197 pound cat



I recently caught a big cat and I'm still trying to get the digital camera figured out to post some pics. I caught him in S.E Idaho near Scout Mountain.
197 is considered big in Idaho huh? Interesting.

Pretty average for our country, wouldn't you say Kevin? ;-)

Get those pics fired up buddy. Sounds like a good one.

We all still have a long ways to go to catch up to my neighbor.

He told me recently his cousin in Colorado killed one that went 13 foot 320 lbs. Probably the mama or daddy of this SE Idaho cat.

And I know a guy in Springville that claims to have a 9 footer in his den, and welcomes anyone to come have a look. :)

Congrats on the cat!!! -Dawg
PS. I feel your pain cuz I got my wife a digital camera for Christmas and I don't dare even touch the damn thing for fear I'll ruin something.
hey, i killed a 9 footer once. Ed has seen the photos. and i didn't have any hounds with me. got it whitetail hunting. he probably only weighed 175-185 or so, but he was real old and getting poor. biggest cat i ever saw physically. he coulda been a 225 pounder when he was in his prime. if there are 13 footers in coloraddy, i ain't goin' there anymore. that's a pretty big cat. who killed it? pecos bill or paul bunyan? my grandad killed one in 1912 that he said was 10 feet long. dang, 13 foot is a big cat. was it striped?
hey, uh lionhound ol' buddy, i think he was just jokin'. that or eatin' peyote. (best line from "Young Guns"......Hey dawg, did you see the size o' that chicken?)
Uh ya, hello boys!! I wasn't joking about a guy telling me that, he really did. He looked me straight in the eye and told me that story and there were 4 of us there, I was the only one that even blinked. Of course, they weren't hound guys but still, 13 feet?? If I told a bunch of hound guys about a 74" buck my buddy had shot, I'd expect them to at least blink!!!

But judging from some of other tales this chap has told me since, that 13 foot lion is one of the more believable stories he has!!! He'd make a helluva hound guy if he could just tone his stories down a bit... knock a couple feet off his lions, 20 lbs or so off his fish, and 15 inches off his mule deer... and stop scoring his elk in the 500's... :)

Ummmm peyote, that sounds yummy.

But for the record, I don't even believe in 8 foot toms, so 13 foot is beyond even an LSD or Acid trip for me!! :)

I just listened to him tell the story and then went home and scrubbed and scrubbed trying to get the "STUPID" off that was apparently written across my forehead.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-03 AT 08:14PM (MST)[p]Where is scout mountain? I live in s.e Idaho and I've never heard of scout mountain. Is this right next to NOTELLEM creek? So quit holding out on me where is this. Does this cat have a brother? I have been thinking of letting ed come to Idaho for a hunt and I need a wounded cat for his dogs to tree. If you come acrossed any three-legged, one-eyed cats let me know so I can let ed's dogs tree a cat. If it's too steep we'll have to think of somewhere else, see ed's getting up there in age and can't hike these steep Idaho mountains. He's from the flat country never seen mountains before. I do know of a few Idaho beauties right up his alley. So ed give me a call and I'll find you either a wounded cat for your dogs or a wounded cat for you.
Good luck gettin' Ed to come to Idaho hunting...

I tried already and he said, "Idaho? The only thing that comes from Idaho is pricks, prostitutes and potato farmers!!"

Who needs a wounded cat? When I go lion hunting my pride gets wounded everytime.

Give him a try. I think he's tired of chasing Utah lions. Something genetically wrong with these Utah cats.

The tails fall off a damn near everyone we catch. Must be somethin' in the gene pool.

Happy trails. -Dawg
Ain't Scout Mountain just outside of Inkom?? Or is it Twin Falls??? I'm usually long past sober by the time we hit that part of the freeway.

Where the hell in SE Idaho do you call home BareTree??? I've spent a little time up there and I'd like to make sure your not one of my spawn....
is idaho a state? i thought it was just a statement about the women that live between washington and montana.
I just got back here. I should have known not to post anything here when dealing with houndhunters. Anyway yes scout mountain is near Inkom. Still trying to get access to a scanner or something to get the pics up
LAST EDITED ON Jan-23-03 AT 03:33PM (MST)[p]hurry up with the pictures so's we can go to trashin' somebody else's stuff. i still wanna see the 13 footer. did he mean it was 13 feet long or had 13 feet? i had a housecat had 9 toes on each foot. toes went all the way around the pad. couldn't tell if his track wuz comin' or goin'. i seen a 3 legged chinaman in a freakshow once't too.
I don't know how to respond here. First of all Bearwood, I am getting along in years and I haven't ever seen mountains but I just got back from the country with the deepest canyons anywhere. Freaking 2,000' drops. Cool place down where men are men, grizzly bears used to run wild, mules and feet are the only modes of transportation and Idaho boys don't tread.

Don't know about any lions, every hunt I've been on has kicked my butt. So keep them 3 legged lions, my dogs usually chase elk anyway.

well i got the pics up all the other stuff about Idaho well we just leave that alone for now

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