2016 Kaibab Report & Outlook


Active Member
Greetings to all:
This year has been extraordinary year in terms of my Kaibab experiences?I thought 2015 would be a tough year to top, but everything points to another ?red letter? year on the Kaibab during the rifle hunts.

I was on the Kaibab in late July camping/scouting and during much of the archery hunt. FYI-my total buck tally during 4 days of scouting in late July and 9 days during the archery hunt was 283 bucks, including some real giants. I attached a few photos (sorry for the poor quality due to my POS camera). Once again my hope of seeing big bucks was met, although every year I'm always a little on edge that the big bucks have disappeared, but they're still there albeit always a little hard to find.

Many thanks to fellow MMers (GOutes, azbow and zim) for letting me spend a little time with them during the archery hunt. There were some truly extraordinary & memorable moments that keep me addicted/obsessed with the grey ghosts of the Kaibab. And I learned some new things & places.

The monsoon season was slow developing until late July ? many of the water holes I checked in late July were dry, but the monsoons fired up in late July and water was generally abundant during archery hunt; in fact, deer didn't seem to be using most established water sources much, but certain ones were getting a lot of use. Hunting pressure seems a little less this year, probably due fewer tags. Rains have continued to fall during the past month since the close of the archery hunt.

I have a couple of hunters I'll be helping out during the early rifle hunt, but I also plan to be on the Kaibab during the late hunt - so if there is someone with a late season tag who would like a little extra help and/or extra eyes I'd be happy to help out. Thanks to those I've been able to spend time with the last few years. It's been a pleasure for me to share a little knowledge about the Kaibab and enjoy your company & success. I'm getting a little older every year and time seems to be going by faster, so I welcome every opportunity to pass on a few things & places that I've learned about the Kaibab since 1971.

Good luck to all Kaibab hunters, esp. JR antlerless hunters this coming weekend. Enjoy one of the most historic, unique and best places to hunt mule deer in the West!


Thanks for the update Rockymtnhunter. It is nice to see someone as willing to help others as you have over the years. I have seen many of the hunters/photos of deer you have helped people harvest.

I have a good friend who has never been on the kaibab and he has the late Westside tag year. I cannot go with him as my daughter has a strip tag and I will be with her on the hunt. I have hunted the kaibab only a couple times and gave him the minimal things I know about the Kaibab. I know he could really use some help. I will have him pm you if thats ok, his name is Brian.

Thanks again for the excellent report Rockymtnhunter. I have scoured Monster Muleys for all threads that you have written or commented on. Your abundance of knowledge has been greatly appreciated and will help us a lot on our hunt!

My Father and I are coming from CA for the Early Rifle Season, 12AE. We unfortunately had to cancel our early scouting trip due to work complications. This will be our first time hunting in AZ and could not be more excited. It is always a blast learning a new territory, specially when that territory houses incredible mule deer!

One of the main reasons I have spent hours reading your threads is your passion and dedication to the Kaibab. Like you've mentioned before, some people refer to the early season as a "meat hunt", but I have seen your results and would be ecstatic to harvest any one of those muleys!

I do see above you will be with a couple hunters during the early season. Would love a few pointers from yourself if you would not mind sharing! We are chopping at the bit to experience the world renowned hunting the Kaibab has to offer!

Thanks again for all the threads, very helpful!

LAST EDITED ON Oct-06-16 AT 09:01AM (MST)[p]Thanks rockymtnhunter for the update on your hunts and photos. I'm thinking about putting in for the Kaibab again because it seems like the deer numbers are coming back just a little bit the last few years.
Thank you so much for your report and pictures. It is great to hear someone with a passion for hunting that is willing to share information. I have read your posts before and have admired your knowledge of the area. I did send you a pm. My son is drawn for this hunt and I sure would like to talk with you.
I had a blast during the archery hunt and owe it all to Dan! Thanks for all your help! When I get some time I will try and post some pics of our adventure.

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