61 is burning up!


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Aug-13-18 AT 10:46AM (MST)[p]As of this morning it's 22,000 acres and growing rapidly. Only 19% containment. It's crossed into Mesa county strong hitting Campbell Point and Mesa Creek.

Not good!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-13-18 AT 11:41AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-13-18 AT 11:39?AM (MST)

Yeah been watching that. Divide road closures.

Bull Draw Fire:
Weather: This weekend will see increased chances of thunderstorms in the area and no wetting rain. Outflow winds from passing storms could push the fire aggressively and erratically. Hot conditions will continue with high temperatures in the mid-80s. Relative humidity will rise, but weather conditions and dry fuels could contribute to extreme fire behavior if slope and wind align. If wind speeds increase, the fire has the potential for torching and significant runs.On
Fire is burning the part of 61 I know best! Glad I don't have tag this year. I feel for those who do and had planned on hunting these drainages.


So before we all decree "the sky is falling", let's not forget the value a fire can provide. Will this burn have positive impacts? Or is this one of those hot dirt sterilizing SOB's?

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
Time will tell on that one but I would bet it will come back just fine in time.
We have 2 cow tags in 61 this year and will not even consider turning them back in no matter what. We drew them we will use them and succeed.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-13-18 AT 01:27PM (MST)[p]61 is a big unit (he said big unit, heh, heh). Plenty of room to hunt south or north of this fire. I always preferred hunting the drainages where this fire is burning, though. I cannot imagine actively fighting fire in those steep oakbrush canyons. And you know it is bone dry in there.

Inciweb reports 17 miles of Divide Road are closed as of now.
There is plenty of area still to hunt but I would be more concerned about access especially if the divide road ends up closing. If we get good moisture this winter and next spring that burn area will be lights out the next few years.
Thanks for the map, DW.

I have property on the edge of the Weston fire in South Park, which was officially out 2 weeks ago. The Forest Service office told me the areas that are closed after that fire in unit 61 will almost certainly remain closed to all public access until November @ least.

Based on that, hunters could be excluded from closed portions of 61 for all the 2018 hunting season.
This has me worried. I have an archery tag and even though I'm not crazy about elk, I wanted to have a good hunt without pressure and just see and hear a lot of elk.

This fire has me thinking that people are going to be stacked on top of one another due to the area being shutdown. Its a huge unit, but it just got smaller.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-18 AT 01:35PM (MST)[p]>This fire has me thinking that
>people are going to be
>stacked on top of one
>another due to the area
>being shutdown. Its a huge
>unit, but it just got

I had that same concern. People gather points for 20 years and don't want to hunt in a pumpkin pasture of orange coats.

However, is it possible the fire might benefit hunters in a couple of ways??? Is it possible elk might be easier to find with less area to hide?

Or on another thought... Is it possible that some fall rains could come in time to cause some tender greenup and the burn might be an elk magnet? I have cattle and we sometimes burn off pasture and within two weeks the new growth is like "Cow Cocaine". It's like ringing the dinner bell. Of course all that is assuming fall rains come... Just some random thoughts. What ya think?

PS. Danny, I sent you a PM.
>Hearing rumors that 61 is now
>closed. Any confirmation?

There's several road closures and even a section of the divide road is closed, but that's the only part I've heard about.
I'm guessing the closure area will be expanded given that the fire has already burned outside of the current closure on the SE side and is nearing the boundary of the closure on the NW side.
If they close the road to motorize traffic can you still go on it by foot or pedal bike.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
No way they will let you in on foot. DOW is discussing tag turn in as we speak. Lots of people calling for archery turn in. I hope that if they do allow people to turn tags in they don't re-issue due to the fact its a quality hunt and it would decrease the pressure no matter how slight.
Divide Road is closed from Carson hole to windy point I talked with the DOW in Montrose today they are letting people turn tags back in and get points back. If your going to do this option call them to get all the info you have to do it 24 hours before season starts
Its the same. I will be dumping the tag. I'm going to call tomorrow but I just don't think with that big of a stretch closed you could call it "a quality hunt" with that many tags. Plus aircraft, and the smoke.
>Its the same. I will be
>dumping the tag. I'm going
>to call tomorrow but I
>just don't think with that
>big of a stretch closed
>you could call it "a
>quality hunt" with that many
>tags. Plus aircraft, and the

Have you been down there?

Headed up tomorrow to scout for a few days, will try to post an update or two this week.
Hunting first rifle. Wanted to take a look early.

Carson Hole is quite a bit North of Windy Point on the Divide Road. One might say very far North. It is North of The Uranium Road and The Mailbox by about 6 miles.

I was down there a week ago. At that point the road was blocked at Windy Point.

Where I was at I didn't really notice the fire until later when we moved towards it other than the stray chopper and the odd field crews around. Some of the areas I wanted to access are now closed off.
They now have 24%containment the fire is in long canyon and threatened to go into Mesa creek they are supposed to get a lot of rain up on the mountain it who knows how much. They have a sept 15th for full containment on the fire but that can change if they get big winds and if the fire goes into Mesa Creek if it does get into Mesa creek then it may possibly spread to Massey Bench. Let's hope no lightening comes with the storms
Contrary but it is what it is....
It's been burning up Mesa creek somewhat for days. Campbell point
Is too.
Mesa creek is several miles from Massy Bench and so far they are out of harms way.

" so far!"
>talked with the DOW in
>Montrose today they are letting
>people turn tags back in
>and get points back. If
>your going to do this
>option call them to get
>all the info you have
>to do it 24 hours
>before season starts

I just got off the phone with Montrose DOW and that's NOT what they told me. They said I had to choose either points OR money, but couldn't get both back. They also said I had to do it 30 days before my season not 24 hours as you said. Somebody's got this wrong. Who is it?

By the way, if the roads end up being closed, how the heck can they keep my points and money? That just ain't right IMO. I had 20 Points and shouldn't have to pay $650 bucks to get them back.
From the division website...

​​You must include the license and carcass tag to apply for a Big Game refund or preference point restoration.​​ ​​

The director has approved a fire exception for several hunts affected by the Bull Draw Fire. Customer with approved hunt codes may turn licenses back in for a refund or preference point restoration up to 5:00pm the day before the season starts. No licenses will be accepted after the season starts. The approved hunt codes are:

EE06101A, EM06101M, EF06101M, DM06101A, DM06101,

BE06101R, BE06101A, BE06101M.
>From the division website...
>​​You must include the license and
>carcass tag to apply for
>a Big Game refund or
>preference point restoration.​​ ​​
>The director has approved a fire
>exception for several hunts affected
>by the Bull Draw Fire.
>Customer with approved hunt codes
>may turn licenses back in
>for a refund or preference
>point restoration up to 5:00pm
>the day before the season

They didn't know a thing about this in Montrose today. However, the only difference I see is eliminating the 30 days and making it 24 hours. Still you gotta choose points or refund. If the roads remain closed, those hunters should get both IMO.
Longshot you could be getting different info if your trying to turn in a rifle tag. Archery and muzzleloader are the only tags they are making the exception to right now
I have been watching the radar above Nucla , it looks like a giant thunder cell dumping rain and now a weather alert for flash floods,,, Can anyone confirm that
On my way back from scouting in 61.
Fire is dying out, ranger said good chance divide road would open fri night. No smoke, got rain on tues wed and thur morning. Found some elk each day in different areas. Beautiful country. Cant wait to get back in October.
I hope everybody turns their tags back in , so the elk herd can recoup. "I'll be watching the leftover licenses." lol
I was told by CPW that unit 61 returned tags would not be added to the reissue list because of the Bull Draw Fire.... with that said, they also claimed there was nothing wrong with the reissue list and that ?sometines it takes the limited license department a day or two to add tags to the list?..... basically saying that everything is working like it's suppoded to, which doesn't appear to be accurate:) it's hard to know what to believe....

"Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud"
Here are the road closure boundaries.
North boundary NFSR 407
W and SW boundary is the NF boundary line
S and SE boundary is NFSR 600
E boundary NFSR 402 (divide Rd)
Responded ... my 18 year old son snagged a 1st season cow tag from the left over list . He only can hunt opening weekend because of mid term exams. All the good areas we know have burned or been closed .
Just going to throw down a tent and make a fun weekend of it .

Shoot me a pm oldmoddback. I have some places for you to check out for cows not in the burn area.

"Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud"

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