7mm loads?


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jul-13-13 AT 06:09PM (MST)[p]I'm really new to reloading. I just bought a new Sako 85 Finlight in 7mm.
This will be an elk gun and possibly a Dall Sheep hunt or two.
What grain bullet and type do you like for the 7mm? What powder/primer do you like?
Anyone else shoot the same gun and have a load they'd like to share?

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>160 grain Accubond with RL-22 and
>a Federal 215. mtmuley

What velocities are you getting with that load?
What gun are you shooting? Is the Fed 215 a mag primer?

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I don't shoot a 7mm, it's my hunting buds load. He averages just at 3000 fps in a Ruger 77. Outstanding accuracy, and I've been witness to what this load can do from antelope to elk for the last 7 years or so. Bears too. The 215 is a magnum primer. mtmuley
I agree with the Reloader 22.I took my first moose with Reloader 22 and a Hornady 175 grain bullet. Got good accuracy with that load but today I like the bonded bullets.
A couple of bullets shooting well outta my 7mm is the Accubond and Barnes. The Barnes shoots better but copper fouls like a SOB which is why I fall back to the Accubond. What I did find with the Barnes too is they like to be pushed hard and the harder I push them the more accurate they became which to me makes the caliber and bullet shine above the rest. As for powder, I've had the best luck with IMR4350 and CCI primers.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
Personally, I get great accuracy from Bergers in a couple of my rifles. I love em for smacking targets way out there. On game? Not for me. Tried them, won't use them again. mtmuley
>Thanks guys!
>What's your thoughts on Berger VLD's???
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My thoughts are to use target bullets for targets and hunting bullets for hunting. I would second the advice to go with a Nosler AB with RL22 and a 215. 7828 aint too bad either.---SS
Hey Horse, just thought I would throw you a couple loads my buddy worked up in his sendero 7mag that shoot sub 1/2 moa. 66gr. Retumbo/168gr berger hvld and 64.5gr h4831/168 berger hvld. I have no experience with them shooting animals but they are lights out on the steel out to 600 yds so far. My buddy plans on taking his deer with them this fall so I guess we will find out and will let you know my opinion then.

Good luck with your load development and keep us updated on how the finnlight shoots. I want one in 270 wsm in the worst way but will have to wait for the me-fund to regenerate after buying a new rifle this year and the gunsmith just about done with a makeover of my grandpa's 03 Springfield. By the way, what is the recoil like in that thing chambered in 7mag?
> Hey Horse, just thought I
>would throw you a couple
>loads my buddy worked up
>in his sendero 7mag that
>shoot sub 1/2 moa. 66gr.
>Retumbo/168gr berger hvld and 64.5gr
>h4831/168 berger hvld. I have
>no experience with them shooting
>animals but they are lights
>out on the steel out
>to 600 yds so far.
>My buddy plans on taking
>his deer with them this
>fall so I guess we
>will find out and will
>let you know my opinion
> Good luck with your load
>development and keep us updated
>on how the finnlight shoots.
>I want one in 270
>wsm in the worst way
>but will have to wait
>for the me-fund to regenerate
>after buying a new rifle
>this year and the gunsmith
>just about done with a
>makeover of my grandpa's 03
>Springfield. By the way, what
>is the recoil like in
>that thing chambered in 7mag?

I still haven't shot her yet. I just got my rings in the mail today and the scope mounted! It's killing me that I haven't shot it yet. I'll let you know how it shoots.
I'll prolly shoot some factory ammo since I don't have my reloading bench set up unless I can talk my buddy in to loading a few for me.
I'm in love with this gun already!

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So I finally got my bench set up and loaded up 8 rounds. RL22, 215 mag primer, and 160 accubonds
They shot pretty well. I shoulda taken a pic. Recoil isn't bad at all for how light the gun is.
I'm gonna try 4350 and some magpro just for sh!ts and giggles

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Horse, I backordered 160 grain .284, Accubonds back in April. Last week i called and they still weren't in. Anybody know where i can get come?

I can get the 140 ABs, the 150 LR ABs, and I bought some Barnes to start with which has given me great results in my other guns BUT I thought this would be my only Barnes-less gun. Hate the copper fouling.

I check the normal places every couple of weeks and the 160 are always on back order. Someone PM me if they know where they are availible.

H1000 and 168 vld with cci primers shoot great out of 2 of 7mm's I load for. Shot elk and deer with This combo no problems.
I have had very goo luck with Speer mag tips with H4831 and CCI primers. I just recently tried Nosler Partitions since the mag tips are discontinued and they shot just as well with RL25 and I believe CCI primers also but need to check my notes.

All shooting out of my my Remington 700 BDL
>Horse, I backordered 160 grain
>.284, Accubonds back in April.
> Last week i called
>and they still weren't in.
> Anybody know where i
>can get come?
>I can get the 140 ABs,
>the 150 LR ABs, and
>I bought some Barnes to
>start with which has given
>me great results in my
>other guns BUT I thought
>this would be my only
>Barnes-less gun. Hate the
>copper fouling.
>I check the normal places every
>couple of weeks and the
>160 are always on back
>order. Someone PM me
>if they know where they
>are availible.

I've got a couple boxes of them. Pm me if you want one.

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