1st Archery Deer


Long Time Member
My first deer with a bow.


We climbed over 3700 vertical feet... but the afternoon thunderstorms cleared and we found ourselves on the ridge above him when he came out to feed.


The wind was good and I was able to stalk down avalanche chutes and shoot him off a cliff at 37 yards. The Montec did its job and he only went 15 yards.


A special thanks to my wife for being my favorite hunting buddy, and for carrying out two quarters on her back.


I can't wait for next year.

PS. Gross score of 186 1/8 with exactly 4 inches of deductions.

>That is a great buck!
>Great photo's too! Congratulations!

Great buck!! Congrats on your first archery muley!!! One you will no doubt always remember!! Thanks for sharing! Kip
My wife rarely leaves my side on the mountain and when she does its chasing animals! We are two lucky dudes! Nice buck and congrats!

"I'll see you all this coming fall in the Big Rock Candy Mountains!"

>186? Great buck!

22" main beams, 19" G2's, 9" G3's, 9" G4's 3" browtines, 22" mass per side, 18" inside spread.

(Obviously, these numbers are rough, but I don't have the sheet in front of me and this is pretty close to how it measured up.)

It is deceiving because the G4's branch off further forward than most bucks so it looks like the fronts are smaller than they are.

He has great mass and tine length, and that is what really adds up.

That's a real nice buck. What state were you hunting in? Sounds like you and the wife had a fun hunt. Congrats.
Nice buck Grizz! Way to go

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
Thanks for looking guys. It was a great hunt and a great memory. Can't wait to see all your successes too.

Now if my wife can be as lucky on her La Sal muzzy elk hunt in a few weeks...

What a fantastic first buck! Bucks like that are hard to come by with a bow, especially. Good for you buddy.

Brian Latturner
Way to go Grizzly! That is a heck of a buck, whether it is the first archery deer or the 50th.
Great job, and great photos. Well done!

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