A Bull for a BeanMan


Long Time Member
Here's my unit 2nd Season 61 bull. I saw some bigger but didn't close the deal on them. This one is nice and symmetrical and I love the curve of his matching fronts. I am very happy with him.

Well done, great bull!

"Opportunity is missed by most people
because its dressed in overalls
and looks like work."
Thomas Edison
That bull have a forward devil point on one of his fronts? Thats a nice solid bull!!

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
Excellent job Fred.
Sounds like you, AJ and Sparky had
a damned good trip.
Good bull for a good guy.

PS: I wont tell Russ about all that elk meat
in your freezer. He might "break & enter"
Great mass and length of times. Will make a great mount!


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
LAST EDITED ON Oct-22-14 AT 05:33PM (MST)[p]Thanks! I'm having a European mount done, I prefere bone to fur.

The pack out wasn't too bad, Upper Bench Trail.
Nice bull BeanMan! Good job!

Congrats Beanman. You did well. Love the fronts and an extra devil point also. About what we were seeing during the first season.
Fred....great looking Bull congrats to you on the success. Euro's are good too.
We are leaving here this friday am headed to Wyo for our elk hunt.

Great to see and to hear about your bull. Congratulations on a mighty fine bull elk. Will tell my two hunting partners in the morning about your kill. How cold is it now (October 22, 2014)? Cow Tag from southern Illinois.

Hot and Dry. Daytime temps were in the low 60's and it wasn't even freezing at night. It was like walking on potato chips with all the dry aspen leaves on the ground.
Way to go Beanman really nice bull....How many point did it take you to draw ? my daughter has been saving points for first season but she will be leaving for college before she will draw so am looking at second season. any suggestions?? THANKS
Congrats on a great bull. I know you spent a lot of time scouting. Hope to draw a second season tag in the next 2 years. Sitting on 16 NR points now.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-14 AT 00:43AM (MST)[p]Atta Boy, way to go Fred, Congrats!!

Now you got something great to throw in with them fresh beans!! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Gadjet, How did you do?

r270, I had 9 points, I think I would have drawn it last year but I had other things to attend to. I did draw it with 6 points three years ago and then had a bad crash on the mountain bike right before the season and had to turn it back in.
Just got home today after hunting my tail off all week.I killed a 336 bull.I am beyond happy. I will try to get some pictures posted tomorrow. We also hunted first season with my niece.She had a chance at a good bull but couldn't quite seal the deal. The first season was tough this year.
>Great Bull, congrats Fred!!
>Sure wish we could have met
>up for a beer!

Once we had him on the ground it was too warm to stay on the hill. If it had been cooler we probably would have ventured over your way.
He is a good looking Bull. Those fronts are sure good on him.
Glad you had a good hunt.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Fred that is awesome! I am grinning from ear to ear because you deserve it.
Congratulations buddy.

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