A banner year


Active Member
We had a very busy year my family and I. All of these hunts where DIY execpt My daughters Elk that was a landowner tag.
My wife took her First ever Black bear this spring, then shortly after i got mine. Then we find out she drew the sheep tag, man did we go bonkers. She did very well in filling that once in a liftime opportunity. a couple weeks later she took a Deer with her bow and then a week or so later i got mine. My daughter had only one chance at a Deer but missed,I suspect next year she'll get even. Then i was lucky enough to take a great buck in Idaho only to return home to Oregon and take my 13 year old out on a cow Elk hunt where she connected and ended a year to remember. Alot of smiles in my house this year!







My favorite hunts are because they were with friends and family not just because "I got one".
Great pictures, and getting to spend time with your wife and daughter are priceless.

Great Idaho buck!

"Quitting is not an option!"
It's really a challenge at times to get everything going right when you hunt with a wife or daughter, girls are girls and any way you slice it it's tougher but the rewards are great.

The Sheep scored 168-1/8
Bear 19-2/8
ID buck 176-3/8

My favorite hunts are because they were with friends and family not just because "I got one".
Great job!And your right the wife and kid thing is very tough at times but most rewading. Love the ID muley, controlled hunt or general? BH1
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