2012 Hunt Adventure Challenge Winner


Founder Since 1999
After reading through and looking at the photos shared in the top Hunt Adventure Challenge threads, I've decided that BCBOY is our winner. He did a great job of documenting his year in the field hunting and scouting. He shared a huge number of photos.....so many in fact that you must look at the posts in the thread individually to see them all and in my web browser, they can't all load.

It was again tough picking a winner. ElkSniper, ihuntelk, Foxskinner, BCBOY, arnold_jeremiah, & katorade were all in the running to win, but I had to pick just one.

Thanks to everyone who shared their 2012 adventures.

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What do you all think about a 2013 Hunt Adventure Challenge?
Give me feedback on what might get more of you to participate?
Brian Latturner
I really enjoy reading the HAC's, they give some incite on different techniques and i just love reading about hunting stories and like to see lots of different game. ill do one this year as i should have a decent year with the tags ill have. (if you decide to do it again.) as far as some kind of incentive, im not sure. maybe some other prizes?

my vote is to keep it going.

"Shoot Straight"
Congrats to BCBOY, you always have amazing photos and adventures. I've actually been thinking about transferring up to BC for a few years to hunt and fish, and your pictures make me want to go even more. Founder I really enjoy doing the HAC its fun to have my thoughts on particular hunts to look back on I'm not sure if I will do it next year since I'm getting married and prob won't get to hunt much. I'm going to try and get a Fallow deer and muntjac on my honeymoon so maybe I could do something if people want to see that. I,ll prob go for a few days on a leftover tag for deer tag and should draw a le elk tag that I would put up also. I hope you do one for 2013 since I enjoy reading about everyone's hunts all year.
Thanks Founder! It was definately fun to do. IMO, no point taking pics if you don't share them. Funny story is the HAC actually saved my ass too. Last month my son had a tragic accident with my external TB Hard Drive and it crashed hard to the floor killing it. I had been careless and didn't really backup most of my photos from this last year and I was devastated to think they were all gone. Then a lightbulb moment. Most of my good pics were posted in the HAC. They aren't originals but at least a copy still remains.

As for the 2013 HAC, I'm game. It is a fun way to really document the year. Hoping to get back into videoing wildlife again and would like to add some video to the whole HAC experience.

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