Best Western Big Game State To Retire In???


Active Member
Hello Monster Muley's.
I have two to three years until retirement. I'll have just turned 60 at that point and hopefully still have some good years of hunting ahead of me. I can't count on the point system to do the amount of hunting I want. Especially in the retirement years of my life and don't have big money to go all over with outfitters. So here is my question.
If you were to pick one state in the West to retire in and have the best opportunity "not trophy" to hunt elk, deer and antelope DIY. Which state would it be and why. I'm assuming the top four would be Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado not necessarily in that order.
Where and why would you pick the state you'd settle in for your last hunting days??
Wyoming. General deer and elk tags. Weather is a little better than MT. Good political climate. Idaho would be a close second but having a growing population center like Boise is gonna change things there in the near future. The low population of WY will keep it like it is for the near future anyhow.
How many points do you have in various states?

If you have very high points for all species, NV, CO and even Utah could make sense.

Even 10-ish points, and AZ is a formidable choice. All kinds of people retire to AZ even without the lure of hunting. Wyoming, not so many.
I won't say a state's name, but if you can get general season deer, elk, antelope, and a chance at other species every year, you probably ought to look there. Also, look at whether or not your retirement dollars will be taxed, that should be at least under consideration. I'm guessing there are very few states that fit this bill. And as someone mentioned above, you should consider that one day, maybe 10 or 15 years from now, you might want to move to warmer pastures, so resale might play in as well... ;):)
There is really only one state that would should be thinking about when it comes to big game. Probably not even close but you better be able to stand the weather.
Now if upland and fishing is also high on the list you might be able to add another one or two states into the mix.
I really dont believe its close. I know my plan if things stay the same over the next 10 years. I will put a good 15 years there and travel to other areas for fishing and avoiding as much of the weather as possible.
There is really only one state that would should be thinking about when it comes to big game. Probably not even close but you better be able to stand the weather.
Now if upland and fishing is also high on the list you might be able to add another one or two states into the mix.
I really dont believe its close. I know my plan if things stay the same over the next 10 years. I will put a good 15 years there and travel to other areas for fishing and avoiding as much of the weather as possible.
California? ;)
I won't say a state's name, but if you can get general season deer, elk, antelope, and a chance at other species every year, you probably ought to look there. Also, look at whether or not your retirement dollars will be taxed, that should be at least under consideration. I'm guessing there are very few states that fit this bill. And as someone mentioned above, you should consider that one day, maybe 10 or 15 years from now, you might want to move to warmer pastures, so resale might play in as well... ;):)

Wyoming doesn't have general season antelope so that rules us out.
If the only consideration is hunting then Wyoming would be my choice. But hunting season is to short and my wife and I can only eat so much game meat. I faced the same decision 2 years ago and moved to AZ. I live in a smaller town outside of Phoenix. I golf every week and I usually wear shorts year round. Premium Elk tags can be hard to come by but we can hunt deer every year. Cow tags and late elk hunts can be had fairly often. When the fall rolls around I usually hunt 1 or 2 out of state hunts. The rest of the year I am faced with endless entertainment options. This week is Nascar, plenty of baseball this time of year, were going to a country music festival in two weeks, we just never run out of things to do.

Laramie is real nice. Rumor has it if you give him some sitka the mayor of Laramie will take you hunting.

The low tax thing would be nice too
Wyoming for me
Wyoming is a great pick overall- The towns of
Arizona with out even thinking.!
I’ve lived in both Arizona (Flagstaff) & Wyoming ( just outside Cheyenne), I’d go again for Cheyenne, lots easier to get big game tags, you can grow old & die in Az waiting or trying to get tags for any species ! No kidding ! Land & homes still cheaper than Flagstaff & way less taxes too in Wyoming. Windy & colder, but worth it, great fishing there in lakes & streams. Really loved living in each area & enjoyed both- but we came from a hot humid
🥵 Texas hell hole called Houston !!!
Jerry Gold- in Windsor, Colorado 🍀🍀🍀
Wyoming. General deer and elk tags. Weather is a little better than MT. Good political climate. Idaho would be a close second but having a growing population center like Boise is gonna change things there in the near future. The low population of WY will keep it like it is for the near future anyhow.
I'm going to keep track that one for WY
I'm going to keep track that one for WY
How many points do you have in various states?

If you have very high points for all species, NV, CO and even Utah could make sense.

Even 10-ish points, and AZ is a formidable choice. All kinds of people retire to AZ even without the lure of hunting. Wyoming, not so many.
I have quite a few depending on the species but once you burn them you burn them. So I have to burn my 24 points for Oregon Deer and 24 points Oregon antelope and 7 Oregon elk before I move. But regardless where I go I'm only a resident in one place so the others no different than where I am now.
Thank you fellow hunters. I thought this would be a fun questions to ask and a lot of you gave fun answers that I enjoyed. In all seriousness it looks like Wyoming is hands down the winner if your just taking into account Hunting. You brought up a lot of great points to consider for several states however. Thanks and happy hunting.
if you're not looking for trophy hunting no state has a better diversity of big game than Oregon has, and you can hunt deer and elk every year. blacktail, whitetail, mule deer, Roosevelt and Rocky mountain elk. and of course, sheep, pronghorn and whatever you can draw. I would say we're full but the Californians pushed us over that level years ago so who cares.

I wouldn't move here for the hunting, and I wouldn't move away because of it either. Alaska would be the only state I would consider based on hunting alone, that's a whole different world . I don't give a FF if I can shoot a slightly bigger dink in one state vs another every year.
i can't think of a worse state than Alaska to move to for big game hunting in your 60's and 70's. thats a young man's game there. if that's what you want go when your young and retire in the lower 48. looks like @SS! figured that out. also can't argue with @BuzzH ,what a day!
if you're not looking for trophy hunting no state has a better diversity of big game than Oregon has, and you can hunt deer and elk every year. blacktail, whitetail, mule deer, Roosevelt and Rocky mountain elk. and of course, sheep, pronghorn and whatever you can draw. I would say we're full but the Californians pushed us over that level years ago so who cares.

I wouldn't move here for the hunting, and I wouldn't move away because of it either. Alaska would be the only state I would consider based on hunting alone, that's a whole different world . I don't give a FF if I can shoot a slightly bigger dink in one state vs another every year.
New Mexico has elk, mule deer, whitetail deer, coues deer, antelope, bighorn sheep, ibex, oryx, Barbary sheep, wild pigs, mt lions, javelinas, black bears and I’m sure I’m missing a few.

So….**** Oregon 😂
From a pure hunting standpoint, I like New Mexico - chance to draw a great tag and use your third choice for a good hunt. Lots of terrain diversity, option to buy landowner tags, warm weather, etc.

There are no doubt drawbacks to New Mexico. For me it would be about finding the right town to live in - likely as far north as possible. I like the Raton area myself.

From a tax-hunt perspective Wyoming would be hard to beat.

Iowa's tax situation just keeps getting better, our hunting is almost unlimited, we had two weeks of winter this year, cost of living is low, lots of great mid-sized cities to live in, some really nice lake communities (expensive), and enough public land to hunt regularly.
From a pure hunting standpoint, I like New Mexico - chance to draw a great tag and use your third choice for a good hunt. Lots of terrain diversity, option to buy landowner tags, warm weather, etc.

There are no doubt drawbacks to New Mexico. For me it would be about finding the right town to live in - likely as far north as possible. I like the Raton area myself.

From a tax-hunt perspective Wyoming would be hard to beat.

Iowa's tax situation just keeps getting better, our hunting is almost unlimited, we had two weeks of winter this year, cost of living is low, lots of great mid-sized cities to live in, some really nice lake communities (expensive), and enough public land to hunt regularly.

Folks in Raton can be rough. Aztec wouldn’t be bad IMO.
After seeing this for a few days, and not really having a strong opinion about which State……. I decided to go ahead and throw out a thought. Wouldn’t Alaska be a great place to hunt for a few years? Many different species, from the lower 48, tags available, fishing great, ocean close by, for migratory birds, crustaceans, shell fish, and on and on. Yes, expensive to fly everywhere but…….. I didn’t notice it was mentioned as a limitation.
We were planning on moving to Cody WY.....we even bought a house there to rent before retiring. I had hunted there a few times and enjoyed the summer weather as well. But after thinking about it for a couple years, I really don't think my Italian blooded wife could stand the long winter and that WIND! So NE Arizona is where we ended up. Show Low area. It doesn't have the crazy heat or traffic that Phoenix area has and housing didn't kill us. If I was ever rich enough to have a summer and winter house, WY would be the summer spot.
New Mexico has elk, mule deer, whitetail deer, coues deer, antelope, bighorn sheep, ibex, oryx, Barbary sheep, wild pigs, mt lions, javelinas, black bears and I’m sure I’m missing a few.

So….**** Oregon 😂

Who gives a FF about pigs or exotics. you don't think all western states have bear and lion? Oregon's elk herd is only second to Colorado and tied with MT. some of the biggest Rocky and California sheep in the world .

OR treats the NR like crap and for that I apologize, but residents don't have it bad and that's what the OP is asking. By all means move somewhere else but your logic is stupid.
You beat me to it. 🤣🤣🤣
Great weather
Good hunting if you know where to look
Close to the ocean & fishing
Close to mountains for skiing and winter
From here you can easily travel wherever
you want
And best of all, there are tons of stupid
Liberals to piss off and argue with.
Have you not read about all the weather disasters Calif gets almost every other day ?
I could not be paid to move to Calif !!!
Jerry Gold in Windsor, Colorado 🍀🍀🍀🍀
Thank you fellow hunters. I thought this would be a fun questions to ask and a lot of you gave fun answers that I enjoyed. In all seriousness it looks like Wyoming is hands down the winner if your just taking into account Hunting. You brought up a lot of great points to consider for several states however. Thanks and happy hunting.
We were planning on moving to Cody WY.....we even bought a house there to rent before retiring. I had hunted there a few times and enjoyed the summer weather as well. But after thinking about it for a couple years, I really don't think my Italian blooded wife could stand the long winter and that WIND! So NE Arizona is where we ended up. Show Low area. It doesn't have the crazy heat or traffic that Phoenix area has and housing didn't kill us. If I was ever rich enough to have a summer and winter house, WY would be the summer spot.
After seeing this for a few days, and not really having a strong opinion about which State……. I decided to go ahead and throw out a thought. Wouldn’t Alaska be a great place to hunt for a few years? Many different species, from the lower 48, tags available, fishing great, ocean close by, for migratory birds, crustaceans, shell fish, and on and on. Yes, expensive to fly everywhere but…….. I didn’t notice it was mentioned as a limitation.
Can you handle 6 months of Darkness & 6 months of sun & a bizillion mosquitoes & black knats that bite & black flies too & other flying critters?! I’ve been there fishing too- damn critters are vicious & hungry & never ending too !
Great fishing though !! Homer was THE most beautiful place I’ve ever seen anywhere on this planet 🌎! Period ! Eating fish there- Halibut- cheap & to die for daily- salmon 🍣 too !
Jerry Gold- Windsor, Colorado 🍀🍀🍀
We were planning on moving to Cody WY.....we even bought a house there to rent before retiring. I had hunted there a few times and enjoyed the summer weather as well. But after thinking about it for a couple years, I really don't think my Italian blooded wife could stand the long winter and that WIND! So NE Arizona is where we ended up. Show Low area. It doesn't have the crazy heat or traffic that Phoenix area has and housing didn't kill us. If I was ever rich enough to have a summer and winter house, WY would be the summer spot.

I hate cody. Tourist season is horrible. Place is nuts
If WY herds hadn’t been crushed last winter I’d consider moving, but I have lots of opportunity here in ID. I just need yo convince people to stop moving here. Crazy how many people can afford $750k -$2M.
Arizona. It’s growing fast though. I’m an AZ native and I love it. I also like New Mexico. Probably because it looks like Arizona and I’ve been going there my whole life. The thing with moving to Arizona is that you almost need to be from Minnesota or North Dakota or somewhere in Canada. Most transplants you meet are from those places. I know you will have good Mexican food if you pick a place in the southwest.

If I was retiring, I would try hard to be a snowbird in Wyoming and also have another place in Arizona or wherever. The climate will be a big part of the decision. I like to hunt, but I think I would try my damdest to hunt from September to the middle or late October and then go somewhere mild. The late November or December hunts are nice in the desert.

The cool thing about where I live in Arizona is that I can hunt places in western New Mexico as a non resident at only 90 miles away so it’s not too bad.
Who gives a FF about pigs or exotics. you don't think all western states have bear and lion? Oregon's elk herd is only second to Colorado and tied with MT. some of the biggest Rocky and California sheep in the world .

OR treats the NR like crap and for that I apologize, but residents don't have it bad and that's what the OP is asking. By all means move somewhere else but your logic is stupid.
meh. Oregon is mid at best for elk. You have one elk unit to blow a load over. Oregon is ***** ass state with ***** ass residents. Not even top 5. If Joe Biden was a state he would be Oregon.
meh. Oregon is mid at best for elk. You have one elk unit to blow a load over. Oregon is ***** ass state with ***** ass residents. Not even top 5. If Joe Biden was a state he would be Oregon.
What a shame, they have and are screwing up all the beautiful places.
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Can you handle 6 months of Darkness & 6 months of sun & a bizillion mosquitoes & black knats that bite & black flies too & other flying critters?! I’ve been there fishing too- damn critters are vicious & hungry & never ending too !
Great fishing though !! Homer was THE most beautiful place I’ve ever seen anywhere on this planet 🌎! Period ! Eating fish there- Halibut- cheap & to die for daily- salmon 🍣 too !
Jerry Gold- Windsor, Colorado 🍀🍀🍀
As a retiree, I could deal with the weather and the sun light. You are dead on about the bugs. The bugs would be my Achilles heel, and they are an issue to deal with. Hunting the NWT…….. I had no problem with wind, rain, griz, muskeg and granite rocks but those freaking bugs about drove me nuts, when it was warm and calm.

SS! tell is how you cohabitate with the bugs???
I Found Sportsman's Warehouse In Wasilla For Some Head Nets!


The Bitin Bastards About Midnight On The River Are A Joke!
SS! tell is how you cohabitate with the bugs???
I’ll use a head net at times but I refuse to use bug spray. Just live with it. I don’t mind them. I’ve seen clouds of skeeters before and just let them eat. Better than spraying chemicals on yourself.
I moved to hunt, fish, and live the mountains experience. Can't say if I'll fully retire here on Colorado let alone a mountainous state. There are other states that offer simpler opportunities with a bit more style to my liking. I'm good with whitetail, mallards, pheasant, turkey, quail, let alone better fishing, with a trip west once a year.
I’m kinda with tailchasers , not sure the wife would agree to it. And almost think you are late to the party sorry to say. They have the draws and point system all screwed up here - but if yer retired you can go spend plenty of time driving hiking and finding places to go OTC / DIY for elk and deer.
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I moved to hunt, fish, and live the mountains experience. Can't say if I'll fully retire here on Colorado let alone a mountainous state. There are other states that offer simpler opportunities with a bit more style to my liking. I'm good with whitetail, mallards, pheasant, turkey, quail, let alone better fishing, with a trip west once a year.
Depending on the outcome of this current fight in Colorado. It is questionable if Colorado will even have hunting in 10 years...maybe less.
Who gives a FF about pigs or exotics. you don't think all western states have bear and lion? Oregon's elk herd is only second to Colorado and tied with MT. some of the biggest Rocky and California sheep in the world .

OR treats the NR like crap and for that I apologize, but residents don't have it bad and that's what the OP is asking. By all means move somewhere else but your logic is stupid.

Lol what an insufferable pr1ck you are
Yes I agree he seems to be a pr1ck!!
I’ll use a head net at times but I refuse to use bug spray. Just live with it. I don’t mind them. I’ve seen clouds of skeeters before and just let them eat. Better than spraying chemicals on yourself.
There is truth in that. Your body actually builds an immunity to the bites as the season goes on. And if you're very active and you're sweating you'll sweat the itchy stuff out and not even notice them.

If I was rich, I'd live in Alaska from about May to October and California from October to May.

On the outside chance that someone moves to California please bring a U-Haul trailer with you. We're out.
We were planning on moving to Cody WY.....we even bought a house there to rent before retiring. I had hunted there a few times and enjoyed the summer weather as well. But after thinking about it for a couple years, I really don't think my Italian blooded wife could stand the long winter and that WIND! So NE Arizona is where we ended up. Show Low area. It doesn't have the crazy heat or traffic that Phoenix area has and housing didn't kill us. If I was ever rich enough to have a summer and winter house, WY would be the summer spot.
Show Low has some great Antelope hunting around the area. Especially around Saint Johns, hard to get a permit but if you do it is one of the better areas for big goats
I agree that Farmington NM is a sleeper of sorts. I spent some time there when I hunted 2C and it was nice. I am staying in Iowa but hope to visit Alaska and a western state or two annually.

I can hunt deer October 1 to January 10, pheasants late October to January 10, turkeys April and May, and pay no state income taxes when I retire. Cost of living is low, crime is low, good health care, and collectively my recreational hunting land earns about 5% plus annual appreciation.

I can drive one hour to watch great sporting events like ISU toying with BYU last night in Ames. BYU is solid and will be fun to watch in the tournament.
There is truth in that. Your body actually builds an immunity to the bites as the season goes on. And if you're very active and you're sweating you'll sweat the itchy stuff out and not even notice them.

If I was rich, I'd live in Alaska from about May to October and California from October to May.

On the outside chance that someone moves to California please bring a U-Haul trailer with you. We're out.
I love the winter more than the summer. I would love to be here from nov- may. Summers are too busy up here. Go someplace quiet like WY etc
Given the political climate in Colorado, I can't imagine even thinking of retiring there to hunt.
I 100% agree with marburg that there may not be any hunting seasons left in CO in another decade. Their sweet Governor and legislature will soon dictate that wolves and mountain lions will be the only hunting predators allowed, including humans!
I moved to hunt, fish, and live the mountains experience. Can't say if I'll fully retire here on Colorado let alone a mountainous state. There are other states that offer simpler opportunities with a bit more style to my liking. I'm good with whitetail, mallards, pheasant, turkey, quail, let alone better fishing, with a trip west once a year.
Where are you getting whitetail, mallards, pheasant, turkey and quail on public land anywhere close to what you can find in the west??
I grew up in Wyo. The only thing I hated was the WIND! I've also spent a great deal of time in Alaska. The only problem with Alaska is there are only around 3 months of total heaven.....July, August, and September. The remaining 9 months are pretty much hell! Salmon fishing is totally awesome. It's tough fishing here in Colo after being spoiled in Alaska. I will definitely be spending quality time in Alaska in my golden years!

I now live in Colo where the weather is incredible 10 months of the year. I spend a great deal of time outside and the only 2 months I don't like is the July and August. My main objection with Colo is there are so many people and it takes some traveling to get to decent fishing and away from crowds.

One other consideration is the housing prices. Colorado real estate prices are insane. I can buy a mansion on property in other surrounding states for the price of homes in my area.
I grew up in Colorado and have lived in Western Colorado for the last 35 years. I‘ve always hunted where I want to and now being retired it hasn’t changed. For me it’s a lot more than hunting opportunities, resort and backcountry skiing, mountain biking, and summer mountain activities are equally important. Front Range Colorado would suck though. Work to keep to keep your body and brain in shape and do what you want and do it where you want.
At the Lihue airpor leaving Kaua’i right now. If there were elk here I would never leave.
Fun vacation. Had to make the wife happy after being gone 6 week straight last year hunting plus a couple other weeks hunting mixed in. 😎😎
Great vacation, but me and humidity don’t mix well for long periods. Can’t imagine what summers in Kauai would be like humidity wise.
Hello Monster Muley's.
I have two to three years until retirement. I'll have just turned 60 at that point and hopefully still have some good years of hunting ahead of me. I can't count on the point system to do the amount of hunting I want. Especially in the retirement years of my life and don't have big money to go all over with outfitters. So here is my question.
If you were to pick one state in the West to retire in and have the best opportunity "not trophy" to hunt elk, deer and antelope DIY. Which state would it be and why. I'm assuming the top four would be Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado not necessarily in that order.
Where and why would you pick the state you'd settle in for your last hunting days??
I wouldn't consider Wyoming unless you like 8 months of winter.
Wow I was going to say my first love state NM! But there’s been some really great arguments made for other States that I know nothing about. Great job guys!
People are right. I love Wyoming. I'll die here. But the wind absolutely sucks (and blows). From Nov to April or May where I live. Highways closed, roads drifted, semis blown over, access limited to many places due to drifts unless you are tracked up or snow machine. Wind and weather keep me indoors and home a lot more than I want. But it's still a great place and you can get away from people. But what I see of folks that come here from more populated areas is that they still tend to go places where other people congregate.

I do know if I was 19 again, I would try to go to Alberta. It has some crappy game management like other places. But you can shoot a mule deer, whitetail, moose and bear or two every year. Some open bighorn areas, too. And an elk or antelope when you draw. Plus world class waterfowl and fishing. The times I have been there, the people were really nice.

Then winter in Arizona or somewhere warm if you can; Lots of Alberta folks winter in AZ.

I also have a friend that owns land in Belize. He loves that place. Great fishing and scuba diving. And English speaking.

I guess my point is you don't need to limit yourself. Your only limits are time and money.

I also know my wife won't get far from her daughters and grandkids. So we're in Wyoming year round and I still like it. Don't forget your family just to go somewhere you can hunt more. Family is legacy stuff.

Best of luck in your quest.
I guess I better chime in here as the person who is the original poster of this question. So many great responses and a few not so much. It's funny we all feel the same about outsiders coming to our states. We're full!! I don't blame you having lived in Oregon my whole life, we feel the same. However, the politics and having to draw for archery elk tags on the eastside of the state now and don't even think about hunting mule deer every year. I know the times of just picking up deer and elk tags are gone for most of us but there are a few states left where you can do this but Oregon isn't one of them unless you like Roosevelts, blacktails and litteraly a hunter behind every tree. I'm looking at Montana with an outside chance of Wyoming. Don't worry I'll blend in, you won't even know I'm there:)
Montana will soon be a draw only for everyone, the deer hunting is in shambles and the out of staters are out of control! More power to ya, you can come be miserable with the rest of us on the ridiculously overcrowded public lands it’s a lot of fun let me tell you what
I was pretty intrigued by the mention of Alberta.

My guess is that there is amazing spots to live from the west to the east coast of Canada. I know that Saskatchewan has more mule deer B&C listings than just about anywhere in the world. They also have world class whitetails. There is amazing salmon and steelhead fishing in British Columbia. There also is a wide range of both waterfowl, fishing, and big game hunting across all borders. I can't imagine what it would be like to live in the Yukon and hunt stone or dall sheep on an annual basis. My guess is that NWT and the Yukon are similar to what Alaska was like around 50 to 75 years ago!

If I had to deal with months of poor weather I think I would likely consider somewhere in Canada. My guess is that it would be fairly easy to get away from the crowds with even fewer hunters than possibly even Alaska?
I was pretty intrigued by the mention of Alberta.

My guess is that there is amazing spots to live from the west to the east coast of Canada. I know that Saskatchewan has more mule deer B&C listings than just about anywhere in the world. They also have world class whitetails. There is amazing salmon and steelhead fishing in British Columbia. There also is a wide range of both waterfowl, fishing, and big game hunting across all borders. I can't imagine what it would be like to live in the Yukon and hunt stone or dall sheep on an annual basis. My guess is that NWT and the Yukon are similar to what Alaska was like around 50 to 75 years ago!

If I had to deal with months of poor weather I think I would likely consider somewhere in Canada. My guess is that it would be fairly easy to get away from the crowds with even fewer hunters than possibly even Alaska?
Canada has excellent hunting and fishing however if you are going to hunt as a resident of one Province, you have the same kinds of restrictions as we do in the U.S. if you want to hunt in a different Province or Territory. Also, you need some kind of visa if you’re going to declare residency up there. They are pretty generous with their immigration laws but it’s not as simple as loading up your belonging, and renting place north of the border. If that makes sense.
Good points 2lumpy!

I think if I was just starting out as a young hunter and fisherman there are a few spots in Canada that would be on my list of places to spend a great life in the outdoors. The West as we knew it as kids growing up seems to be slowly but surely disappearing.

There are select spots across the country that are still pretty nice and somewhat unspoiled to live as residents but I can't imagine what it's going to be like 50 years from today!
Good points 2lumpy!

I think if I was just starting out as a young hunter and fisherman there are a few spots in Canada that would be on my list of places to spend a great life in the outdoors. The West as we knew it as kids growing up seems to be slowly but surely disappearing.

There are select spots across the country that are still pretty nice and somewhat unspoiled to live as residents but I can't imagine what it's going to be like 50 years from today!
That is all very very accurate Jim. It’s why I’ve said, if you’re young now and plan on a life time of good hunting, you best get yourself set up to hunt private property. Not that that is what I want or hope for……. it’s just the reality the next generation is facing. My own kids are having to do more and more of that already, unfortunately.
You all would be shocked at the animals Oregon has. Hunting public land sucks except for antelope, sheep and goats. Private land in Oregon has some giants in certain places. Blacktails and Roosevelts are giant and available through private timber companies. Oregon has 4 deer species and 2 elk species. I’m not saying move here because the politics suck, but there are some good hunting opportunities for residents and non residents who do their research.
meh. Oregon is mid at best for elk. You have one elk unit to blow a load over. Oregon is ***** ass state with ***** ass residents. Not even top 5. If Joe Biden was a state he would be Oregon.
I am going to invoke the monster muley WY forum rule on you SS. If you don’t live in the state you can’t comment on what is good or not. Your elk unit assessment is way way off. Politics suck. But you are wrong wrong wrong. Just trying to fit in with the WY guys.

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