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    Score Contest #5

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    Extreme Bulls 5

    Hey Califelkslayer, dont miss the last hunts on Extreme 5. There are more misses and things gone wrong. Congrats on your "video/field judging." Thats a good way to keep up on judging size during the off-season.
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    AZ 4B

    4B can be a tough unit. Bulls tend to rut silently when the hunting pressure begings. Avoid the north part of the unit. Its had over-the-counter tags in it for the past 3 months, and it starts up again before and during the fall hunts. Good Luck.
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    Do bulls rub right before they shed

    Yes its true. Ive also found horns next to fresh rubs. Ive also seen where bulls will destroy stumps and ring big pine trees with thier horns just weeks before they shed. Ive got a bench that gets pounded by bulls that rub and ring every tree and stump on it. And they have done it year after...
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    Extreme Bulls 5

    Well said BUGLELK. Its a great elk video with "real" hunting footage. Not re-created crap to make everyone look like hunting heros. Its honesty at its best. And at least it shows impact shots unlike other videos out on the market. Id rather see a "not so perfect" shot than no impact shot at all.
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    screaming estrus call?

    DH is right. Steve Chappell has an estrus screaming cow call that he makes by using a mouth diaphram. I heard him talk about it in an elk seminar last year. There is also awesome footage of a cow making the estrus scream on the new Extreme Bulls 5 video. It has incredible audio so you can learn...
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    Extreme Bulls 5

    Just watched Extreme Bulls 5 and by far the best elk video this year. Incredible hunting footage and big bulls. 2 thumbs up.
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    Az tag return for Pts ?

    What unit did you draw in both NM and AZ? One may be better than the other. Maybe that will make it easier to decide which to hunt if your time is that limited.
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