2019 Wyoming Wolf Area 1


Very Active Member
The 2019 hunting season for gray wolf in Area 1 opened September 1st. The quota was 4 wolves. The quota was filled by September 11th and the area is now closed. Last year, the quota was substantially higher in Area 1 and the quota was filled by the second week in November.

How many people, who don't work for Game and Fish in Wyoming, believe that wolf numbers are down in Area 1? Just curious.

just sayin...mh
From your report, I'd say the population is down by exactly 4 as of Sept 11th. LOL

I have nothing of value to add but watch these threads with great interest.

Thanks for posting it!


Wait wait wait. Remember they said less than 80 wolves in Yellowstone and they did the count in the middle of winter. They did a count when most wolves migrate with the elk. consider the source. They are full of crap. You and I both know what the numbers are
What do you believe is WGF's motivation for having a lower than actual wolf count? What incentive would they have for wanting more wolves? Do you think it was just a sloppy count?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-19 AT 04:00PM (MST)[p]They are paranoid about relisting. Wyoming isn't covered by the Simpson/Tester rider that protects wolf management by the State of Idaho and Montana. Further, they have made no effort to get an accurate count on the number of wolves in the area ever. They just guess. The 300 statewide they claimed a year or so ago was not even close after adding the wolves killed in the trophy zone, outside the trophy zone and those killed for killing livestock in that year. The 2018 G&F mortality report says 172 dead wolves or close to 2/3 of the "estimated" population. The mortality is based on guesses and some hard data.

In early 2019, the biologist over Area 1, at a public meeting in Powell said they (G&F) needed to study the predation by the wolves on local ungulate populations. It has been 24 years since the wolf experiment, and they won't ever do it. If they won't count them why would they bother to study them or the predation they engage in.

They overreached on the grizzly hunts and they have done the opposite with the gray wolf. If local G&F employees were ever made accountable for the decisions they make, most of them in this area would be out of here.

just sayin...mh
Area 3 is closed as well, which is a bummer considering i have a late season bull tag that would have paired nicely with my wolf tag.. that being said, at least we still are hunting wolves. Still the only state with a predator zone, and though quotas might not be what we want, its better than none

I understand what you are saying. It actually could be worse and it was worse for many years. In 2018 wolf mortality in Montana was thought to be over 300 wolves. In 2018 wolf mortality in Idaho was known to be over 500 wolves. Both of those states seem to take the wolf threat more seriously than Wyoming. As I stated earlier, this may be the result of how the wolf was delisted in Idaho and Montana as opposed to the process that Wyoming went through.

I have been told by G&F employees within the state and also by a few people who post on these forums, that I just don't understand the wolf situation in Wyoming. As a sportsman who hikes and hunts in the NW Wyoming backcountry, I have to rely on what I see with my own eyes. I also rely on what I hear from others doing the same in this part of the state.

My concern is Wyoming could do much better by making a "real" effort to determine actual wolf numbers in the state. They also could make a "real" effort to determine the level of predation on ungulates and also study how ungulates are affected by wolf predation including migration patterns. Until that actually happens, the G&F will continue to pretend their is no problem and instead will just reduce wolf quotas to be safe and will continue to reduce hunter opportunity through shortened seasons, reduced tags, and more LE hunts. What will G&F have to say when all this doesn't work and the ungulate populations totally crash? When a mistake or "playing it safe" with wolf quotas is made, how many more elk, deer, sheep or moose will die as a result of that decision?

just sayin...mh

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