2017 Big Buck Contest


Founder Since 1999
[font size=+1 color=darkred]Hope you all share your adventures & success![/font]

I just wanted to remind everyone of our Big Buck Contest, Big Bull Contest, Field Photo Contests, Youth Photo Contest and Archery Trophy Contest.

There are some gift cards for winners up for grabs, so whether you have a super tag or not, whether you get a monster or just a real respectable trophy, share your photos here on the site. We all love seeing what others are turning up. That's what the site is all about! Your contribution is needed to keep the site a fun place to visit.

Details for the Contests can be found here ... 2017 Contest Details

Contest Categories Include:

- Best Overall Field Photo - $250.00 Gift Card
- Most Impressive Big Buck - $100.00 Gift Card
- Most Impressive Big Bull - $100.00 Gift Card
- Best Mule Deer Buck Field Photo - $100.00 Gift Card
- Best Bull Elk Field Photo - $100.00 Gift Card
- Best Any Other Species Field Photo - $100.00 Gift Card
- Best Youth Any Game Animal Field Photo - $100.00 Gift Card
- Best Archery Taken Trophy Field Photo - $100.00 Gift Card
- (1st) Best At-Large Field Photo - $100.00 Gift Card
- (2nd) Best At-Large Field Photo - $100.00 Gift Card

Winners can request a gift card for Black Ovis, Camofire, Cabela's, Camera Land or Bad Ass Outdoor Gear.

Email your photos to me at: [email protected] or post them here in the forums and I should find them and will add them to the contest photo gallery.

Thank you all for the support of the site. It's very much appreciated.

Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
I'll play.......

Hey guys I wanted to give an update on my San Juan hunt. It was AWESOME!! In my scouting trips down there I found the north end of the unit held more quality bucks (just my experience) so that's where I focused my time. I hunted from north long point to big notch....& everywhere in between. On Wednesday I was able to catch up to an absolutely gorgeous buck and take him. After my number 1 hit list buck had been taken by another hunter opening morning who just beat me to him (huge congrats to him on an absolute giant....hopefully he posts him up on here) I was happy for the guy who got him, but feeling down on myself for missing out on the opportunity to get a crack at him. Then after 2 close calls on my number 2 hit list buck, he was hit and ultimately lost by another hunter. Luckily I had a handful of shooter bucks to go after because my hitlist was dwindling fast. Honestly I was beginning to feel a little down & that I was always a step behind....that the stars just weren't aligning for me. Luckily on Monday I found some new faces to go after. I must have just lucked into the buck I ended up getting because I had never seen him on my scouting trips.

Anyway the stars eventually did align for me on Wednesday evening and I was lucky enough to catch up to a fantastic , clean 4 point. After trailing him as he fed straight away from me offering no clean shot, I began to angle to the side of him trying to keep up with his pace. When he would walk I would walk. When he would stop I would freeze. This continued for half an hour but by now I was positioning myself for a quartering shot. I was no longer looking at his white butt walking away.??.....game on!! I determined a good, clear shooting lane he was heading towards so I stopped and got the range....42 yards. Luckily he stayed on his path, vitals now exposed. He entered the lane & I drew. When he stopped I turned the arrow loose. My hunt all culminated in that split second as that arrow traveled 42 yards, hitting its mark, blowing right through the unsuspecting buck. I instantly saw my arrow exit as he reacted to the impact. He jumped and ran away. Just as he was going out of sight I saw him turn.....or so I thought. Turns out that's when/where he tipped over dead. The death run was quick....70-80 yards. I quickly went to the "scene of the crime" to find my arrow. Upon finding my arrow I was relieved to see that it was soaked from tip to nock in dark red, bubbly blood. The shot was a hard quartering and as I replayed how it all went down in my mind, remembering the arrow impact I was concerned of a high & back impact. Inspection of my arrow and my minds replay led me to believe it was a lethal liver & lung shot.

Anxious to begin tracking it was hard to patiently wait there. I had always been taught to wait at least 30 minutes. Light was starting to fade & after what I felt was an eternity, I began to follow. The trauma was almost instant. The blood trail was pretty defined so I followed suit. Slowly I crept along trying not to disturb the ground he had passed over. Slowly I went, taking my time, thoroughly examining the blood red spotted ground. Only after 30-40 yards of tracking I just so happened to look up and saw his left antler towering above the bushes a mere 40 yards ahead.

At that moment, I knew my stars had finally aligned and that he was mine. I felt/feel so blessed and fortunate for that fateful evening of August 23rd, 2017....for that will forever be one my most cherished hunting memories of my life. I pay tribute to my most worthy opponent.....I honor him in his life and all his wonder, glory, majesty, & splendor. I hope every time I look at him (post taxidermy of course) I hope I can relive that evening. SUCH AN AWESOME EXPERIENCE!! As all of you, I live for this.?? Thanks for taking the time to read over this long-winded post....and I wish you all a safe and successful hunting season!! Make memories out there......out







shortly after following the blood trail I looked up 40 yards ahead & saw this


As hey lay when I walked up to him


That g-4 is just under 14 inches


19 inch g-2



Taped him out at 196 1/8" gross, 193 5/8" net.....buck of a lifetime??
I just added photos to the newly created 2017 Contest Gallery. Take a look and share your success. We need to see more trophy photos!

[font size=+2]2017 Contest Gallery[/font]

Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
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I was fortunate enough to have another successful archery season. I shot this buck over Labor Day weekend, and I couldn't be more happy! On opening weekend we were one man down in our hunting group since Nate aka (Snoodafruff) was on Elk Ridge killing his own monster buck. So it was just Tony aka (huntnmulies) and myself. We hunted Saturday and Sunday and saw some great bucks. I had two dandy bucks in my stand first thing Saturday morning, but things didn't work out - I was waiting for a better shot at one of them but it never came. Tony had 2 encounters with this buck, but couldn't get a good shot. The weekend went by quick since we had to come home on Monday to get back to work. The upcoming weekend couldn't get here quick enough! On the second weekend I went down solo, I hunted hard and covered a lot of ground but I couldn't find the ones I was after. The third weekend proved to be a charm - me, Nate, Tony, and his 12 year old son had the mountain to ourselves. On Saturday morning I was in my treestand and saw some bucks in the trees to the West but the trees were to thick to really get a good shot at anything. After the morning hunt we were back at camp exchanging stories and strategizing. That afternoon with Nates help we moved the treestand further to West where I had seen deer cross through every weekend. On Sunday morning I got in my stand just before 6:00 AM, about an hour later I heard a noise and saw 5 bucks coming through right where I had been seeing all the other deer cross, he stopped at 25 yards and that's when I took my opportunity to end it. It was awesome to share this experience with such good friends. And thanks to Tony for being a pack mule;)

Great buck! Thanks for sharing!

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
Just added new photos to the Contest Gallery. Take a look when you have a moment, and please share your trophy photos when you get him this year.

[font size=+1]2017 Contest Gallery[/font]


Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
Been working over the past couple days to add some awesome NEW photos to the Contest Gallery for you all to checkout. Follow the link and take a look. Good stuff........

PS - Be sure to share your trophy pics when you have success. Fun to see!

[font size=+1]2017 Contest Gallery[/font]


Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
Added quite a few photos to the Contest Gallery yesterday, including several giant bull photos. Big boys for sure. Take some time and check them all out, and be sure to share your success photos.

[font size=+1]2017 Contest Gallery[/font]


Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
I've been working! Added many new photos to the Contest Gallery over the past couple days. Good stuff! Some have been shared here in the forums, but some haven't.
As always, share your success photos and have your family and friends do the same. Fun stuff to see on the site.

Many more added to the gallery than what's shown below.

[font size=+1]2017 Contest Gallery[/font]


Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
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Been hard at work since getting home from Colorado, minus one day when I got after late-season bucks and billies. Below is just a few small image teasers of what can be found in the Contest Gallery. Take a look.

[font size=+1]2017 Contest Gallery[/font]


Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
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Awesome NEW photos added to the gallery. Big stuff!! Take some time and see them all in the 2017 Contest Gallery.

[font size=+2 color=darkred]2017 Contest Gallery[/font]


Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
More new photos added. Two 230" caliber bucks, a 412" bull. Good stuff.

[font size=+1]Visit the Contest Gallery[/font]


Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
NEW Photos Added! I got some good photos added to the Contest Gallery the other day. Don't miss them. And there's still time to get your photos in. Send them.

[font size=+2]2017 Contest Gallery[/font]


Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!

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