33' wide 200 B&C

  • Thread starter SonoranOutfittersnet
  • Start date


The Rut is on in Sonora, MX
Taken by Gary Fenner, guided by Todd Rice with SonoranOutfitters.net
Wow, what a rack. Love the mass, width, and extras on
that rack. Congrats on an incredible trophy.

Opps! Inches... Todds still down on the ranches in MX.. I'm just posting as clients kill and I get the pics.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-11 AT 10:32PM (MST)[p]When did the AZ forum start being the mexico forum? Just asking?
Heres a 200" 32 wide buck from AZ... not Sonora

Here is a 10 year old kid with a 30 wide from AZ as well!

No 10 grand here. Go to mexico! They need your money more than the US does!
Man those are some long arms and big hands. Nice buck though

Gun control is a good aim and a steady rest
LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-11 AT 07:35PM (MST)[p]^^ exactly why i do not comment on el venado grande

i don't support that country in general, or the us outfitters that choose to operate there

just a matter of principle, i don't care how big the dang buck is


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