423" bull, Yeah right.... video


Long Time Member
So, are these guys talking SCI scoring or something..?? I guess they must be because it's obviously a ranch bull...

But would this bull really be 423"...??

There is some slightly offensive language a couple of times.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I don't know about the score but it is sad to see a nice bull like that pened up. That bull should be out thrashing a quakie not a piece of plywood!
You got that right Yak4fish...

And what about when he tries to bugle and it comes out like he has no vocal chords...?? Sadder still...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
No way is that bull 423". I'd say they should send the guy that penned him up into that pen to measure him for sure and see how he looks when he comes out. :) he he he.
I can't see that bull scoring 423" and even worse, I can't stand to see an animal like that in a pen---absolutely disgusting!!!
423.... yeah right! if i had a wish id love to see him roaming the hills instead of chewing on that wood, sad day
the tape those high fence hunters use measures everything longer...they probably use it to measure their d!ck too since its obvious they will do anything to make themselves more successful.
Shame that such a majestic animal should be penned like a steer.
He should be free roaming and spreading his genes like any other
wild elk. Just not right.

The "musclehead" might make 400, but that bull is not close.

Nice pet however. I would rather have a Labrador.

"What's good for me, ain't necessarily good for the weak minded"
I don't understand why a man wants to keep just a wonderful wild animal caged...and laughing at him when the piece of plywood gets caught on his antler...just wrong! Someone needs to "free Willie".
Sure doesn't look like 423"
Farm raising animals that are for the wilds is WRONG!
That is a solid 350 bull, fourths are short, thirds are short, doesn't carry a whole lot of mass. One thing I know for sure though....that is a sad video.
I think it would make 420" easy..... if they were measuring the piece of plywood too! LOL
There's no way that bull cracks even 380" gross.

Sad deal too.

My dad shot a bull that went 370 and that bull looks like the same size to me.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-11 AT 11:57AM (MST)[p]That bull is as fake as the roids boy petting him. Just a couple of fakes. If that tape was any longer we might have seen roids boy lick the bull? That's just sad!!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
That "roids boy" is dead now. Must have used too much juice throughout his life. Oh as for the elk not 423".
He sure looks alive on his website that I just did a search for!!! Whoever owns that caged animal deserves to be that piece of plywood!!!

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