Not for me, but I also don't have 80K to throw away and not even realize it is gone. If I did, I'd probably do a lot of stuff I think is silly now.
I Wonder How Long It'll Before Somebody Is BRAGGING:

You See That?

I Shot That Big SUM-***** As I Was Descending To The Ground!
Who gives a FF where the hunt takes place. the whole thing sounds like something from a Family guy cutaway.

What's wrong donating a dignified hunt with a competent guide . no butt pirate skydiving action and seal team 6 Osama Bin Elk mission fantasy is needed for normal people. .
I stand corrected on the elk farm statement!

However, my position of "who cares" still remains in full force. This definitely is not my cup of tea, but I won't spend any time being concerned about someone else that wants to.
A game warden would probably care if they are flying and hunting the same day🤷🏼‍♂️ only way this would be legal is if they are hunting behind a high fence or they skydive, wait 24 hours and then hunt
The owner of Range Creek Ranch has spent an incredible amount of money and time for some very fine enhancements to big game habitat on his property in hopes of helping disabled Vets have a great hunting experience.
The things he has done will blow your mind and the Vets that are recipients of his invitations deserve it.
My hat is off to him for ‘giving back’ to our Wounded Warriors.
My wife and I also run a little Disabled Hunter program and our very best efforts pale in comparison to his.
Had to read the description… such a hard hunt, there will be long range shooting and skeet shooting, and fishing, and “field craft” and world class food?! Wow didn’t know anyone else hunted just like me…

Are our collective attentions so short that I dunno you can’t just go focus on hunting elk?

Are you implying a 5 star chef can't skydive?
The owner of Range Creek Ranch has spent an incredible amount of money and time for some very fine enhancements to big game habitat on his property in hopes of helping disabled Vets have a great hunting experience.
The things he has done will blow your mind and the Vets that are recipients of his invitations deserve it.
My hat is off to him for ‘giving back’ to our Wounded Warriors.
My wife and I also run a little Disabled Hunter program and our very best efforts pale in comparison to his.

Who owns range creek?
There Was Flying Going On In 23 And It Wasn't High Fence Type A Deals!

A game warden would probably care if they are flying and hunting the same day🤷🏼‍♂️ only way this would be legal is if they are hunting behind a high fence or they skydive, wait 24 hours and then hunt
The owner of Range Creek Ranch has spent an incredible amount of money and time for some very fine enhancements to big game habitat on his property in hopes of helping disabled Vets have a great hunting experience.
The things he has done will blow your mind and the Vets that are recipients of his invitations deserve it.
My hat is off to him for ‘giving back’ to our Wounded Warriors.
My wife and I also run a little Disabled Hunter program and our very best efforts pale in comparison to his.
You get more credit for you efforts though, in my opinion. Because in all your posts, this is the first time I’ve ever heard you talk about doing something like that. Which speaks volumes for you and your reasons for doing it. You don’t do it for attention, fame, glory or anything like that. Seems like these days anyone who does that kind of service, can’t brag about it enough to anyone that will listen.

Youd probably never think about selling an aerial attack elk hunt either. And then try to compare it to a “real world mission”.

Thank you for your efforts on giving back to those who are deserving.
Speaking of “simulating a real world mission”, are they going to shoot this elk with a 38lb .50 BMG? Or maybe a full auto suppressed 300 BLK? 🤔 I think mag dumping the full auto AR at a bull would be a lot more fun than shooting one at a mile with a .50.
You get more credit for you efforts though, in my opinion. Because in all your posts, this is the first time I’ve ever heard you talk about doing something like that. Which speaks volumes for you and your reasons for doing it. You don’t do it for attention, fame, glory or anything like that. Seems like these days anyone who does that kind of service, can’t brag about it enough to anyone that will listen.

Youd probably never think about selling an aerial attack elk hunt either. And then try to compare it to a “real world mission”.

Thank you for your efforts on giving back to those who are deserving.
Thank you for the kind words.
Each hunt usually ends up with my wife and I holding back tears with the hunter as we gut their Deer together.
Thanks to an extremely generous landowner, we are usually able to get the hunter in their wheelchair to the kill site to help hold legs, knife, etc.
The grand finale is watching them notch their tag and attach to the animal.
Most say ‘Thank you, today I feel like a regular hunter’.
My grandpa worked for the coal mine years ago and helped build the road to the top of Range Creek. I grew up hunting there. Many many memories. Not what it used to be. Too much private and BS to deal with. I do know Mike and can honestly say he is great guy and his Ranch is amazing. I shot my first Bear close to his place and my son got his first archery buck close too. One of the most amazing places I will ever be. Wish I could go back in time 30 years!

When I Was Over There Last Fall There Was A Big Ole Flag Pole Flying Proudly A Big Ole American Flag!

Is This Theirs?
I Was Looking At This & Thinking We Could Get A Bunch Of MM'ERS To Go In Together & Maybe Stay A Couple Of Nights?

Sleeps 18 Guests!

2500.00 Per Night Which Didn't Sound Too Bad!

2 Night Minimum!

Then I Seen The 2500.00 Was PER PERSON!

We Gonna Need Niller To Go With Us To Help Us Poor-Boys With Funding!

That'd Be 90,000.00 For 2 Nights for 18 of us!

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