2011 Wyoming Moose Sheep Goat Results


Active Member
Just teasing not ready until Wednesday May 4th at 0800 (17 more hours). Good luck to all and sleep well.
Congrats! 2 tags drawn from the preference point pool - one had 15 points and one had 14. Could be a decade or more for me, since I only had 12 going in (so now 13). If I am still alive when I draw, mind if I contact you for hunt info? :)

Could you imagine it taking 22 points to draw? That is $750 alone in additional point fees, not to mention that by then the tag will likely be 2 grand. I am still kicking myself for passing a couple of years when a point cost $7. Grrrr!

Good luck!
I'll be hunting area 3 for sheep! Had 15 points. I have been thinking about this everyday already for a couple of months as I knew I would almost certainly draw. I am totally pumped!
Here is some analysis on the 2011 Non-Resident Bighorn Sheep draw:

Total non-res permits: 64
Random non-res draw: 10
Pref. Pts. (PP) non-res draw: 54

This is the same number of non-res bighorn permits issued in 2010.

Of the 54 PP non-res draw, the distribution across PP classes is:

PP / Draw
16 / 4
15 / 24
14 / 19
13 / 2
12 / 5
<=11 / 0

Of 32 sportspersons with the MAX of 16 PP going into the 2011 draw, only 6 applied, drawing 4 permits. It will be interesting to see how many of the 26 who did not apply for a permit will enter the 2011 PP-only draw to carry their MAX points over to 2012. Applicants with 16 PP were assured of drawing in any unit, with the exception of Unit 19, where 2 permits were issued against 4 applicants.

Of 137 sportspersons with MAX-1, or 15 PP, at least 48 applied, drawing 24 permits (it is not possible to tell how many with 15 PP applied in Unit 19, since only applicants with 16 PP drew in that unit). Applicants with 15 PP were assured of drawing in any unit, with the exception of Unit 5, where 13 permits were issued to 34 applicants, Units 10 and 22, where 3 permits were issued to 6 applicants in the aggregate, and Unit 19, where the 2 permits issued went to applicants with 16 PP.

Of 154 sportspersons with MAX-2, or 14 PP, 33 applied in Units 1 thru 4, drawing 19 permits.

Good luck to all who drew permits in 2011. For those of us who did not draw, the good news is that the 64 drawn in 2011 will be gone from the system for 2012!

Hey Lee!...Congrats on your Area 3 Sheep Draw...looking forward to hearing and seeing photos of your hunt...Good Luck!

LAST EDITED ON May-04-11 AT 11:09AM (MST)[p]congrats Perry & Mrs.dWalton!

I see Ken (Zim) drew his moose too.

Way to go with the Ram tag!!Muley


Oh yeh--where is Eric?? is he is shock? ElmerFudd...
Yes it's been such a tag drought for me I had more of a feeling of relief than anything. Now watch I'll draw everything this year.

Congrats to all those who drew.
No love for me this go around...Draw odds were kind of what I was expecting, no shock either way:) It's getting closer. Hope all the now 16/17 point applicants remaining are not holding out for for the same units...

Oh well, I'll still have fun getting a peak at some of the area with my 63-1 elk tag:)
LAST EDITED ON May-04-11 AT 01:15PM (MST)[p]EF,
I was sure you were in this year. Sorry man! Guess that gives you another annuli on your future ram anyway!
Congrats to all the winners! Great times ahead for you all!
I drew sheep area 8/23!Had a Colorado tag last year so I get to hunt sheep 2 years in a row!

But, bragging like that is gonna jinx your chances for a 3rd tag ya know...as if 2 weren't enough ;)

Have an awesome hunting year!
drew a resident goat tag at age 24.. im so darn lucky and pumped. drew area 3
Oh well, kind of broke this year anyway...Got to move my youngest off to college mid Sept...But draw odds were so close on the two units I was considering it wouldn't have mattered.

Congratulations to all who drew.

The guides in wilderness rule is definitly going to shorten waits for those who will hire a guide, and lengthen waits for those who are set on DIY...You can sure see it now.
Hi Kevin, Thanks. I'm really looking forward to this adventure with Meade. My best hunting buddy from Idaho is also going along. It should be one of those special all time trips. I'm planning on video and lots of pics.

Your going to have the time of your life with Meade...It's Great that your Buddy will be making the trip with you...If you have any questions concerning your hunt or just want to talk about sheep hunting in general, feel free to contact me....I'm really excited to hear all about your adventure....Truly a "Once in a Life Time" experience!


[email protected]
LAST EDITED ON May-05-11 AT 06:47PM (MST)[p]Hey Ken----

If your moose tag was on this side of the mountain----

You sure could stay in my cabin and hunt out of my property.

Keep in touch if you are coming out to scout this summer.


Oh yeh--toss me your home/job phone number if that would work out okay.
MC2....congrats on your tag. Hope you hook up with Meade, he is 1st rate, I know Meade and have followed his hunts/success for years, he will do all he can to get you an above average ram.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
Thanks Kilbuc, I'm all set with Meade. We're packing in Aug. 28 for 13 days. I'll be thinking, planning and training every day until then.

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