6 X Spike ???


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-11 AT 04:42PM (MST)[p]I have heard so many stories about these freek bulls. Every year you hear about someone killing one on the general spike hunt. I have seen a club bull before but he still had a few points coming out of it's clubed horn. What say you?? Any pics to back it up?
I saw one about 7 years ago while bow hunting the south cache limited entry bow hunt. No pics to back it up though.
Saw a 1X6 (or 7) last year during the deer hunt at 50 yards. I am headed there again this year, and will have some nice Camera Equipment. I hope I come back with some proof :)
I saw a bull once mostly fitting that description. He actually was a 2x6. The 2 pt side featured an average length brow and a 40" long spike. The six side was fairly big, say close to a 50" beam with average point length. Probably a 330-340" bull if not for the freak side. I found the bull's 2 pt shed, but never did find the 6 pt side. The mountain is steep as all get out and fairly timbered. I'm sure it rotted there, in the timber where he liked to bed.
I actually saw one this year on the Pahvant. I also talked to an individual who shot a spike x 7 but he has not sent me pictures. I will post them if he ever sends them.And yes Kawboy they are legal to kill.
I killed this one in 2008 with my bow. He's a 6 X 2 X 1. He has a 3rd antler in the middle of his head that you can't see in this pic. I nicknamed him Kickstand during the 2 weeks I spent trying to get an arrow in him.


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I had to ask, I did see a spike by 6 coming off a spike unit this year, however I was unable to get pictures. It is a legit spike by 6

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
I have a 6 x spike that is a shoulder mount. A guy at work gave it to me. His neigbor was gonna throw it away. The spike is 32" long. I will take some pics and post em tomorrow.
Should be plainly addressed in the regs right??...sure wouldn't believe the BSer's on this site..
Yes...both the bull I killed and the bull in the SWD pic would be considered legal spikes in a spike only unit. Neither of them have a point branching from the main beam above the ear.

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I thought if you had more than one point above the ear it wasnt a legal spike? I am a little confused how the 3x7 is a legal spike. when all 3 points are above the ear.
>I thought if you had more
>than one point above the
>ear it wasnt a legal
>spike? I am a little
>confused how the 3x7 is
>a legal spike. when all
>3 points are above the

The points have to branch below the ear.

The picture right below your post would not be a legal spike though I'm pretty sure.
>Looks like a 3 piont not
>a club!

agreed, I hope you didn't take that on a spike unit.
The bull can have NO branching above the ear so the 3x7 looks legit the club x 6 is branching or has a point above the ear its not a legal spike so yes hopfully he didn't take that on a spike unit!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-11 AT 06:25AM (MST)[p]http://www.monstermuleys.info/photos/user_photos/90190927110648.jpg



This is the bull a guy at work gave me. Sorry these are kinda crappy pics they were from a cell phone. He is cool. Not too bad for free! There is no obvious signs of a broke off main beam. Just a big ol wierdo!
Just out of curiousity, have any of the freak bull posted been wounded? i.e. bullets, broadheads found. Seems like there are a lot of bulls wounded every year, and some freaks surviving.
Mine looked like it might have been kicked in the face or something as a calf. His whole skull was tweeked once we cape him out.

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i dont think thats a legal spike. any branch makes it non legal in spike only units. above the ear leaves an open discussion, but technically any branch would be above the ear unless you hold the ear up.
The 3x7 that goodgenetics posted was healthy no bullets, etc but he did only have one testicle on the right side of his sack, and i guarantee he was the meanest nastiest fighter of all the bulls we filmed all rut and none of the other bulls wanted anything to do with him.

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My bull looked normal everywhere else except when we got to the liver it had about a 3 inch long scar on it where he had been cut by something and then it healed over. Could have been an arrow or maybe gored by another bull.

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