45 and Red's first date...


Long Time Member
1911 took his blind date to the carnival. "What would you like to do first, Red??" he asked. "I want to get weighed" said Fireball77. They ambled over to the weight guesser. He guessed 120 pounds. She got on the scale; it read 117 and she won a prize. Next the couple went on the ferris wheel. When the ride was over, 45 again asked Red what she would like to do. "I want to get weighed" she said. Back to the weight guesser they went. Since they had been there before, he guessed her correct weight, and 45 lost his dollar...

The couple walked around the carnival and again he asked where to next?? "What are you stupid er somethin, I want to get weighed!!" she yelled. By this time, 45 figured she was just really weird and took her home early dropping her off with a handshake.

Her roommate, Laura, asked her about the blind date..."How'd it go??" Red responded, "Oh, Waura, it was wousy..."



The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
one of the best yet. Don't know if I want it to be true or what...LOL.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
I Halved my A$$ off, changed the names to protect the innocent, and passed it awong. :) Thanks!!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Oh boy where to start, and who to start with, I hope to shout you can run faster than I can ....never mind I don't want to ruin your surprise.:)
Whet Em Wave it Lil Wed!:D

Wisz was a Hell of a Sport this year even if He did tell the UDWR to F-Off during the Phone Call!:D
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Missing 450" Bull!
The next 4 years is Slicks Fault,again,GEEZUS!
Z are your knees bad from all that stuff you have been doing at the clubhouse ???

BTW bud this is war !!!
I know and I just hate war so if you'd be so kind to give me your sister's phone number, we can end this war peacefully :D

Z- I have 5 sisters, but I'm pretty sure I know which one you are referring to, and I wouldn't wish that even on you. ;-)

Sleep with one eye open my friend !!!
I think we need some more details on said sister.

Huh? Spill it Red, I think we're all in suspense.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-12 AT 06:50PM (MST)[p]5 sisters, and no details for you fewwas, they would eat you all alive.... Z you aren't getting off that easy, I appreciate the apology but I want BIGGER, like formal, public, and very embarrassing for !!!

Rans which sis would that be ??? 45 can join Z in the dog house !!!
I'm not getting what!?!? :D This here is a family site, keep it cwean!!

Tell 45 I'll be working on the rig floor for a wittle while but I'll meet him in the doghouse when I get done!!

GRRRRRRR do you have the shovel you digging that hole you are in with ?

Youre not getting off easy with that sorry excuse of an apology !!!
I might be heading home from WY this weekend. If I get a keg and fill up several wed sowo cups for you, will I be forgiven??

>Wittle Wed said she wants Wigger!!!
> I guess 2.5"
>isn't big enough eh 45???

Boot you just added your name as well, to my rapidly growing "wist"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-12 AT 08:18PM (MST)[p]>Boot you just added your name
>as well, to my rapidly
>growing "wist"

Wut wist is wat Wed??? Wo I wet a wpanking? Wpank away! :)
>AT 08:18?PM (MST)

>>Boot you just added your name
>>as well, to my rapidly
>>growing "wist"
> Wut
>wist is wat Wed???
>Wo I wet a wpanking?
> Wpank away! :)

So Being kinda an outsider, I Was just reading this post: The joke is great, then bringing it back to the member 77fireball is pretty funny too.
But the one I'm missing is " Wil' wed wants "wigger""? is that supposed to be a "B" Or an "N"?

and plus1 to the guy who said " that has to be the worst sentance in MM history- that was bad!

now back to my popcorn flavored jellybeans to watch this thread continue!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-12 AT 09:33PM (MST)[p]
Lmao. Yes with a B. She wants Bigger!!! 45S little wick just aint cuttin it...
>I though Z was sancho?
>Am I missing something?

Yes Smutty you're missin sumthin.

Z is known around the Chubhouse as a Sancho of sorts. But one thing differs greatly. He always uses the back door as there is no front door. As they "role play" its ok if others come and go as they please.
Thats what Rug told me anyway. True story!
When I saw this thread, I made the wise decision to stay out of it as I knew someone would yank Red's chain and she would be out for blood.

Red my Cuz has a extra gallon or two of kerosene if you wish to borrow some from him. Mix that with some of 1911's 45 ammo and gun and you have the makings of becomeing a true hillbilly as you burn a few of them out and shoot them on the fly.

Red I hope you are not like my wife, she has a tendency to be a groin shooter when pi$$ed off. I would hate for a few of the guys on here ending up speaking in high voices.


P.S. Which sister is it that 1911 has the hots for?
Relh it depends how pissed I am if they get a groin shot, and your cuz wont tell me which sis, if you can get it out of him you are better than I am.
Red, as much as I love my Cuz, I think that old hillbilly is baiting you in order to get even with 1911 for previous remarks. I even baited you a little bit by asking which Sis. I was hoping you would beat the tar out of 1911 and that would be payback for 1911 insulting my Cuz on these forums.

Cuz, I am going to have to teach you how to get even with guys that you feel they need a come uppance. Invite 1911 to your Kona hideaway for a week and when he gets ready to pack to go home. You sneak in and put a pair of women's panties in his suitcase for Red to find when she unpacks his suitcase to wash the clothes. Also make sure they are not a new pair off the rack, get a used pair and how you get those is up to you.

Well Relh at least I can trust /depend on you lol

Im pretty sure I know which sis, but why have second hand when you have name brand ( ie Me) not sure what any of them see in sis.
Red, I love your confidence. You tell 1911 he better treat you right because he got the best of the litter.

Sis likes fantasizing while starring at RANS Ass Pocket!

He thinks She's starrin at his rear!

But she's actually thinkin about what's in his Wallet!:D

Wisz was a Hell of a Sport this year even if He did tell the UDWR to F-Off during the Phone Call!:D
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Missing 450" Bull!
The next 4 years is Slicks Fault,again,GEEZUS!
1911 you better keep Red off this site for a while. She sees the threads posted and I am afraid my Cuz just put the last nail in your coffin and buried you. You should have known not to pick on a backwards hillbilly that knowns all about getting even.

You can bet your last dollar that if Red does not kill you, she will not allow you to attend any more fishing trips in Kona.

That's Reds 'LITTLE' Sister?

I don't see the 'LITTLE' in her?

Wisz was a Hell of a Sport this year even if He did tell the UDWR to F-Off during the Phone Call!:D
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Missing 450" Bull!
The next 4 years is Slicks Fault,again,GEEZUS!
>LOL Bess.
>Anyway this is Sis, Red's little


Well RANS!

Wait till HuckBunter see's your Post!

Wisz was a Hell of a Sport this year even if He did tell the UDWR to F-Off during the Phone Call!:D
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Missing 450" Bull!
The next 4 years is Slicks Fault,again,GEEZUS!
C'mon, somebody's gotta clear that pic up. Chubby, whys it so pixalated? It's screwing up all the cleavage!
>>LOL Bess.
>>Anyway this is Sis, Red's little


>Well RANS!
>Wait till HuckBunter see's your Post!
>Wisz was a Hell of a
>Sport this year even if
>He did tell the UDWR
>to F-Off during the Phone
>15" Bases?
>30" 5ths?
>Missing 450" Bull!
>The next 4 years is Slicks



"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
>Z are your knees bad from
>all that stuff you have
>been doing at the clubhouse
>BTW bud this is war !!!

OH BOY !!!

Fellas some of you are digging a bigger hole, Relh I am the best lol its hard to have this much AWESOMENESS in one room let alone one body.:)

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