2103 McGreggor Oryx is home


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON May-30-14 AT 09:37PM (MST)[p]Words can't express how happy I am to have it back. Temporary spot for now--hoping to get a pedestal so that I can keep in my office. I specifically requested a mount that could be either wall or pedestal.


Must be getting dyslexic: Make that "2013 McGregor Oryx"
Replaced this deer for now--I'm running out of wall space that the wifey will let me use...

I wish--sorry to disappoint, but no story on the buck other than restoration of some really nice sheds that I found, combined with an ebay cape. Maybe someday I'll get lucky and draw that unit--it's my first choice every year.
I have not had her scored. I forget what her bases measured but at the gate checkout she was officially measured at 39" & 39 5/8". I've also heard from people that keep track of these things that she is the longest taken from McGregor in at least the last three years, but I have no way to confirm that.
I drew the military only hunt for that area in Jan next year and was hoping you could fill me in a little. PM sent and congrats on that monster!

>Paul - you are merciless.

Gotta keep Mozey grounded, :) we dont have any either. :(

When we do get the rare and occasional turkey, besides the meat, all we keep is the beard. I can drive my cat crazy with it.
It's no secret to anyone that has hunted turkeys with me--I'm the official WWTH (World's Worst Turkey Hunter). The only way I've ever managed to get one was during an elk hunt three years ago by almost running over it first with my truck. It was so unimpressed with my turkey hunting skills that it actually held still long enough for me to get out and shoot it with my bow. From what I've heard though, if Paul didn't have Zack, he might give me a run for that title... ;-)

For those who are wondering, yes, I also had a turkey tag in my pocket. I always have all the OTCs (bear, cougar, & turkey) on me whenever I'm hunting just in case. One of these days I'm hoping to almost run over a cougar... ;-)
Mozey, part of my problem is that I would rather find an old chalky deer shed than shoot a turkey.

I am sure that I am worse than you. I hate turkeys.
Likewise, Paul. Just the thought that a chalky old shed may be in the next draw makes so that I can't sit still for the time it takes an old gobbler to come in...
Mozey - Are you the guy that ran over elk too? High-centered the truck and all? I still haven't heard that story in it's full.
It was me and a friend on a turkey hunt on the caldera that high centered on an elk. it's a story you want to hear over camp fire and a cold beer. You will laugh your xxxx off. Wasn't funny at the time. I understand it's part of the orientation before every hunt.
LOL! Just to be clear, since moving to NM in 2000, although I've come close many times, I've never actually hit or run over anything bigger than a coyote (once). And I don't think the coyote should count because that was on I-40, not some back country road...
My awesome wife used her woodworking skills to surprise me on Christmas morning with this pedestal for my oryx mount. I guess I said something several months ago about how I would move the oryx to my office if I had a pedestal for it. I'm impressed at the lengths she's willing to go to be rid of it.

The pedestal looks so nice that I offered to leave the whole setup here in our home so that all of her friends could admire her work. For some reason she didn't go for it...


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