A big thanks!


Long Time Member
Just returned from our South African trip. Exhausted but exhilarated, to say the least. Just had to take a minute, before I collapse for a few hours, to thank the folks from MM that help us have a trip we will never forget. A special thanks to Caelknuts and STOMPER for their phone call and PM messages and sound recommendations.

Thank you for the general travel, side trip, gear, driving recommendations, etc. advice from the following:


Every comment, every suggestion and every recommendation was greatly appreciated. All were important, meaningful and informative. They went a long, long way into to making our trip a complete success. With your advice, we came and went without missing a cog. We were gone 17 days, start to finish and it was one of the most memorable experiences my wife and I have ever had. Would never have done the trip if my son had not purchased the hunt at an SFW Banquet and invited us to go along too. Our PH was absolutely perfect, provided every single thing he promised and much more, beginning to end. The animals were large, abundant, wild as marsh hares, large properties, good accommodations and great meals. They worked their butts off tracking retrieving two wounded animals for me, due to my poor shot placement and were successful in both cases, one which a full second day of effort.

STOMPER, I often thought of you and your sweet heart, over at sipping drinks as those pink sky sun downs brought each evening to a spectacular end. I hope your trip was all you hoped it to be as well. The weather was absolutely perfect!

Regarding tanning advice, the following were also very helpful and it allowed us to prepare for how to deal with taking care for a very important part of the experience. Can't wait to get the stuff home and relive the memories. I think I'm going to need to finish another room on either the house or at the cabin. It's just added another $20,000 to the cost of the trip. Damn!


Thanks again everyone, theses kinds of discussion is what makes Monster Muleys an asset to the industry.

Glad to hear your trip went so well. I know to well about needing to add room for mounts I want to do also. Just never enough room is there. LOL

Lets here what animals you did take.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-01-17 AT 05:51PM (MST)[p]Between the three of us, we killed the following

2 Kudo
1 Gemsbuck
3 Wildabeast
1 Steinbuck
2 Dikker
3 Worthog
3 Blesbuck
3 Impala
1 Waterbuck
1 Zebra
1 Red Hartabeest

Kind of wanted to killed a giraffe but our wife's took a stand on those and they were so good to support our other antics that we passed.

I am very happy you had a great trip! Thanks for letting us know and post a story or two when you get a chance!

DeLoss, glad to see that your family enjoyed a wonderful time in South Africa. I'm looking forward to hearing more about the trip.
Excellent! Glad you had a great trip. Your first trip to Africa is always very special.
Congratulations on making it happen.
Thank you gentlemen, it was a very special experience. I have my son to thank for making it happen, and you folks for helping it go so smoothly.

When your many miles from the back yard, it's extra special to have things go as planned.

It's always nice to see good hunts happen to good people and to a true gentleman. What's a little more money on some enjoyable mounts we all know we can't take it with us. Enjoy the mounts when they get completed and post pictures.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-06-17 AT 01:40PM (MST)[p]For sure Cornhusker, we'll get some mounts done, in as much as they represent such warm memories and special times. I think most of our animals were mature in age and will look great on the wall. I'm okay with the little more cost to have them mounted, especially with a son that is an accomplished taxidermist. It's the cost of a place to appropriately display them that has me twitching. I think I've got about a year to get something prepared!!!

Thanks for checking in, I hope you and Jim are able to find a monster sheep for his son this fall. I wish you much success. Sounds like your getting up where the air is pretty thin. Be careful!!!!!! Aging is tricky and a frustrating phase of life, :D

LAST EDITED ON Aug-08-17 AT 06:48AM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Aug-01-17
>AT 05:51?PM (MST)

>Between the three of us, we
>killed the following
>2 Kudo
>1 Gemsbuck
>3 Wildabeast
>1 Steinbuck
>2 Dikker
>3 Worthog
>3 Blesbuck
>3 Impala
>1 Waterbuck
>1 Zebra
>1 Red Hartabeest
>Kind of wanted to killed a
>giraffe but our wife's took
>a stand on those and
>they were so good to
>support our other antics that
>we passed.

hell, it seems you went grazy...hahaha...what a nice number on the animals harvested, congrats!! Hope to see you on another trip in the near future...

Thanks and you are welcome!

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