The thing is, If you're a bow hunter, a true bow hunter, this has happened to you. It happens. I've had it happen, buck clots up, goes on an adrenaline filled death run for god knows how long and theres nothing to follow. To sit and ridicule somone for actually coming clean about it happening on a public forums draws my intrigue because it takes a lotta guts to even talk about it. I know when i had it happen i felt so sick i didnt even wanna talk about the hunt let alone get on the forums here, knowing with the community today somone would pipe off, and get smashed accordingly. Don't stress it man, if ya find him tag him if not, lesson learned. Bow hunters are already handicapped enough and most times its people who have never picked up a bow that let loose on a bow hunter for losing an animal. We let the arrow fly, its right on target the animal can jump, duck, flinch where as with a rifle you pull the trigger and your bullets where you have ur crosshair. We don't have the luxury of popping off another shot at him while he's running away or going down. So stuff like this happens. Ridicule in my opinion isnt necessary because i'm sure he already feels bad enough, as we all do. Good luck on your hunt buddy.