2019 Utah Summer Bear


Long Time Member
I got my bear this week, I got to say this hunt was a lot funner than I had anticipated it being. I got a lot of help from some of the guys here on MM on bait recipes and they came in handy. So thanks to everyone that helped out.

I got to say I was fooled by my trail cam pics I thought I had a good sized boar but turns out it was a big Female, Either way I am happy.

She has ear tags in both ears, which alot of times is indication that it was a problem bear, but the Biologist got back to me yesterday and said she was tagged when she was a year old cub with her mom back in 2010 who happened to have a radio collar on and was being tracked. She was born in 2009 and is a 10 year old bear. I killed her about 5 miles from the general area she was born in. I think having the back story is kinda cool and makes the hunt even more interesting.

Any way thanks everyone for the help and here are some pictures.








Here is a couple pictures of my blind.

Looking out to the bait.

Jake H.
Very cool! That's a neat trophy. Thanks for sharing.

Brian Latturner
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She sure looked fat.
That pretty cool to hear the bit of her history.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
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LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-19 AT 07:56PM (MST)[p]Wow JakeH what a awesome bear CONGRATS Brother!
Why does the bear have tags on his ears?
What a great blind setup. Is there any worry of being that close to your quarry?

Congrats again

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
Hey Joe!

That Bear has Caused a Little Trouble over the Years!:D

Nice Job JakeH!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Hi Bessy,
So your saying ole Red the Bear got a timeout tag for bad behavior? LOL!
Man Bess, I'm so glad I didn't draw this year now I did something to my back and even walking
is an issue. I've got way to much stuff to do to be down like this.

Thanks Joe

?Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
Nope, not a trouble bear, She was just caught when she was a year old cub that was still in the den with her mother who was part of a long term GPS collar study. The Biologist didn't say why the put the tags in her ears, but I'm thinking just another part of the study they could track where the offspring of the mother would wander off too. My bear was tagged in 2010 and was 10 years old.

Jake H.

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