2017 Wyo gen area archery bull


Very Active Member
I was fortunate enough to take my first archery bull on Sunday morning.

I don't archery hunt that much, usually a couple of days each year. I did not expect to see anything given it was so hot. I was looking for a buck I had been seeing this summer when this guy made an appearance amongst a herd of cattle. This bull was low. He was on a small chunk of State land that borders NF. I spotted him across the valley at about 7:00 am. working his way West. I skirted a patch of aspens until they ended. He was about 600 yds out. About where the tip of his left side 4th point is in the above pic. I cow called and he must have been lonely because came in at a full trot. Gave me time to range a few bushes. He cleared a tree I was behind at 30 yds. When I got to full draw I noticed my arrow had fallen off the rest due to me shaking like a dog passing peach pits. I let down and re-drew, he only jumped a couple of steps and stopped broadside. Clean pass through and he went about 50 feet before tipping over. He is not the biggest bull I have taken from this area but it is safe to say I am happy with my first archery bull.


Wyoming Gen elk area are the best thing around. We residents need to give a huge thank you to the G&F for their efforts to get these herds and hunt area to the levels they are. You wont find a better OTC tag for elk anywhere, period! Each year I hold my gen tag for at least a 6 point bull and my RP cow tag for extra meat. I have never had a year where the cow tag goes unfilled and it is a rare year where both tags don't get used.

Best part is my wife ended up hauling quarters while I broke him down. She had 3 trips done before I started my first. I did seem to cut slower than normal.
Great job on the Bull. Leave the part out "he's not the biggest Bull" doesn't matter to me. You did it right and harvesting a Bull Elk is no simple task.
Yes, that is really cool. Great bull. One of these days I need to take my wife elk hunting up there. I usually see some really nice bulls.
You did great!

Brian Latturner
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Nice bull! Sounded like a "TV hunt", and your wife packed it out! It doesn't get any better than this! (OK, showing my age with that reference...)

LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-17 AT 08:00PM (MST)[p]Thats a sweet bull and some really nice country. I am jealous of you WY residents.
If I Get a PISSCUTTER will You Rent Your Wife Out?:D

Nice Job!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

The wife comments are probably getting old but I get the"cutting slower" comment.

I quartered 3 elk one afternoon, then packed out of that hole while others rode my horses.

Hard work no matter what part you do and kudos to you for having your wife help. New goal of mine, to get my wife to pack a quarter.

She did help me by holding the horse while I loaded quarters on him, then walked with me while I led 2 horses out of that hole. She could have rode, the horse wouldn't have even known she was up there.
Congrats, nothing is more exciting than when they come to you like that! As everybody else has said, appreciate your wife (there aren't many like that)!
Guess you all don't know many Wyoming wives, lots of them hunt and pack out game.

General tags draw odds just went up for next year.

Great job!!
Great bull! Seems like a lot of elk down lower this year. My wife helped pack out my first elk, ummteen years ago. She was 3 months pregnant and morning sick the whole time.
>will You Rent Your Wife
>Nice Job!
Sorry Cat! She said she is only interested in big work, someone else can take care of your little pisser.
That's just damn awesome all the way around!!!
Huge congrats man!



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