13 Utah LE elk points...what to do


Active Member
I actually have 12 points and my dad has 13. (Both of us are Utah residents)He is the one I am concerned about as this will likely be his best and last shot at a big bull. My dad is 60 years old and can get around quite well although he has had back surgery a few years ago. I am struggling with whether to pull the trigger on a top muzzy tag or hold him out for a rifle tag which could be several more years. It is just that he isnt getting any younger and with all the changes going on, I worry about quality going down over the next few years. Our expectations are not for a crazy huge bull but I personally would be very disappointed if I couldnt help him get a very nice bull. 350 class bull minimum. I hesitate even putting a score like that because if we were in screaming bulls everyday, and the experience was awesome, who cares about the score. It is just that I feel like I cant screw up on this one for him.
Another problem we have is that he dosent know any of the LE areas, only general hunt areas, and the only ones I know at all are Monroe and Beaver as I have tagged along with friends who have drawn these units. Both harvested 350 class bulls, both muzzy hunts. If we go muzzy, I am leaning toward: Beaver, Panquitch Lake, Boulder or Monroe. Am I missing any great areas for rifle tags at 13 points? Feel free to pm and sorry for the novel.
Well some other units that you might consider for anyweapon or muzzle loader would be Wasatch, Fillmore Pahvant, Mt. Dutton, San Juan, I think you are still a few points short for pahvant or dutton I think though by about 2-5 points that is. I just checked this sites draw odds and it says your in the ball park for a tag but I am sure its a little off though , I definetley hear what you are saying though about how age and health really doesn't get better for hunting, I know that there are bulls of the 350 Caliber and up on all of thee above units but the kind of hunting it could take to kill a 350 class or higher bull by really push the limits for you 60 year old Dad? I don't know maybe you could luck out!! A 350 bull is definetley a possible thing to acheive but I have to be straight up with you I think that sets the bar a little high for the situation given. You could draw Book cliff any weapon tags and get into alot of elk and harvest a 330plus maybe something even better but nothing is guaranteed though I mean hell its hunting. All this is just my "Honest Personal Opinion" though. Good luck to you and your ol man

Last year it seems the muzzy was the best rut hunt. Who knows about this year. Beaver would be a great hunt, Actually any of the units your looking at would be. That being said, in the few days of my wifes hunt, there was NO doubt I wished we had a rifle in her hands! I would be happy to help you out if he draws Wasatch rifle or muzzy. I don't know much about some of the southern units for elk other than they have great bulls.

Bottom line is Enjoy the hunt! Regardless of score! Pick a unit and take your Dad on the hunt of his life! Most guy's can't tell the difference between a 330 bull and a 350 bull on the hoof let alone on the wall! Something to consider would be to not apply together and both draw. Maybe sit out a year and give him the red carpet hunt! I regret to this day drawing my elk hunt on the Manti with my Dad. It was harder as an Archery hunt but still. I wish I could have given him my best help instead of trying to kill two bulls. Just a few things to think about! Good luck and let me know what you decide! We will find him a good bull whatever unit you choose!

Bingo, the wasatch is a tough hunt but if ya go look in the general forum, threads name is this years take, the first bull the one on the wall was killed by my grandfather scores just over 360. It's ENORMOUS! so it is possible. The bull on the skyline thats just got the skull plate is another thats right at the 360 mark and it was killed by a feller thats about the same age as your dad.

I cannot agree more with silentstalker on the same year draw thing. IT is SHEER misery trying to hunt two big bulls at the same time. Put him in and you buy the bonus point. Dedicate all of your time to his bull and help him make it the best that it can be. that way when you draw he can help you and you can focus on yourself!

Somethin i would strongly look at, is a good guide, this is vital if you are unfamiliar with the unit. Someone who knows his stuff is worth their weight in gold in that case, especially if your dad is gettin up in the years.

PM me or Slamdunk we can give ya a couple of pointers on what might be your best bet.

Wildlife population control specialist
LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-08 AT 02:11PM (MST)[p]On the 2 tags thing, that is exactly my plan. About 3 years ago I quit putting us in together for that very reason. The stress of 2 bulls would be crazy. Plus I would rather spread the fun out over multiple years as Utah is a OIL type hunt anymore. My other thought is to draw a tag myself, learn an area better this year with my tag and point my dad. Problem is only a few areas I would draw for sure. Panquitch Lake Muzz, and Dutton Muzz. Whereas my dad could draw most muzz tags but still a ways out on rifle for most units.
I am leaning toward one of the following scenarios: Beaver Muzz for my dad, or me drawing Panquitch Muzz and learning the unit, then my dad would get it with rifle in 3-4 years. Or moving my dad to Wasatch, Manti or Oquirrh rifle and getting it either this year or next. Alot to consider but I'm going to try not to overthink it either. Great advice and opinions guys. Thanks, keep it coming
I forgot to mention also that I really want the elk during the rut screaming as part of the experience, that is why I havent looked into the late hunts

I like your thoughts. If it were me, I would not consider the oquirrh or the Manti. Of the 3 go Wasatch for sure. My brother should pull the wasatch muzzy along with my friend this year. 350-360 is going to top end unless things go perfectly. There are bigger bulls on other units like Beaver. Tonight is no good for me, but if you want to talk this over, you know how to get a hold of me!!!

Silent you gotta quit killin my bulls!!! every year your laying a slaughter down ;-)

answered your PM bingo look forward to hearin from ya back.


Wildlife population control specialist

We are about done! 2 more next year hopefully and 1 more in a year or two after that! Course by then who knows??? I can start applying again after next season!!!

You guy's sure put the smack down on them for sure! You did real good again this year!
Why not Manti? Access is good, and there are lots of elk? Has something happened on the Manti that I don't know about? It's just that all I hear about is Beaver, Pavahnt, La Sal and stuff and I never hear about the Manti much these days...but whenever I see a picture of a Manti bull I always like what I see....
My advice is to keep putting in for the unit you want to draw. You have waited this long, another 4 or 5 years for you will be well worth the wait. As for your dad, his age should definately be a consideration in how long you wait. Good luck. You're getting really close to having one of those tags in your hands.

It's always an adventure!!!
Bingo is thinking. Unit, Weapon choice, knowledge of where they go with some pressure.

With the number of tags being given out now you have to put in the human factor of "hunting pressure", Even on the limited entry draws.

Bingo's dad may be hunting for the experience. Bingo however is younger and most hunters today want to smoke a monster bull!!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-08 AT 11:33PM (MST)[p]Talk to TurKrazy about this, it's exactly why he and his father took the callback tags on the Paunsaugunt this year-accessibility and good draw odds. He didn't care about score much, and we knew that this would probably be his dad's last hunt for big game, let alone a mature bull. We set a reasonable goal for his dad, and were able to achieve a better bull than expected.

I would sit down with dad and find out what he really wants-score or hunting with his son for a mature bull, then let that dictate what you do.

My dad would be happy with any ole' 6 by, while I looked several in the mouth and went home empty handed, but satisfied with the experience.

If I had 13 points, I'd have to have a heart to heart with dad and myself and find out what we really want. These tags really are pretty much OIL opportunities, unless one is a lucky SOB like Silentstalker and KTC.........jerks! LOL
I agree with Stubaby!

The Manti muzzy has a lot of potential. I had a uncle draw out there last year. We have video of some 380 plus class bulls on this unit. He had his chance but missed twice. Ended up taking a smaller bull around 350 class.

Good luck on with what ever you guys choose!!
ktc? Jerk? I haven't been called that in a while?

Oh, sorry, it was 6 days ago!

Watch a Beaver goat tag come in the mail this year! ha!

I am gonna say this and get beat over it again, but Bingo, I would get out of the Utah elk game sooner rather than later. I think it is headed south from here.

Where is the love? A guy can't turned a gift tag away can he??

KTC a jerk? I think not! I hope he gets his goat tag this year! It is nice to see people who have played the game for a long time start pulling tags!


When you decide, let me know and we will start scouting for him!

Sorry dude, but I won't be getting anything. My wife will get a Beaver goat tag though? 80-90% chance anyway? That is if she does not get a Henry deer tag.;-) I guess I will have to buy a Colorado voucher or get lucky in Nevada or Wyoming.

I thought all bow hunters thought I was a jerk? Not sure why? I don't make the rules, just play by them. Nah, you only called me a jerk a few years ago. Ha!


Good luck in your decision. It is a thrill to pull a Utah elk tag!
If it is for the Mrs., I really hope it comesw in the mail this year! That would be awesome! If she pulls a Henry's deer tag, then I might have to call you a jerk!!

Not all us bowhunters think your a jerk, we just think your strongly oppinionated!!! It couldn't be us that are opinnionated could it??

One thing I have learned is that if I am arguing with a "jerk" it is usually the one at MY keyboard!!! Most of my best friends started out as "jerks" till I realized they were just extremely passionate about the same things I am! So, If your a jerk, welcome to the club! Glad to have ya!!

Happy Holidays and good luck on that Goat tag for the Mrs!!!

I was sort of in your situation the last two years. I didn't stop putting in for the hunt though and actually drew the tag before my dad with less points. He was originally mad but soon realized I was going to learn a lot that could be applied to his hunt when he drew.

Last year he finally drew a ML tag down south. We had the time of our life, saw a ton of bulls and ate tag soup. In the end it wasn't my dad age and physical abilities that held him back. The guy actually surprised the heck out of me and hunted like crazy with a strained MCL wearing a knee brace for 6 of 8 days. In the end the thing that beat him was his vision and the ML. Had he had a rifle tag and used good optics we would have tagged out. We got him two shots at solid bulls and his vision made things rough.

I would look at your dads capabilities or limitations and pick the weapon that best increases his odds at killing a bull when he gets the chance.

?Here?s to the hero's that Git-R-Done!!?
I'll call ya a jerk! You don't call, you con't come down south, you don't go to Cabelas anymore. Hell, you won't even raz me on any posts. What's up brotha? I'm in on the Henry's hunt or the goat hunt!!!!

It's always an adventure!!!
Your all a bunch of jerks! If chad ktc and jim would stop pullin tags i MIGHT be able to draw one. i blame all of my unsuccesses on you three!! specially chad he could draw or get someone to draw without even putting in! ;-)

Wildlife population control specialist
Only a couple more Berry and then you can have yours!!! I plan on drawing again year after next!! J/K. It might take 2 or 3 years!!
Sorry AWLB. I have started my annual winter hibernation. If I go south buddy, I am not stopping until I hit Belize or Grand Cayman.

I cannot even go to the expo this year. I don't want to get beat up. Eeeek! ;-)

You are invited to hunt the Henry or Beaver if you like? You can go with me anytime.
Hey ktc...
Need a cook in camp? I'm game to go to!!
I could maybe even find my way to the Henry's!!
Probably even in my sleep! LOL...
And since the Beaver is in my back yard, I can do some scouting for ya too..... pretty please!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-09 AT 02:59PM (MST)[p] Bingo, keep in mind the older you get the faster things can creep up on a person that can knock him out of the game. If you think your dad can get a "good" bull this year, why wait?
14 years is a long time to wait, and if you get him a good bull this year it is another year he can enjoy looking at the rack in his favorite chair.
Trust me, there have been plenty out there with lots of points that ended up never able to hunt on them.

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