A Few Kickers on this One!


Founder Since 1999
Anyone like this buck? You've gotta like the kickers. I'm hoping this buck shows himself to me in the high country this year, but a bit bigger and even more stickers?!?! ha ha

Any of you seen bucks on the winter range or last year that you're hoping to find this summer?


Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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I love a buck with extras. Almost every deer mule deer and Coues I have killed have been typical. I dream of big framed bucks with extras.
That's a nice buck and should be a great buck next year.
Here are a few from the winter range this year. Anyone pick up some of these sheds?
Awesome buck. Love the extras.

As for a deer we're hoping to see again, had a nice 6x6 well outside his ears we were hoping to get on last year. Only got within 600 yards on a windy opening morning. Last time we saw him during the season. Hope he's still around when my dad gets a tag this year.
That could be a great Buck this year, a lot of moisture this spring and a ton of snow in the high country, he could blow up!
No kidding.

We need a new regulation that Wyoming residents get a week head start on the nr for shed hunting.

When there's literally 4 times more Utah plates than Wyoming plates, it's getting pretty ridiculous.

Of course, they all need to show off the big bucks they found on every social media site in existence. That helps a lot too.

Many Wyoming residents are getting pretty sick of it...
You were the first one to mention that it's a Wyoming buck nontypical! 99% of people would have no idea where I saw that buck. Now 100% do know. You told them all. That helps a lot too!!!

>No kidding.
>We need a new regulation that
>Wyoming residents get a week
>head start on the nr
>for shed hunting.
>When there's literally 4 times more
>Utah plates than Wyoming plates,
>it's getting pretty ridiculous.
>Of course, they all need to
>show off the big bucks
>they found on every social
>media site in existence. That
>helps a lot too.
>Many Wyoming residents are getting pretty
>sick of it...

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
>No kidding.
>We need a new regulation that
>Wyoming residents get a week
>head start on the nr
>for shed hunting.
>When there's literally 4 times more
>Utah plates than Wyoming plates,
>it's getting pretty ridiculous.
>Of course, they all need to
>show off the big bucks
>they found on every social
>media site in existence. That
>helps a lot too.
>Many Wyoming residents are getting pretty
>sick of it...

A few people are getting together with legislators in the near future to discuss adding a shed license for both residents and nonresidents. A "qualifying license" such as an annual fishing or small game license would suffice.
Nice Buck. A hunting partner in Wyoming has been sending pictures of a lot of snow on the Greys. Says the deer in the area near town were not looking very well.
Nice buck. But he's not good enough. If any of you find him please pass. Let him get bigger. He?s obviously still small. If you need help keeping track of him please send me the GPS coordinates
LAST EDITED ON May-26-19 AT 12:13PM (MST)[p]I never mentioned where that buck was at. Wyoming is a big state. Not that it would make any difference. That basin has been full of Utah plates for years. And we get more every year.

Trust me...it's not because of me posting "look what I found" pictures on social media...

Gasman.. pm sent

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