2016 NWT Hunt


Very Active Member
I just returned from a mixed bag hunt in the Northwest Territories with Stan Stevens and Mackenzie Mountain Outfitters. It was a great adventure. One that I will remember always. Each day I would make notes so I thought I would just include them along with a few pics to keep you all interested. Hope you enjoy.

Thursday August 25, 2016
Got flown out to Mountain Lake base camp with one other hunter, Darlys. Met my guide, Ryan Hartling, Darlys? guide Rob Aassen. Everyone seems like good folks. Looking forward to getting into sheep camp.


Friday August 26, 2016
Rained on until 11:00. Should be able to fly out shortly. Change of Plans! Big caribou spotted. I won the coin toss. One shot 310 yards and he was down. Huge! Velvet is in perfect shape. Easy pack out. Stan, Darlys and Rob helped. Darlys got a great bull as well. Good way to start the hunt.



Saturday August 27, 2016
Dropped off along creek bottom. Packed camp about 3 miles up to a pass. Saw 3 rams on other side of pass, 1 shooter. Put them to bed hopefully they stay put. Up and over the mountain in the morning. Saw 2 Bull Moose on hike in. 1 good bull, one small.



Sunday August 28, 2016
Made move on ram. Left camp at 7:40 am. Found rams in same spot. Up and over rather than through pass. More options that way. Peaked over edge and saw small ram at 40 yards. Pack down gun ready. While dialing down scope, busted by small ram. Then big guy makes an appearance. 2 shots, both hits at 40 yards. Tin cup over tea kettle down shale slide. 200 yards. Not sure what made him stop. Built flat spot for pics and field care. Hike out with cape horns and meat was tough but fun. Beautiful ram, 36 ??, 9 years, tips flare out. Sheep steak tonight! Could not be happier.



Monday August 29, 2016
Decided to walk back to Mountain Lake camp rather than wait for a ride. Figured it will take 2 days. Made it to Andy Creek. Camp on gravel bar after all day hike. Feet sore. Lots of grizzly sign! Fire felt good. Should make it with one more day. Cross creek in morning. Won?t be hard to sleep tonight. Looking forward to bed at Mountain Lake camp. Saw bull again.

Tuesday August 30, 2016
Crossed creek. Cold! Jumped grizzly shortly after. Didn?t see him. Jumped it again, at 30 yards. Big, beautiful bear. Crossed hummocks. Sucked! Ryan was glad we made it. Said not many could do that. Feet sore but better than sitting and waiting. Re-geared for moose hunt and caught a grayling. Dinner of sheep steak was best yet.

Wednesday August 31, 2016
Got moved to moose camp. They call it the Caribou Cry. Saw 11 moose this evening, 4 bulls and 7 cows. Had 2 come by camp at 150 yards. One in the high 50?s and the other we think it around 60?. Hoping they stay put for the morning. Went to bed at 10:30 pm. Should be moose hunting by 6:30 am. Hoping for good luck. Awesome moose country.

Thursday September 1, 2016
Found first bull in same spot from prior night. Ryan convinced me to pass. High 50?s, long points, impressive bull. Found larger bull a short ways up the canyon. Definite shooter. Got rest on some poplars. 257 yds, 2 hits, dropped in tracks. Big! Should make 60? wide. 15 points on one side 16 on the other. Everything I hoped for. Exhausted!




Friday September 2, 2016
Spent the day cleaning the skull while Ryan took care of the cape. Rainy, windy and cold. Had fire most of the day. Not bad at all. May bug out tomorrow. Hard to sleep.

Saturday September 3, 2016
Cold night, clear bright morning. Broke camp and ready to go. Got request from Stan to wait until tomorrow. He has other hunters that need more assistance. No big deal. Had 3 bulls on the ridge above us, sparring.

Sunday September 4, 2016
Grizzly moving towards carcass. Measured bull at 60?. Absolutely beautiful day. This is a good place to spend it. Got picked up and flew into Mountain Lake camp. Salted moose cape. Saw big bull on ridge above lake.

Monday September 5, 2016
Went with Rob, Ryan and Darlys after bull from last night. He is moving with cows. Climbed ridge. Found some cows but could not get visual of bull. Grizzly only a couple hundred yards from cows. By afternoon did not feel it was a good place to try an evening stalk. Had a several mile walk out. Great dinner made by Jody.

Tuesday September 6, 2016
Flew back to Norman Wells. Got to speak with my wife and kids. Things are good at home and at work. Great trip!

I cannot say enough positive things about this hunt. Ryan was a fantastic person to spend the hunt with. Calm and cool under pressure whether it was while on the stalk or just the seemingly constant grizzly encounters. He was spot on with everything he thought the animals would be doing. The only down side was that he was so good it made the hunting go by fast. He was good at including me in the hunt and making sure it wasn't just his hunt with me pulling the trigger. Stan does everything in his power to make sure you have an quality hunt. I doubt that this is a hunt I will do again but if I did I cannot imagine any where better to do it.
>A great adventure. Is that a
>Barren Ground Caribou? He looks
>huge and should score very

Its a Mountain Caribou. We rough scored him at 421 but this was trying to remember how to score a caribou so it could be wrong.

Thanks for sharing your story and photos. I really enjoyed it. Congratulations on three hard earned and awesome trophies!

What an awesome adventure! Congrats on all three trophies, that caribou is a slug! I hunted with MMO last year and agree with everything you said, they are a great outfit. The only bad part about hunting up there is trying to figure out how to go back again! Congrats again.
Fantastic bull moose! Big bull moose like yours is difficult to take care of. It is difficult to move and/or roll a big moose for processing and skinning, as well as getting it to the landing strip. My question is how did you and your guide do this unless there was more than the two of you.

One of those perfect hunts that many dream of. Great photos.
>Fantastic bull moose! Big bull moose
>like yours is difficult to
>take care of. It is
>difficult to move and/or roll
>a big moose for processing
>and skinning, as well as
>getting it to the landing
>strip. My question is how
>did you and your guide
>do this unless there was
>more than the two of
>One of those perfect hunts that
>many dream of. Great photos.
You are not kidding they are difficult to deal with. The moose actually dropped from the shot in that exact position you see in the photo. It was a high shoulder shot, his legs folded under him and his nose buried in the ground. After pics the two of us were able to roll him on his side without too much effort. We skinned one side, Ryan worked on the front, I on the back. We deboned everything, then take the rib cage off with a hatchet. Quarters all got cut in half. Then roll him over and repeat. MMO runs a helicopter so you just need to get the meat to somewhere you can land. We found a spot about 400 yards away and I shuttled meat to the spot while Ryan cut willows and spruce with the hatchet. My wife tells me all the time that I am not good for much other than lifting heavy stuff, so that came in handy. Carrying half a hind quarter and half a front quarter was doable. On the last trip I tried to carry both halves of a hind quarter but I could not get the pack on my hip to even get it on so it turned into two trips. In all it took the two of us about 6 hours to process and move the moose meat. Ryan packed the cape and I the horns back to camp. The cape weighs a lot. The horns aren't too bad weight wise but they are awkward to carry through the brush. By the time we got back to camp the day was over and we were beat.
Well done, mulecreek, on a fine adventure and first-class trophies!
Thanks for sharing!

ya dun good bro!
Thanks for a great hunt repert and congratulations on a super successful adventure. Those are all nice animals but the moose and caribou are especially great. Congratulations!
The NWT is a magic place and it sounds like your trip pretty well captured it all. I was able to share a similar experience up there with my son in tow. We will always long to go back, but the excellent memories will last forever! Congrats mulecreek!

Pretty hard to top that adventure
Amazing experience. Thanks for sharing it with us. If you don't mind me asking, what is the cost for that hunt?

Not trying to avoid your question but I would suggest that you contact Stan regarding current costs. I booked several years in advance and they most likely have changed. He is a straight shooter and will make sure you know all the costs before hand. There were no surprises after I booked.
Your caribou is unbelievably huge. Congratulations on achieving such an awesome hunting experience.


My hunting spot is so secret, not even the elk have found it yet.
Capes, antlers and horns made it back to taxi on Monday. He said the velvet on the caribou is in really good shape. It has dried nicely, isn't peeling and has no smell. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will make it.

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