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Luckily I have the november tag this year. I know the deer won't be in the rut so how should I hunt them? glassing? feel free to send me a private message.
Even during the rut, glassing is your best bet. Get up high, glass and find the bucks, then if you find one you want, figure out your stalk. I have been seeing alot of deer down your way, so this should be a good year. Naturally the bucks will not be moving as much in the early season as they would during the december hunt, so you will glass a bit harder during tighter time frames than the rut........
My boy also has a tag in Nov. & a buddy has one in Oct. I also have a client in Dec. So i should have lots of info to share.
Nut, I have seen a few down that way, we will hook up next week and discuss. Hope all is going well, I didnt get a chance to call this week because (thankfully) we have been real busy at work so I am not complaining about the lack of free time. I have the Nov. 36c tag... have only scouted twice, hope to get out once back from Wyoming in October........
What about muleys in 36A, My dad and I are heading down there this weekend for the opener on the 1st of Nov. Should be some nice bucks in the area but finding them a different story! Any one have any tips, will be hunting in the 286 Highway valley. Hopefully there is still some H2O holes! Let me know and thanks!
There should be plenty of water, I have seen standing water on a couple of scouting trips, and I think it rained last Sunday there as well. I would think you would want to get up wherever you can high, and watch what the other guys running around push out. I have seen a few bucks accross the road from your unit, and would figure glassing your rear end off would be the best bet..... Thanks, Allen.....
i had a november hunt in neighboring 36b. for 6 years i have walked the hills,glassed the hills and nothing. finally this year me and my dad happenend to "stumble" on a buck. to make a long story short a 17 year old who had walked his but off finally got paid off with his first couse with one shot at 340 yards

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