12 Gauge tree trimmer


Very Active Member
You know your a redneck when you rather trim old branches out of your cottonwoods with a 12 Gauge rather than pay $500 for a tree trimming service.
Out of reach of even an extended ladder.
2-boxes of AA=$10.00

Did it today.LOL

I live in the country not near others so I do not recommend it for you city folks.
Too funny. While, turkey hunting last month, we came to a point in the trail where there was a bunch of down fall. We could get the horses up and around most of it, but had one tree about 5 feet high that took two turkey loads to break through.
Ya Fred, those branches were getting close to my power lines...Actually safer than on a ladder and a pole saw near the lines.
Worked like a charm even though the wife thought it was goofy. LOL
I was quail hunting one late November and ran across the perfect Christmas tree. It was about 4" diameter at the base. 4 or 5 shots later, it was mine!

OK, i'll tell my tree trimming story.

A good Friend and i were just about to call it a day after chasing valley quail around his families steep canyon ranch all day. We had busted into a covey and were out looking for singles when we realized that it was time to quit and start walking back to his parents place.

I noticed several groups of mistletoe up in one of the old oak trees that were fairly close by and being it was almost Christmas, thought i'd shoot down some with my 7 1/2 shot.

Boom! out dropped a dead quail! My pard saw the whole thing but neither of us could hardly believe what we had seen until we got over and actually picked up, what had to be, the most UN-lucky quail that ever lived. This happened to me!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Now that's funny. And a funny coincidence, I also shot down some mistletoe with a shotgun, but wasn't lucky enough to get a quail.

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