2011 Buck kill pics????



I had 101-108. Only made it for a 3 day hunt and seen 25 bucks including a couple monsters. Ended up hitting a real big 3 point with eye gaurds. Followed blood and searched for him for 6 hours to never find him :(. I hate killing a buck and not finding him. How it goes sometimes archery hunting. I gave it my all to find him though. Going back up hopefully for another trip in a couple weeks before my bull hunt. Lets see some pics!!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-15-11 AT 09:08PM (MST)[p]you should punch your tag and call it good like an ethical archery hunter would. I'm sure you'll let your adreneline get the best of you and go wound a couple more though! 6 Hours is definitely giving it your all!
May I ask what your arrow and broadhead setup consists of?

"We must hang together, gentlemen...else, we shall most assuredly hang separately."
That is no good. I'll be going up here this next weekend and if I find some birds on a monster 3 point i'll let you know. Good luck on the rest of your hunts.
Going to have to agree with these guys here. I would punch your tag if you feel you mortally wounded that buck and spend your available days up there trying to find him. Its unfortunate enough when that happens, but there is no need to compound that with going up and wounding another deer. Name of the game is ethics..
" name of the game is ethics" I couldn't agree more. So lets not be too quick to judge nvracks. Give him some time to try to recover his animal. There is still a chance the animal is alive. Lets not assume he would just wound another animal and not recover it.
nvracks, I wish you luck in finding your buck. I did see a wounded buck but he does not match your description. The one I saw was a 4-point and looked to be doing just fine. My friend stalked him but could not make it happen. fatrooster.
How about you go suck it. I thought I was talking to fellow hunters on a forum site. Some of you are like the guys that are on the sport forums talking #####. Im sure I can shoot a lot better then you can and have and will have more success with my bow then you will ever have. Ill shoot until I fill my tag. Judge me if you want but seasons not over until its over. Yeah its unfortunate that I killed this buck and didnt find him. It happens to the best of us. Ill post the next buck I kill in a couple weeks. Enjoy
I used a spitfire on the particular shot. Crappy front deployment expandable. I normally use the rage and have only success with that broadhead. I regret not having that at the end of my arrow.
Well that sort of answers my question and now I'm not surprised.

"We must hang together, gentlemen...else, we shall most assuredly hang separately."
LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-11 AT 09:23PM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Aug-15-11
>AT 09:08?PM (MST)

> I'm
>sure you'll let your adreneline
>get the best of you
>and go wound a couple
>more though!

Wow.......that was a douche move dude.
Yeah. It was what I had with me at the time. Wont make that mistake again. I havent used one of them in like 4 years when it took me 4 hours to find a buck that year. Lesson learned for good. Unfortunately it came of this bucks expense
Who says I will wound another deer. Guys go state to state and kill multiple deer a year. I killed one and didnt recover it. So you say put the bow down. I think not. I love animals and respect them as much as I can while I try and kill them. When the season is over ill put the bow down. Until then the hunt continues.
I guess your one of the archery guy's that gives the rest a bad name. You stated "I hate killing a buck and not finding him." so you should punch your tag like an ethical hunter. But atleast you can maybe shoot another buck or wound it. It will give you practice for your bull hunt. I know where to concentrate in the spring for deadheads.

I've been there man. It sucks bad. I'll keep my eyes and nose open for ya! What you do with your tag is up to you. There's not a thing in the book that says you "must punch" your tag after not recovering a downed animal! Sh%t happens. Good luck on the rest of your season.
Thanks Elkohunter. For these guys to say put the bow down cause I couldnt find my buck can go blank themselves. It doesnt give hunters a bad name to hunt. Thats what im doing. If NDOW thought that was right they would make it a law but thats not the case. I wish I could hit some of these dudes right in their face. I think most hunters would continue to hunt. I worked my ass off to find him. Its not like I shot him and was to lazy to look.
If I get another buck it will just make up for you not getting one. Dont be jealous of the bull tag sir. If it happened on my bull hunt guess what.... I would still hunt for another one.
This is a personal decision and is only NVRack's to make. There are two sides of the fence here. I happen to fall on the side of the fence that if I wound an animal and can't recover him, I am done hunting. Fortunately, I have never had that situation occur yet and I probably would have a very hard time sticking to my philosophy if that did happen. There is nothing in the regulations that I am aware of that says you can't continue to hunt. However, you should note it on your questionnaire/survey at the end of the hunt. Good luck.
I'll come clean here and admit this happened to me 4 or 5 yrs ago. But I know that deer lived because of where it was hit and the trail it left behind. It was a valuable lesson tho and I completely changed my arrow setup because of it. I have built an arrow that is designed for when things go wrong. Now if I hit bone like I did then, the deer or elk, is going down.

"We must hang together, gentlemen...else, we shall most assuredly hang separately."
Clayton ,You sure are an opinionated little #####.So opinionated that you hide yer name in yer profile.Whats up with that .If you are gonna standup for what you think is the proper protacall,than post yer name ,Dont be a SKEERED little bich.
Its more or less an Ashby arrow. I shoot a 60lb bow and compound bows are most efficient when the arrow weighs 7 to 8 grs per pound of draw weight, but this isn't by any means the best way to go. Heavy arrows are the way to go. But to heavy reduces speed and trajectory so you have to go with what you can tolerate. So I tried to come up with 7.5grs a pound and come in at 450. I will never again shoot anything under 400grs.

Ashby suggests arrows with an foc over 18% and his studies have shown that for each % gain in foc penetration increases by 8%.

In his broadhead studies all expandables and 3 blades are complete failures when hitting bone. In soft flesh, going through ribs into the chest cavity, they also produced the least amount of penetration. 4 blade heads were better and 2 blades even better than that. Coc heads are far better than a chisel tip. With bone hits, single bevel heads provided the most penetration because of the twisting action they provide when hitting an object, flesh or bone. They crack a pathway open for the arrow to continue behind the broadhead taking advantage of the arrows forward momentum. I threw away the aluminum adaptor and went with brass because they provide more strength and reduce arrow failures.

So, I came up with an arrow that weighs 436grs, has 22% foc and I shoot a single bevel 2 blade head. It flies beautifully!

"We must hang together, gentlemen...else, we shall most assuredly hang separately."
Funny you shoot a two blade but your name is three blade haha. Joking. Thanks for the info. I will have to look up some of the info you gave cause im not familiar with the names like coc heads, chisel tip, and bevel heads. Thanks again
I like this one


I shoot right wing blazers so I shoot the right bevel head. I had a Nv cow tag this yr and was using this setup. Funny thing is, things went wrong and I hit bone. The cow dropped in her tracks and a quick follow up finished her. I have no doubts that if I had been shooting a 3 blade, expandable or the 4 blade I've used the last few yrs, that cow would have walked.

Here's some good reading about what I'm talking about.


"We must hang together, gentlemen...else, we shall most assuredly hang separately."
I actually read it already. Interesting. I have a bull hunt coming up and have been going against what I normally shoot for deer which is the rage since they came out. I want a fixed blade for better penetration. Ill check out your link. Thanks
LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-11 AT 10:16PM (MST)[p]Not gonna lie I use and have used the 85 grain Spitfire expandable broadhead the past 7 years as well as my dad and we have not had one buck get away. We have shot deer anywhere from 25 to 73 yards. We have also filled our tags every year and found the bucks within 75 yards of the shot. Even with a few shots that were questionable and have had awesome blood trails. My best guess is that you hit him in the no zone located behind the lungs above the liver. I don't know but i have had awesome luck with the Spitfire and more than likely will not change my broadhead selection until they stop making them.
The thing is, If you're a bow hunter, a true bow hunter, this has happened to you. It happens. I've had it happen, buck clots up, goes on an adrenaline filled death run for god knows how long and theres nothing to follow. To sit and ridicule somone for actually coming clean about it happening on a public forums draws my intrigue because it takes a lotta guts to even talk about it. I know when i had it happen i felt so sick i didnt even wanna talk about the hunt let alone get on the forums here, knowing with the community today somone would pipe off, and get smashed accordingly. Don't stress it man, if ya find him tag him if not, lesson learned. Bow hunters are already handicapped enough and most times its people who have never picked up a bow that let loose on a bow hunter for losing an animal. We let the arrow fly, its right on target the animal can jump, duck, flinch where as with a rifle you pull the trigger and your bullets where you have ur crosshair. We don't have the luxury of popping off another shot at him while he's running away or going down. So stuff like this happens. Ridicule in my opinion isnt necessary because i'm sure he already feels bad enough, as we all do. Good luck on your hunt buddy.

>The thing is, If you're a
>bow hunter, a true bow
>hunter, this has happened to
>you. It happens. I've had
>it happen, buck clots up,
>goes on an adrenaline filled
>death run for god knows
>how long and theres nothing
>to follow. To sit and
>ridicule somone for actually coming
>clean about it happening on
>a public forums draws my
>intrigue because it takes a
>lotta guts to even talk
>about it. I know when
>i had it happen i
>felt so sick i didnt
>even wanna talk about the
>hunt let alone get on
>the forums here, knowing with
>the community today somone would
>pipe off, and get smashed
>accordingly. Don't stress it man,
>if ya find him tag
>him if not, lesson learned.
>Bow hunters are already handicapped
>enough and most times its
>people who have never picked
>up a bow that let
>loose on a bow hunter
>for losing an animal. We
>let the arrow fly, its
>right on target the animal
>can jump, duck, flinch where
>as with a rifle you
>pull the trigger and your
>bullets where you have ur
>crosshair. We don't have the
>luxury of popping off another
>shot at him while he's
>running away or going down.
>So stuff like this happens.
>Ridicule in my opinion isnt
>necessary because i'm sure he
>already feels bad enough, as
>we all do. Good luck
>on your hunt buddy.

Thank you Dr. Phil!
3blade thanks for the links on broadheads and the Dr. Ed Ashby link. I will be reading that for sure. I am new to archery hunting and any tips I can pick up are greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
>3blade thanks for the links on
>broadheads and the Dr. Ed
>Ashby link. I will
>be reading that for sure.
> I am new to
>archery hunting and any tips
>I can pick up are
>greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

Your welcome. Make sure you scroll down so you can see the individual reports. Make sure you read this one


and this ones good too.


"We must hang together, gentlemen...else, we shall most assuredly hang separately."
I wounded a buck in Colorado years ago. Followed him all day until he went over the fence into private property. After some helps with locals and contacting the landowner I preceded the next morning to find him. It took me most of another day. He now sits mounted on my wall and every time I look at him it brings back that memory of what could of been. The only down side was he had been gut shot from the previous season 2 and was dying. He was gang green and I couldn't even save the hide. Taxidermist had one for me and the rest is history. Spend some more time looking for your buck.
Hey I believe I know you. I hunted with you and your dad before in unit 113. Im Scooters son Jessie. Whats up man
6 days is a little ridiculous. If it wasnt on top of the rubies and work didnt exsist then yeah I guess that would be possible. If I had the time I wouldve went back in the area when he started smelling but it wasnt an option. By now his velvet is probably thrashed and eaten up by critter and bugs. Mother Earth bagged him. Coyotes have full bellies and maggots turned into flys
Gots to stick together guys....

if the kill rate is far greater than reported, it only hurts the herd. Tags allocated holong for X harvest when its actually far higher than reported.

I recently hunted a VERY limited hunt whith only 5 tags....once in a lifetime.....I met the other tag holders and we worked together and shared the stories afterward.....5 tags, 3 reported kills, 8 dead elk....yeah.....5 were hit and lost because the "hunter" had a right to continue hunting.....until he killed AND recovered his trophy...

made me a bit sick.....

I guess ya know my opinion.....
happens to the best of us. I wounded a buck last year, looked for him for a long time and never found him, and on the depressing hike back to camp, i ended up shooting a 27" 4x4. So it sucks that a good buck was wasted, but that's hunting so I agree with you, keep hunting till the season is over! Good luck!

Follow my hunts at: http://www.nvbowhunting.blogspot.com
First you blame elk on the lack of deer and then you brag about killing 2 bucks last season, thats depressing.
I like to kill both until my tags filled. Deer and elk will always be around. Thats what we pay the NDOW for and all these foundations. Im not worried about it cause i dont have to be. Nevada has one of the best department of wildlifes there is.
It happens dont let other get you down most have no clue what its like to draw a bow on a live animal. I hit and lost a buck two years ago. I got a call from a friend about six weeks later that some one had found my buck, only problem was that the guy who found him killed him opening day of rifle season. He looked healthy and only realized it had been shot till he skinned it. There was just a little scar on both sides were the arrow went in and out.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-11 AT 06:49PM (MST)[p]>First you blame elk on the
>lack of deer and then
>you brag about killing 2
>bucks last season, thats

there were a lot of deer in that unit, so i don't have anything to complain about the elk taking over there. And my goal isn't to do everything to let other guys kill bucks, my goal is for me to kill a buck piper, and that's what i did... and im sure you're the best hunter ever so you always make perfect shots, right?


Follow my hunts at: http://www.nvbowhunting.blogspot.com
I have wounded a few animals with my bow, felt pretty bad about it. Im a little older and killing something isn't so important, in fact I don't even like that part of hunting, but that is the ultimate outcome. You have to do what feels right, but I wouldn't encourage anyone to keep sticking animals until they get one.
Are you kidding me clayton were you there i hit and lost one buck i might have missed a few but that is the only buck i have lost
nvracks49 im sorry to here that bud im in the same boat rite now this weekend was opening for archery deer in arizona but live in nevada i shot a absolute giant buck for me i think on saturday at 30 yards braud side and stuck him in the shoulder now im pulling a 68 pound bow and he was covered in blood we sat there for an hour and waited he has gone over a mile and still not found been looking non stop hopefully i can find him tons of blood came out and he was going up hill and then stoped bleeding so idk what happend im still looking but also waiting on birds to find him he is about 29 wide and a 5x4 and tall with mass

u hunt emm i stuff emm
Wow. Im sorry to hear that. Deer always seem to amaze me on how tough they are. This year isnt the first year I hit a buck and couldnt find him. I hit a really big 5x5 about 4 years ago and he bled forever. Huge puddles the size of a cow pie. We searched for a couple days for that one with no luck. Hope you find his rack maybe . If not dont give up on the hunt. You might just get a bigger one
ya just sucks got a chance at a big one and now i cant even put him in my hands first time its happend well good luck to you to

u hunt emm i stuff emm
>I like to kill both until
>my tags filled. Deer and
>elk will always be around.
>Thats what we pay the
>NDOW for and all these
>foundations. Im not worried about
>it cause i dont have
>to be. Nevada has one
>of the best department of
>wildlifes there is.

Yikes this is such a scary, selfish attitude. "Shooting until you have your tag punched" keeps tag numbers low and reduces hunting opportunities for others. Also, it's pretty good fodder for anti-hunters.

You're right that there is 'no law prohibiting you from doing this' but no law could possibly be written to include such behavior. This is where ethics apply and why they are stressed so much in hunter safety courses and the publications of those 'foundations'.

It is your choice and I respect that, but you have also chosen to broadcast this in a public forum of people who really care about the future of hunting and recognize your attitude as less-than-desirable. I'd encourage you to defend your behavior with rational argument instead of threatening to 'punch us in the face'.
+4 Not to mention this has now affected a friend of mine. He shot killed and lost his antelope. he will not be hunting for the rest of the season and instead looking for his antelope so he can tag out. It was a poor shot that struck the animal in the rear leg. TONS of blood but he went for a few miles. We know the general area he went down at so we will be out friday and saturday trying to find him. hopefully the birds have found him to give us a sign. just glad he has the same principles that I do otherwise it would have turned into an MM thread of a discussion.
>+4 Not to mention this
>has now affected a friend
>of mine. He shot
>killed and lost his antelope.
> he will not be
>hunting for the rest of
>the season and instead looking
>for his antelope so he
>can tag out. It
>was a poor shot that
>struck the animal in the
>rear leg. TONS of
>blood but he went for
>a few miles. We
>know the general area he
>went down at so we
>will be out friday and
>saturday trying to find him.
> hopefully the birds have
>found him to give us
>a sign. just glad
>he has the same principles
>that I do otherwise it
>would have turned into an
>MM thread of a discussion.
Your friend is doing a commendable thing. It happens to all of us. What hes doing will help him sleep at nite.
>Wow. Im sorry to hear that.
>Deer always seem to amaze
>me on how tough they
>are. This year isnt the
>first year I hit a
>buck and couldnt find him.
>I hit a really big
>5x5 about 4 years ago
>and he bled forever. Huge
>puddles the size of a
>cow pie. We searched for
>a couple days for that
>one with no luck. Hope
>you find his rack maybe
>. If not dont give
>up on the hunt. You
>might just get a bigger

This post is right up there with some
of the most idiotic, unethical posts
i have ever read! Maybe you should
practice a little more and become a
better archer, rather than sit on here
and make yourself look like a jackass!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-11 AT 06:43PM (MST)[p]The punching in the face is directed at "Clayton". He took a shot at me without knowing me. First post on here i believe. I dont have to argue the fact that I hunt to fill my tag with a trophy. Im not a meat hunter. I gave max effort in my opinion to find the deer. Thats all you can ask for as far as im concerned. Yeah I got defensive but Im sure most hunters fall under my side. Hunt until the tags filled. If you feel differently about it then thats fine. I posted on here about my hunt and asking to see other hunters photos. This post did not start trying to start a debate. Although it has 60 some posts now. Some people are like me and some people are like you.
Its just honest posts not idiotic. It happens to the best archers buddy. You probably use a rifle im sure cause you dont make perfect shots everytime with a bow. My skills with my bow are very polished. I dont limit myself to 40 yard shots like some do. When you are high country mule deer hunting long shots are practiced and taken. Im not the only one that feels this way if you know anything about high country mule deer hunting. You probably just sit in a blind over a water hole or road hunt im sure. I have seen plenty of TV shows where guys preach practicing long distance shots. This isnt whitetail hunting where you sit in a blind and wait for him to come down the trail 20 yards away. Honestly saying I hit a deer and couldnt find him does not make me feel like a jackass at all nor should any other guy who has experienced the misfortune. Go take your rifle and shove it where it counts
There is a reason why its not a law to punch your tag if you wound an animal. Its not unethical to keep hunting as long as you put the effort into finding the animal. People like you make me laugh. Right there with the tree huggers
I made the same choice as you did ONE time and I will never do it again. I was 15 on my first archery elk hunt and I hit a bull pretty good, great blood for the first 70 yards then he got into some thick nasty oak brush and we lost his blood. Spent the whole day looking for him. Next morning we decided to keep hunting for the last day of the hunt, I am so thankful now that I did not kill another bull that hunt. We went back the next weekend and the birds gave him away, we walked passed him multiple times the previous weekend.

Now that ten years have passed and I think more clearly, I know that hunting the last day was wrong. I called my Dad a few weeks ago and asked why we didn't tag out and he said it was because we made a very poor decision. I couldn't agree more. I regret hunting that last day but am thankful it taught me a lesson.

There are many things in life you can get a way with because they are legal, but sometimes you have to use discipline and make the right decision on your own.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
A punch in the face is real mature way of going about things, If you punch like you shoot your bow i shouldn't have much to worry about.
Thats you and your dads opinion on it. Doesnt make it right or wrong. I will never regret hunting after i couldnt find the animal I shot and gave the effort to find him. When I say I will hunt until I fill my tag does not mean I am going around killing deer or elk with no meaning. I have never wounded more then 1 deer in a season. Im not putting a number on it or anything but it makes me sick not to find my kill as well. Im sure if I did wound two animals on one hunt I would probably be to sick to continue the hunt. Some people on the post took shots at how bad of a hunter, no ethnics, blahblahblah. Thats their opinion. I have been hunting many years and show every animal I kill with as much respect as possible. Im done with this post now. Its gotten ridiculous. THE HUNT GOES ON. SAY HELLO TO MY ARROW SHAFT NEVADA BULL. My bull pics will be posted shortly ;)
You were real mature when you talked crap on your first post on here. Judging somebody over the internet without knowing them or having a damn clue. Big man behind the computer screen. My bull pics will be posted on the site shortly... ill let that do the talking for me. 370 plus coming your way. Enjoy the pics
Nvracks49 dont sweat these guys there acting like a bunch of women in a beaty salon ##### and moan about everything. Its funny I read the title of this post and clicked on it hoping to see alot of bucks but instead I read a bunch of douche bags crying and not one picture of a buck.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-11 AT 04:32PM (MST)[p]I definately have a whole different level of respect for Nevada hunters than back home. Not in a good way, I will add.

Nvracks49...you and I need to grab a beer sometime.
What you do is your deal...no matter what anyone says here, you're gonna do it anyway. I would say though, in the future, it's probably not the best place to talk about a shot that didn't hit the mark. Thats the archers fault, not anyone elses. What exactly was the purpose of the post? That you injured a big 3x3 and you will find it on your bull hunt?

Don't leave your keys in your car or it WILL get stolen. :(
For what it's worth, I have to agree with the folks who say it's ultimately his decision to keep hunting.

I wounded (mortally, I believe) a dandy bull in Idaho in 2007 on the 2nd day of an eight day archery hunt and I hung it up for the week. I looked for the bull for 3 days and never recovered him. Even after looking for 3 days I still had three days to hunt but hung around camp and helped out with food, cleaning, whatever just to keep my mind occupied.

This happened to be a guided hunt and the outfitter told me they had no problem if I went after another one. I chose not to, but that's just me. I knew I killed that bull, but things just didn't go my way in finding him. S##t happens, especially on archery hunts.

Point is, I don't think anybody has the right to ostracize the fella just because he chose to keep hunting. We all have our opinions but should at least try to be respectful when our differs from those of others.

The beauty of hunting is that the hunter is ultimately his or her own judge and jury.

Raghorn Hunting Services
[email protected]
Although I respect both sides of this debate as to whether or not to keep hunting , I cannot respect 6 hours of looking as giving it your ALL.

If you believe you mortally wounded that buck then 6 hours is nothing let alone ALL you could do.

Also the fact that you lost one 4 years ago too and still defend your long shooting practices as legit simply because the terrain is open and your not a treestand hunter is pretty pathetic.

Sorry but long shots are for guns not bows. If your as "polished" as you claim then get a little closer or find another one.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!

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