A Little Behind The Scenes


Long Time Member
Why I think they way I do...

In my opinion, for a person to depend on a political candidate or party for financial survival, peace, and emotional prosperity is like building your house upon the sand. It's foolish. And that goes for anybody; Trump, Biden, Bernie, Ted Cruz, etc... But it's also foolish thinking any one party is vastly different than the other. As hoss has often pointed out, people vote R but nothing actually changes on what they care about like abortion, debt, immigration reform, etc... He and I disagree on much, but he's correct on this.

Obama had both Chambers of Congress during parts of his Presidency and was able to pass ONE massive bill, Obamacare, which is now nationally popular in either parts or it's entirety. Trump couldn't even get it overturned and they've yet to offer an alternative after four years. Trump passed a massive tax bill during the portion of his Presidency when he had both Chambers in his control, part of which helped average Americans but the other part gives 25.3% of the tax cuts to those making over $837,000/yr, aka The Top 1%.

Nothing happened with abortion, or guns, or debt (except it increased growth rate under Trump), or education, or Social Security reform, or Medicare becoming insolvent. Heck, they can't even agree on silencers being taken off protected status or to block scam phone calls to cell phones. They get virtually nothing done. It's always the same.

So I'll go on living my merry life and let others scream the sky is falling, which happens on both sides of the aisle election after election after election. That's how they get people to send them money.

And nothing ever changes because they're all corrupt self-serving politicians who only take care of themselves and their donors.

I've been a lifelong Republican (heck, I was a state delegate during the Tea Party years) and still am registered as such, but they started to lose me on public lands (one of the few laws that can't be undone if the land is sold), and sealed the deal when they sold out to Trump (who has been a Republican for far less time than myself and most on MM). In my view, you can be a conservative or a Trump-supporter, but not both.

What some here don't seem to understand is I'm in no way a Democrat, in fact I won't even vote for them. But I despise Trump. Those beliefs aren't exclusive. You guys have conflated my anti-Trump beliefs into thinking that means I support Antifa. You're entirely wrong and making an illogical jump due to a failure to actually read what I type without making unsupported assumptions. I just don't care enough to make a big deal out of correcting it except in the most egregious cases, because it doesn't matter! In case some people forgot, this is only MonsterMuleys! It's a fantasy land.

Bottom line is the damage that Trump is doing to the Republican Party could take generations to repair, especially as the country becomes more diverse and states like Texas start to become purple.

Republicans are becoming the party of white working class men. They're losing minorities, young, women, educated, etc... That leaves uneducated middle-aged white males. That won't work as the country demographics shift. Trump needs to lose to save Conservatism. It's like cutting off a gangrenous leg to save the life. We need new blood, somebody with a positive vision for America who can grow the proverbial tent and convince people he's right instead of telling them everybody else is wrong.

So I'll write in some protest vote like I did last time and know that Trump will be here either four more months or four more years. But, either way, this too shall pass.

I miss Ronald Reagan!
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But Remember grizzly!

You Said You'd Vote for Biden just to Weed Trump out!

I'll Remind You of what I Said:

We Don't Have Time for 4 More Years of PISS POOR Leadership in this F'D Up World We Live in!
But Remember grizzly!

You Said You'd Vote for Biden just to Weed Trump out!

I'll Remind You of what I Said:

We Don't Have Time for 4 More Years of PISS POOR Leadership in this F'D Up World We Live in!
I don't recall saying that, but I think I made it clear I feel it's important for Trump to lose to save Conservatism. And I know I never said I was a Biden supporter because I never have been.

I've also said 155 times that I live in Utah so it doesn't matter who I vote for... it's going to Trump anyway.
And this is where I read your stuff, then duct tape my head together after it explodes.

Republicans are self dealing .........., but we need them to lose to save "conservatism".

Because republicans in the last 3 decades have been so conservative?

What happened to the Tea Party? Oh ya. The republicans waged war on it. Obama was fine, but the Tea Party was to be crushed.

Conservatism will only be saved when the Romneys of the party are crushed. But even then, its probably too late. But pinning that on Trump is asinine. That slide started under Reagan(yup, i dared touch the golden calf) and accelerated through the Bushs.

Trump gets credit because TDS is so overpowering the Dems facade has been torn away. The country can now see EXACTLY who they are.

So we will see. But at least when the vote is cast, the distinction will be very clear.

On a side note. When you get just a minute. You ever sit back and ponder WHY the left and never Trumpets hated Trump so badly? Not the BS narratives, the started spying on his campaign before he had any power.
That one question always sticks in my brain. WHY?
Not the BS narratives both spew. What's the real reason the entrenched elite class are literally losing their minds over? Military industrial complex?

That's the one that sticks.

And to me, when people I see as horrible(Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney) are so enraged over Trump, it makes my "protest vote" go to him.
It's all just a power struggle at this point to see who has control of the check book even though the account is over drawn. You could sell all the public land in the US and still wouldn't even pay for the 2 trillion dollars we printed for the covid crisis. You could take all the money from the millionaires and billionaires and that would be a green light for Congress to add another 10 trillion to our debt.

Part of me would like to see Biden win just so I can laugh at his response to save the world. I want to see everybody drive an electric car with no place to plug it in when the wind doesn't blow or it gets cloudy. California has rolling blackouts now and they lead the world in climate regulations. With 2 million acres on fire as I type this, how's our carbon foot print doing?
It's all just a power struggle at this point to see who has control of the check book even though the account is over drawn. You could sell all the public land in the US and still wouldn't even pay for the 2 trillion dollars we printed for the covid crisis. You could take all the money from the millionaires and billionaires and that would be a green light for Congress to add another 10 trillion to our debt.

Part of me would like to see Biden win just so I can laugh at his response to save the world. I want to see everybody drive an electric car with no place to plug it in when the wind doesn't blow or it gets cloudy. California has rolling blackouts now and they lead the world in climate regulations. With 2 million acres on fire as I type this, how's our carbon foot print doing?

Do you just enjoy making stuff up, or just too lazy to do some research?

Maybe you realize your fellow MM fanboys just aren't that bright...and you can say anything and they believe it.

Carbon foot print from wildfires in the US is around 290 million metric tons a year...or about 4-6% of the 5.1 BILLION metric tons released per year from fossil fuels.

To put things in perspective, forest fires in an average year release about 25% of what just California releases in a year for fossil fuel consumption.

What's your next move? Claiming volcano's release more carbon than fossil fuel consumption?
My point was you can't log on national forest because all those trees sequester carbon and they say that's good. Yet California burns 3 million acres of forest a year. I'm one that says CO2 is plant food and has nothing to do with raising global temps.
Hoss that's a damn good post. Summed it all up quite well. Grizz lacks the ability to see what's going on because he won't accept the simple fact that you kept mulling over and over. Grizz thinks he's astute and in many regards outside politics he is. He fails to see that his bias has blinded him the the reality that those in the dem party are sodomizing him with propaganda, manipulation, and the demonization of Trump, a single President, like never seen in our nations history. WHY??

If we lose this election, they'll raise taxes, raise estate taxes, and in the not too distant future will control his income more than he thought possible. He's 100% right to reflect on Reagan and wish for more of the same but fails to realize, though flawed Trump is the only one that will save this nation and there won't be another opportunity if he loses. That's exactly why all this has been done to EXTREME EXCESS to make him so bad any sane individual would have to vote for another choice. So his fallacy about it's just one more term couldn't be more flawed, it's not one more term it's simply the future control of this nation!

Trump had to be demonized in order for them to finish the chore Obama started, of leading us someplace else, A New Socialist World Order, where we aren't governed internally but by a central committee outside our nation. The uniparty was behind the whole damn mess Romney, Pelosi, McCain, Shumer, Ryan, Obama, Clinton, Biden, Harris, Schiff, and SOROS, Gates and a host of others.

Why because it will protect their wealth and elite status and continue to hide the fact they've exploited the American people for decades feathering their own nests! How else can you explain elected officials on lower salaries becoming wealthier than many people that invested tens of millions and ran companies and knew how to play Wall Street to it's maximum benefit.

How else can you explain why companies and countries set up their kids and pay them vast sums of money for favorable legislation and trade agreements, and allowing American jobs to be shipped offshore, by their parents while in office. How can you explain the vast golden parachutes for tens of millions, the retired politician's get from companies for their years of dedicated public service, but never have worked a single day as an employee of that company, until leaving office.

How can you explain the systemic racism this country is saddled with as the largest manufactured cultural crisis that suddenly has befallen mankind? Obama and Biden and the dems were in control of all those cities for decades and suddenly it's Trumps fault it's happened? Suddenly it's Trump's fault the elected officials ordered law enforcement to stand down and allowed BLM and antifa to loot, burn, destroy, beat and murder folks in their streets. Why hell any idiot can see all they had to do was actually enforce their current laws and the problem would be eradicated in short order.

Then we sit here today being told we're racist in the womb, racist at birth, and should be ashamed of our white privilege and the fact we worked, obeyed the laws, paid our taxes, and spent years raising a family to put into a school system that went to work manipulating their minds and indoctrinating them to the fact we as a society were wrong! Our kids should be ashamed of their skin color and must repent for the sins generations before them committed. What's being shamed from birth to grave do to ones ability to develop to their full potential? Think it might have a negative effect instead of a more positive approach? If you do you would be 100% correct!

Then they're rewriting history to teach the kids their own version of events to facilitate the indoctrination process. That's boilerplate socialist behavior to start the indoctrination process as early as possible. Being white is wrong, opposing ideas of the state are wrong, not allowing the government to control your life is wrong, capitalism is wrong, socialism is right, the party is right, Donald Trump is evil, worshiping god is wrong because he doesn't exist, biracial relationships are better, and we owe black people money because they were harmed, voting for any candidate outside the party is wrong, police are evil racists, law enforcement is bad, and you didn't build that the proletariat did and as such should control your business.

Yes Grizz I can see how closing that door to your mind has managed to block out all that is actually going on outside in our streets, schools, forests, cities, and the world right now.....I think you may have bought a little too heavily into the Covid 19 isolation since it's effected your actual view of reality.

What's going on in our streets and government today couldn't be farther from what Reagan and our founders wanted, and in a multitude of ways is exactly what Reagan actually warned us about. All you have to do is open your door and take a real good look outside and if you open your mind you'll see he was 100% correct and the forces of darkness he warned us about are out there right now trying to take your country. Old Ronnie was wise beyond his years, let's hope you and a host of others on this forum are wise enough to see that his vision was as clear then as what we are experiencing now and can see the signs he warned us about. He also told us it's up to us to save our country when the need arises well grizz that time is upon us now............You either put down the rebellion or surrender your country to the barbarians at the gate..........I'm voting to put down the lawless coup he said was coming, l hope you and the other naysayers, have the wisdom and foresight to do the same.
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My point was you can't log on national forest because all those trees sequester carbon and they say that's good. Yet California burns 3 million acres of forest a year. I'm one that says CO2 is plant food and has nothing to do with raising global temps.


Thought this smoke was drifting in from California wildfires...apparently its actually from your pants on fire.
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Why I think they way I do...

In my opinion, for a person to depend on a political candidate or party for financial survival, peace, and emotional prosperity is like building your house upon the sand. It's foolish. And that goes for anybody; Trump, Biden, Bernie, Ted Cruz, etc... But it's also foolish thinking any one party is vastly different than the other. As hoss has often pointed out, people vote R but nothing actually changes on what they care about like abortion, debt, immigration reform, etc... He and I disagree on much, but he's correct on this.

Obama had both Chambers of Congress during parts of his Presidency and was able to pass ONE massive bill, Obamacare, which is now nationally popular in either parts or it's entirety. Trump couldn't even get it overturned and they've yet to offer an alternative after four years. Trump passed a massive tax bill during the portion of his Presidency when he had both Chambers in his control, part of which helped average Americans but the other part gives 25.3% of the tax cuts to those making over $837,000/yr, aka The Top 1%.

Nothing happened with abortion, or guns, or debt (except it increased growth rate under Trump), or education, or Social Security reform, or Medicare becoming insolvent. Heck, they can't even agree on silencers being taken off protected status or to block scam phone calls to cell phones. They get virtually nothing done. It's always the same.

So I'll go on living my merry life and let others scream the sky is falling, which happens on both sides of the aisle election after election after election. That's how they get people to send them money.

And nothing ever changes because they're all corrupt self-serving politicians who only take care of themselves and their donors.

I've been a lifelong Republican (heck, I was a state delegate during the Tea Party years) and still am registered as such, but they started to lose me on public lands (one of the few laws that can't be undone if the land is sold), and sealed the deal when they sold out to Trump (who has been a Republican for far less time than myself and most on MM). In my view, you can be a conservative or a Trump-supporter, but not both.

What some here don't seem to understand is I'm in no way a Democrat, in fact I won't even vote for them. But I despise Trump. Those beliefs aren't exclusive. You guys have conflated my anti-Trump beliefs into thinking that means I support Antifa. You're entirely wrong and making an illogical jump due to a failure to actually read what I type without making unsupported assumptions. I just don't care enough to make a big deal out of correcting it except in the most egregious cases, because it doesn't matter! In case some people forgot, this is only MonsterMuleys! It's a fantasy land.

Bottom line is the damage that Trump is doing to the Republican Party could take generations to repair, especially as the country becomes more diverse and states like Texas start to become purple.

Republicans are becoming the party of white working class men. They're losing minorities, young, women, educated, etc... That leaves uneducated middle-aged white males. That won't work as the country demographics shift. Trump needs to lose to save Conservatism. It's like cutting off a gangrenous leg to save the life. We need new blood, somebody with a positive vision for America who can grow the proverbial tent and convince people he's right instead of telling them everybody else is wrong.

So I'll write in some protest vote like I did last time and know that Trump will be here either four more months or four more years. But, either way, this too shall pass.

I miss Ronald Reagan!

You got the TDS... and it's clearly incurable.
You long for a party that has never conserved anything.

What exactly is it that you like about the Republicans of old?
Is it the fact that they shipped a large portion of our jobs & manufacturing to foreign countries?
Perhaps it's the never ending wars that you enjoy? Or the fact that they were started via faulty intelligence? BTW this is the same intelligence community that lied to the American people for the last 4 years.
Maybe you like the U.S. being the police force of the world or the fact that U.S. taxpayers are on the hook for the security of Europe and other foreign countries?
You like the fact that neither the Dems or R's have any interest in securing our own border?
You ok with our troops defending foreign borders that sit on a different continent but we can't defend our own sovereign border.... all for cheap labor & an unlimited new voting source?
Yes totally awesome that whatever jobs we do have, the ones that weren't shipped overseas are given to illegal aliens streaming across our southern border. I like the fact that we get to pay for their education & healthcare once their here, that's great... is that what you like too?
Yeah that was really great that the R's handed over the education of our children to the teachers unions & the far left... right? We're seeing the fruits of that labor in our burned out cities & flaming streets today. A generation or more of kids that hate America and think we're all racist... is that what you like about your beloved R's of days gone by?

Got news for you Grizz, Jeb backed by the "R" establishment who you probably wanted to win... lost and is completely irrelevant. Just like Flake, Romney & the McCain types. They've gone the way of the dodo. The old "conservative" R's are not coming back... thankfully!
Got news for you Grizz, Jeb backed by the "R" establishment who you probably wanted to win... lost and is completely irrelevant. Just like Flake, Romney & the McCain types. They've gone the way of the dodo. The old "conservative" R's are not coming back... thankfully!

Do tell what the "new" Trump Republican's believe in because it isn't fiscal discipline and sound monetary policy. It isn't smaller government and less intrusion in our lives, it isn't about a less activist judiciary, it isn't about passing laws that uphold conservative values, it isn't about reigning in bureaucracies and making government accountable.

So what is this "new" Trump Republican Party's core values? More debt seems to be it's main goal. It can't be border security given the number of illegals crossings that are still happening.

The old R's are not coming back and the new Trump R's are not conservative. If there is not counter weight to liberals in most areas, like growth of government, debt, spending, health care, fiscal policy, etc etc. and the only difference is on social issue like abortion or nuclear family or LBGTQ rights, or whatever it is not, then what is long term value of the Trump Republican party? Liberals suck, no argument there. If Trump is the face and leader of the new Republican party, what exactly is it's soul made up of? If anyone is honest, Trump isn't conservative and neither are most of his policies.

I've never said Trump is a conservative and I'm right with you on the fiscal bs... he's the one with the pen in hand and the debt will come due at some point. Whatever support I show for Trump is with the great hope of not turning the entire country into California or worse. Griz seems to think it doesn't matter if Biden/Harris gets in or if Trump is re-elected... it won't affect him one way or the other. I beg to differ and I doubt you do either. I've been around long enough to know that you wouldn't say you'd probably vote for Trump if you didn't think we're likely in serious trouble if the Dems take control. With Trump we're broke but at least we have a fighting chance of remaining a republic as we've known it. With the dems in control we're broke and we turn into CA or worse... IMO.

Like him or hate him, Trump is the end result of both Parties failing.
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Dems win it all??

1. no more electoral college
2. expanded Supreme Court
3. DC and Puerto Rico statehood with 4 more liberal senators..
4. ALL Obama administration criminal activity spying on a candidate and President elect swept away forever...

Do tell what the "new" Trump Republican's believe in because it isn't fiscal discipline and sound monetary policy. It isn't smaller government and less intrusion in our lives, it isn't about a less activist judiciary, it isn't about passing laws that uphold conservative values, it isn't about reigning in bureaucracies and making government accountable.

So what is this "new" Trump Republican Party's core values? More debt seems to be it's main goal. It can't be border security given the number of illegals crossings that are still happening.

The old R's are not coming back and the new Trump R's are not conservative. If there is not counter weight to liberals in most areas, like growth of government, debt, spending, health care, fiscal policy, etc etc. and the only difference is on social issue like abortion or nuclear family or LBGTQ rights, or whatever it is not, then what is long term value of the Trump Republican party? Liberals suck, no argument there. If Trump is the face and leader of the new Republican party, what exactly is it's soul made up of? If anyone is honest, Trump isn't conservative and neither are most of his policies.


What was the core of the mystical R you and Grizzly keep talking about. Where were they? When did they exist?.

The Tea Party was a reaction to the R and the D. In short it was a react to elitist vs average. Which is why it united the R and D in crushing it.

Which is why my head explodes when you clowns keep talking about old school or core R.

The core of the R party was to her elected. Same as D. Everything else is negotiable.You will complain that R isn't keeping its core, but look away from D losing there's.

We saw Trump, this year, go against his CORE R, and sign GAOA. His CORE was adamant about not signing it.

So should we celebrate his independent action? Or assault him for breaking from traditional R values?

Or should we just be constant critics, while offering now counter.
I've never said Trump is a conservative and I'm right with you on the fiscal bs... he's the one with the pen in hand and the debt will come due at some point. Whatever support I show for Trump is with the great hope of not turning the entire country into California or worse. Griz seems to think it doesn't matter if Biden/Harris gets in or if Trump is re-elected... it won't affect him one way or the other. I beg to differ and I doubt you do either. I've been around long enough to know that you wouldn't say you'd probably vote for Trump if you didn't think we're likely in serious trouble if the Dems take control. With Trump we're broke but at least we have a fighting chance of remaining a republic as we've known it. With the dems in control we're broke and we turn into CA or worse... IMO.

Like him or hate him, Trump is the end result of both Parties failing.

But the question I asked is fairly simply: If Trump is the leader of the Newly Revised Republican party- What is the Party's core values? I would argue that Reagan had a vision of what the party would look like and what it should stand for. He was spendy for his time too but he also created a decade plus of growth after the disaster of the 70's. I don't get the feeling that Trump is going to be a beloved icon 30 after his presidency.

Yes I am concerned that Biden/Harris will win and more concerned that the Senate will swing Democrat. Of all the thing that Homer listed he missed the biggest issue if the Senate goes blue, the End of Cloture vote and filibuster, the stripping of any voice of the minority party. That is far more a reality and only requires the party in power to change the Senate rules.

To change the electoral college requires an amendment to the Constitution, hard to see that getting done.

Packing the Supreme Court would most likely turn out just like it did for FDR. It cost him momentum in the House and Senate and tied up his own party in a tribal fight.

kind of doubtful about adding two additional states

sweeping Obama era illegal activity under the rug is already happening today. Brennan was told he was and is not the target of the Durham investigation. Hillary/Biden/Obama/Comey/Brennan et al are still not under indictment, arrest or even a target of criminal charges. That is after nearly 4 years of Trump's first term. Just saying
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What was the core of the mystical R you and Grizzly keep talking about. Where were they? When did they exist?.

The Tea Party was a reaction to the R and the D. In short it was a react to elitist vs average. Which is why it united the R and D in crushing it.

Which is why my head explodes when you clowns keep talking about old school or core R.

The core of the R party was to her elected. Same as D. Everything else is negotiable.You will complain that R isn't keeping its core, but look away from D losing there's.

We saw Trump, this year, go against his CORE R, and sign GAOA. His CORE was adamant about not signing it.

So should we celebrate his independent action? Or assault him for breaking from traditional R values?

Or should we just be constant critics, while offering now counter.

If I were a D supporter I wouldn't give a damn about what the R's did or did not do.

So in your mind a single act of independence by Trump of signing GAOA should mean that I should stop believing in Conservative core values of fiscal restraint, sound monetary policy and a smaller less intrusive government?

Did you feel the same way when Obama ordered the bin Laden raid into Pakistan? That one act you supported meant you had to turn your head and look away from the rest of what Obama was doing?

Old School conservative priorities used to be the core of the Republican party, The Tea Party caucused with Republicans for a reason, because the party aligned more with the Tea Party ideas.

It isn't so any more.


Thought this smoke was drifting in from California wildfires...apparently its actually from your pants on fire.

Well I certainly apologize BuzzH. I see California has logged about 71 million board feet this year alone. The sawmill I worked at was the 3rd largest mill in Humboldt County and we cut that much in a year running one shift. I don't think anybody will be headed to California for the big timber boom.
If I were a D supporter I wouldn't give a damn about what the R's did or did not do.

So in your mind a single act of independence by Trump of signing GAOA should mean that I should stop believing in Conservative core values of fiscal restraint, sound monetary policy and a smaller less intrusive government?

Did you feel the same way when Obama ordered the bin Laden raid into Pakistan? That one act you supported meant you had to turn your head and look away from the rest of what Obama was doing?

Old School conservative priorities used to be the core of the Republican party, The Tea Party caucused with Republicans for a reason, because the party aligned more with the Tea Party ideas.

It isn't so any more.


WHO. I keep asking. WHO actually governed from the R using the "core values" you just stated.

Wasnt a Bush. Wasnt Reagan. Wasnt Nixon. Hell, it Wasnt Lincoln.

So again. For the 50th time, why are you pinning on Trump "core republican values" ?

The Tea Party got smashed, they didnt join.
Hold on Reagan rebuilt the country after the disaster of the Stagflation of the 70's using the power of Paul Volker to choke off inflation, spur the economy and cured the military of it's post Vietnam hang over. Nixon was a crook and he compromised on something you probably would have championed at the time, the Endangered Species Act. Remember Bush Senior was a Conservative who realized the fiscal picture was bad and raised taxes and cut spending to attempt to balance the budget, the mountains of new revenue that poured into the Treasury under Clinton were a direct result of Bush 1's care for fiscal discipline.

Bush 2 was dealt a hand and kind of over taken by events just 8 months into his first term. So were they perfect conservatives, nope but they could at the very least state what conservatives believed, the core values of the party were in the party platform.

Can you show my what the party platform is today? They simply rubber stamped the 2016 platform and called it good. They didn't address any new Law and Order planks, repudiate BLM, Explain the CV-19 response, Declare victory on any issue, State the continued need for a change in Obamacare.... none of it.

So my question again is if Trump Republicans are now in charge of the party, what exactly does the party stand for or stand against? or are you saying the party isn't Trump's? If it isn't Trump's and his supporters then who is leading the party?

If it isn't Trump's and his supporters then who is leading the party?

NeMont, You've done a great job meeting hyperbole with fact! And you've refrained from name-calling and personal attacks, which are so prevalent from Trump's supporters on this site. Good job!

The sad thing is the Republican Party right now does belong to Trump and his supporters. People like Michele Bachmann, who declared today, "These are transgender Marxists — transgender Black Marxists — who are seeking the overthrow of the United States." As if there are armies of African-American men who want to be women and are secretly schooled in the teachings of Carl Marx. I've never heard of one, but Michele is out telling people they're the enemy!

That's the stuff his supporters believe. You've seen the Q talk. You've seen the "deep state" talk. You've seen the constant attacks against everybody else as "anti-American" and "anti-God" and "socialist" and every other thing they can think of... including "transgender" and "pedophiles".

There are no morals, integrity, aspirations, visions, or hope left in the Republican Party. Reagan's "Morning In America" message is gone. Instead we have hate, fear, ignorance, lies, and venom. For proof, just read the last few days on this forum.

You're correct that HW sacrificed his reelection to raise taxes and that we balanced the budget shortly thereafter. Bush built his entire Presidency on being a "compassionate conservative" and making sure we weren't attacked at home again.

Something like 80 Bush-era Republicans have come out against Trump, people who were Republican back when Trump was funding the Clinton's. We've even had many Trump appointees come out against Trump because they've seen what he's doing and the damage that's been done. Instead of having an intelligent conversation, he brands them RINOs and Never Trumpers (even though he appointed them in the first place) and his cult nods in unison and kneels to their King, never questioning the breadth and depth of the people who have seen that in reality, The King Has No Clothes.
Republicans are becoming the party of white working class men. They're losing minorities, young, women, educated, etc... That leaves uneducated middle-aged white males. That won't work as the country demographics shift. Trump needs to lose to save Conservatism. It's like cutting off a gangrenous leg to save the life. We need new blood, somebody with a positive vision for America who can grow the proverbial tent and convince people he's right instead of telling them everybody else is wrong.

This is an intellectually bankrupt statement made with zero facts. It sums up the entirety of this post.
Quit watching CNN

This is an intellectually bankrupt statement made with zero facts. It sums up the entirety of this post.
Quit watching CNN



-EDUCATION --- Among college graduates, a mere 30% approved of Trump’s job performance, and 67% disapproved. Even among non-graduates, only 42% approved of Trump, and 52% disapproved.

The only education group to give Trump higher approval than disapproval ratings were white non-college graduates, where 52% approved and 43% disapproved. Among white college graduates, those disapproving of Trump’s job performance (66%) was more than two-to-one higher than those approving (32%).

-WOMEN -- The latest ABC/Washington Post survey shows that this shift may be intensifying. Although support for President Trump among non-college men stands at 71%, as high as it was four years ago, his support among non-college women has fallen by 11 percentage points, from 61% to just 50%, the poll finds. Hillary Clinton lost this group to Donald Trump by 27 points in 2016. Today, Joe Biden trails him by just 6. If this pattern were to persist through November, it is hard to see how the president could win reelection.

- MINORITIES --- According to the poll, Biden has a large advantage over Trump among minority voters, as 69 percent of non-white voters chose the former vice president as their preferred candidate, while 26 percent sided with Trump.

- AGE --- In 2016, for instance, President Trump performed best among voters 65 years and older. He also won among those between the ages of 45 and 64. So looking ahead to November, you might expect Trump to once again do well with older voters. However, recent public polls — and the president’s own private polling — suggest that Trump may be doing worse among older voters against former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Overall, Biden leads Trump by 27 points in the poll of youth voters across the battleground states, at 56 percent support compared to Trump's 29 percent.


That leaves middle-aged uneducated white males as Trump's base... Exactly as I said. Wise up.
That's normally the basis for Grizz's input on politics. He's goes on about wanting Reagan back and yet disregards the mans warning about the enemy within that would be coming at us again. So when they have a socialist platform they're not socialists. When they stand up and campaign and admit they're socialist's they're not socialist's. When the head of the DNC and Bernie and the squad admit they're socialist's it's simply not true. When a large percentage of the DNC and progressive caucus are members of the New Democratic Socialist Party they're not socialist's. When they're indoctrinating our youth with socialist ideology and rewriting our nations history to sanitize their own past aggression's toward people of color it's not accurate, it's just rhetoric.

Then he completely disregards what's going on outside his little make believe world and can't discern the differences between how the red and blue states are being governed, and what's going on in their cities. When they're allowing marching in our streets chanting death to America, death to whites, we're the revolution, and burn it down burn it to the ground, and burning our flag he's thinks it's an episode of the living dead not anarchy and civil unrest.....when they're refusing to enforce their laws and letting those arrested for arson, looting, theft, and destruction of property go, he thinks it's a domestic version of destruction derby.

Now we're to the point he's trying to play I'm the bigger man card and being a martyr for the new Reagan democrats party.......and those that oppose his views aren't really able to comprehend what's going on......too bad he flunked world history, and his US Constitution and government classes.....or else he'd be able to see what it was that Reagan was warning us about. But with his actions and beliefs he's making Nakita Krushchev a prophet.
^^^ I've said none of those things. And you just proved me right! You're doing exactly what I said in my first post about making assumptions with no justification and then turning them into ignorant personal attacks. I think that imagination of yours is what made you susceptible to their "A Beautiful Mind" fantasy to begin with. Watch out for those rapist Mexicans Trump has been warning you about. And especially the black transgender marxists trying to take over America ?

I'm not going to spend the thumb time responding to the context of a totally baseless post by another angry old Trump supporter. It would be more productive to spend the night agreeing with Tucker Carlson on TV while searching far-right idiotic conspiracy websites to re-post on a hunting forum and wondering why nobody I know will listen to me telling them the world is ending and whose fault it is. Oh, nevermind, look who I'm talking to!
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NeMont, You've done a great job meeting hyperbole with fact! And you've refrained from name-calling and personal attacks, which are so prevalent from Trump's supporters on this site. Good job!

The sad thing is the Republican Party right now does belong to Trump and his supporters. People like Michele Bachmann, who declared today, "These are transgender Marxists — transgender Black Marxists — who are seeking the overthrow of the United States." As if there are armies of African-American men who want to be women and are secretly schooled in the teachings of Carl Marx. I've never heard of one, but Michele is out telling people they're the enemy!

That's the stuff his supporters believe. You've seen the Q talk. You've seen the "deep state" talk. You've seen the constant attacks against everybody else as "anti-American" and "anti-God" and "socialist" and every other thing they can think of... including "transgender" and "pedophiles".

There are no morals, integrity, aspirations, visions, or hope left in the Republican Party. Reagan's "Morning In America" message is gone. Instead we have hate, fear, ignorance, lies, and venom. For proof, just read the last few days on this forum.

You're correct that HW sacrificed his reelection to raise taxes and that we balanced the budget shortly thereafter. Bush built his entire Presidency on being a "compassionate conservative" and making sure we weren't attacked at home again.

Something like 80 Bush-era Republicans have come out against Trump, people who were Republican back when Trump was funding the Clinton's. We've even had many Trump appointees come out against Trump because they've seen what he's doing and the damage that's been done. Instead of having an intelligent conversation, he brands them RINOs and Never Trumpers (even though he appointed them in the first place) and his cult nods in unison and kneels to their King, never questioning the breadth and depth of the people who have seen that in reality, The King Has No Clothes.


51st time. Who actually was elected President as an R, and governed that way?

I remember Reagan. I remember Iran Contra. Was that part of the party platform? How was his spending? Just curious?

Grizzly. If someone wrote Trump a nice flowery speach, like "morning in America", would you feel better? If he laid down like Romney and was accused of killing dogs, and killing women if cancer, would you feel better?

Did you feel better when the compassionate conservative was destroyed?

What can Trump do to make you feel better?

Oh. He announced hes bringing home more troops today. Yet another action in defiance of his neocon party. Guess morally he should continue endless war. I mean his R predecessors practiced it. But they blew smoke up your azz while they did, so you felt better
jeezus....it's not that hard to leave a space between your thoughts and the quote.......DO IT!!!!
The ad was written and narrated by ad man Hal Riney, who also wrote and narrated Reagan's resonant "Bear in the woods" ad (titled "Bear") as well as his "America's Back" ad. To many, his rich, avuncular voice represented wholesomeness and authenticity.[1] Bernie Vangrin of Hal Riney & Partners was the Art Director of the ad, which was directed and filmed by John Pytka of Levine/Pytka Productions

Grizzly was so moved by Reagan,.....i mean an ad man. There are morals and convictions. Hire an ad writer..

If we just had more empty flowery words, then conservatism would survive.
Once again you prove you're functionally illiterate...... I pointed out what's going on .....LOL but your rage blinds you.

Here think about this If Ronald Reagan was here today he'd wallop you on the side of your head and tell you to WTFU........

What part about the fact they're campaigning as socialist's, and telling you they're socialist's and have socialist ideals in their platform can't you comprehend?

Ronald Reagan would lift his leg on your damn forehead since you claiming to idolize him with such a basic lack of what he actually stood for is remarkable. He loved this country and the ideals upon which it was founded, he supported the Constitution and our laws and right's it affords. You in your obvious insanity can't understand the most basic of those ideals let alone comprehend the fact you're laying down rather than standing up for those ideals. You're a damn joke and the biggest fraud on this forum!
How many personal attacks have now been thrown by Trump supporters? Dozens? Everything from alleged high school report cards to being a fraud, idiot, or "damn joke"... as if anybody here would have any standing to make any of those claims about somebody they've never met! Have there been any personal attacks by his detractors?
Has a single Trumpeter posted anything of respectful dissent? How sad is it that the temperament of the group-think Trumpeters is so easily displayed for all to see.

All Trumpeters can't be like this, can they?
It really doesn't have to be all that complicated. In the 2020 presidential election, do you want to vote for the party that hates America, or the party that loves America? Should be a really easy decision. Doesn't matter if you consider yourself Republican, Democrat, Progressive, Liberal, Conservative. Who even really cares at this point? It's the party that's corrupt and hates America, or Trump. Even those who don't like Trump should be voting for him.
hoss, you brought up GAOA and said Trump went against his Core. You're right, he did. And thankfully he voted with the Democrats or we wouldn't have it. When Republicans had the House, it didn't happen. Until Republicans were going to lose Senate seats in Montana and Colorado, it didn't happen. Maybe Jr. helped, maybe it was purely political on Trump's part, we don't know. I'm just glad it got done. Trump deserves credit for giving his blessing so Mcconnell would get out of the way after blocking it for years.

You then brought up Iran-Contra and Reagan's handling of it. Let's compare how Reagan handled his crisis to Trump handling his and you'll see why a student of history can't wait to see Trump go.

"I don't take responsibility at all"

"I take full responsibility"

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you are a mile wide and half an inch deep grizzly.....is that a personal attack or a fact???
Personal attack. Baseless. And impossible for somebody to know about a person they've never met. But, you are the very person who said here he never misses a chance to be a jerk. So, it's just you being you.

Life's too short to be a jerk all the time, but to quote Ronald, "There you go again."
It really doesn't have to be all that complicated. In the 2020 presidential election, do you want to vote for the party that hates America, or the party that loves America? Should be a really easy decision.

It's the party that's corrupt and hates America, or Trump. Even those who don't like Trump should be voting for him.

So, in your view if a person votes for a Democrat this year... they're voting for the party that hates America. It doesn't matter who they are. You've never met them, but you know it's a fact. Democrats equal hating America? That's your core belief?

That includes 42% of active duty military members who say they'll vote for Biden?

That includes Colin Powell?

That includes John Kasich?

They want somebody that hates America?


hoss, you brought up GAOA and said Trump went against his Core. You're right, he did. And thankfully he voted with the Democrats or we wouldn't have it. When Republicans had the House, it didn't happen. Until Republicans were going to lose Senate seats in Montana and Colorado, it didn't happen. Maybe Jr. helped, maybe it was purely political on Trump's part, we don't know. I'm just glad it got done. Trump deserves credit for giving his blessing so Mcconnell would get out of the way after blocking it for years.

You then brought up Iran-Contra and Reagan's handling of it. Let's compare how Reagan handled his crisis to Trump handling his and you'll see why a student of history can't wait to see Trump go.

"I don't take responsibility at all"

"I take full responsibility"

Guess we have to ask Oliver North how well Reagan "handled" Iran Contra?
Grizz it's time to get down to the real point at hand. You're simply a 100% dyed in the wool SOCIALIST SYMPATHIZER and a walking talking CNN propagandized clone..........That's not name calling that's reality you damn moron.......now that's name calling. Can you deduce the difference?

When you keep parroting the false narrative they used to divide this country you're beyond help. Those names you mentioned are all globalist's but I guess you lack the basic skills to discern that too

Personal attack, personal attack, personal attack, sounds a lot like racially biased, racially biased, racially biased, Trumps fault, Trumps fault, Trumps fault..........once again your parroting Alinski and the dems & CNN & MSNBC.....you should just apply for a job with CNN your logic and methods parrot theirs to a tee, short on facts, long on propaganda.......lets hear you say peaceful protests, peaceful protests....... SEE you're a natural........can you say bombshell, bombshell, bombshell,,,,,,,,,,
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So, in your view if a person votes for a Democrat this year... they're voting for the party that hates America. It doesn't matter who they are. You've never met them, but you know it's a fact. Democrats equal hating America? That's your core belief?

That includes 42% of active duty military members who say they'll vote for Biden?

That includes Colin Powell?

That includes John Kasich?

They want somebody that hates America?



You are great at banging Trump.

But lets check you honesty.

Its KNOWN Biden has had brain aneurysm. Hes had brain surgeries. Its obvious he has had pretty dramatic cognitive decline since he left the VP.

You know the drain the Presidency is. At his age, with his brain health in question, and his rapid decline, do you seriously believe hes even capable of the job.

No comparisons. Is Joe Biden capable of this job?
I sure dont see it.
You are great at banging Trump.

But lets check you honesty.

Its KNOWN Biden has had brain aneurysm. Hes had brain surgeries. Its obvious he has had pretty dramatic cognitive decline since he left the VP.

You know the drain the Presidency is. At his age, with his brain health in question, and his rapid decline, do you seriously believe hes even capable of the job.

No comparisons. Is Joe Biden capable of this job?
I sure dont see it.

I would argue that neither of our choices are, either physically, or from an ability to lead and govern standpoint.

-EDUCATION --- Among college graduates, a mere 30% approved of Trump’s job performance, and 67% disapproved. Even among non-graduates, only 42% approved of Trump, and 52% disapproved.

The only education group to give Trump higher approval than disapproval ratings were white non-college graduates, where 52% approved and 43% disapproved. Among white college graduates, those disapproving of Trump’s job performance (66%) was more than two-to-one higher than those approving (32%).

-WOMEN -- The latest ABC/Washington Post survey shows that this shift may be intensifying. Although support for President Trump among non-college men stands at 71%, as high as it was four years ago, his support among non-college women has fallen by 11 percentage points, from 61% to just 50%, the poll finds. Hillary Clinton lost this group to Donald Trump by 27 points in 2016. Today, Joe Biden trails him by just 6. If this pattern were to persist through November, it is hard to see how the president could win reelection.

- MINORITIES --- According to the poll, Biden has a large advantage over Trump among minority voters, as 69 percent of non-white voters chose the former vice president as their preferred candidate, while 26 percent sided with Trump.

- AGE --- In 2016, for instance, President Trump performed best among voters 65 years and older. He also won among those between the ages of 45 and 64. So looking ahead to November, you might expect Trump to once again do well with older voters. However, recent public polls — and the president’s own private polling — suggest that Trump may be doing worse among older voters against former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Overall, Biden leads Trump by 27 points in the poll of youth voters across the battleground states, at 56 percent support compared to Trump's 29 percent.


That leaves middle-aged uneducated white males as Trump's base... Exactly as I said. Wise up.

Interesting poll. I'd like to see the source.
As a college educated, middle aged male, I know how I'm voting. Also, if you look at the "polling" of the swing states, you'll find some interesting data, that disproves your opinion.
I really don't care about national polls, remember Hillary had a 99% to win on election night.

Grizz you want to champion the GAOA you do relize not one Republican of the 1980s including Reagan would have voted for that bill.
I can't relate to or get into a discussion with anyone who thinks they are more intelligent than, or morally superior to, a common blue collar worker. We live in different worlds. Vote for whoever you and I will too.
Grizz you want to champion the GAOA you do relize not one Republican of the 1980s including Reagan would have voted for that bill.
First of all, it's hoss that brought that up. Secondly, your statement is yet again devoid of fact and purely theoretical with no basis. Thirdly, both the Clean Air Act (think: coal) and the Endangered Species Act (think: grizzlies and wolves) were passed in the 70's and signed by Republican Presidents so your assumption that GAOA would not have been supported in the 80's carries no justification via historical precedence.
I can't relate to or get into a discussion with anyone who thinks they are more intelligent than, or morally superior to, a common blue collar worker. We live in different worlds. Vote for whoever you and I will too.
Does that apply to Boskee, who has called those he disagrees with a fraud, "damn joke", etc? Or Bob D., who says anybody who votes different than he does is braindead or anti-American?

I'm wondering if your stance goes both ways, or only one, as I've been on a crusade to stop personal attacks for a long time now. But they keep coming, and always from the same side.
Does that apply to Boskee, who has called those he disagrees with a fraud, "damn joke", etc? Or Bob D., who says anybody who votes different than he does is braindead or anti-American?

I'm wondering if your stance goes both ways, or only one, as I've been on a crusade to stop personal attacks for a long time now. But they keep coming, and always from the same side.
It goes both ways. Edit: but mostly those college educated idiots, and I went 3.5 years at HSU.
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Interesting poll. I'd like to see the source.
As a college educated, middle aged male, I know how I'm voting. Also, if you look at the "polling" of the swing states, you'll find some interesting data, that disproves your opinion.
I really don't care about national polls, remember Hillary had a 99% to win on election night.

Google the polls. There are dozens to choose from.

And the polls were right in that Hillary carried the popular vote and Trump only won by 80,000 votes out of 140 million cast.
Interesting that Bob D’s comment has your panties in a bunch but nary a word when Biden told black people if they didn’t vote for him they weren’t black.
Grizz if you want to stop the personal attacks as you call them read what you post and stop telling folks you didn't say that...... when in the context they never said you did. Relating to the events we see unfolding on our streets today and what politician's are saying and putting in their platform is reality. See most of us on here deal in that context, you seem to be lost in some alternate universe of the CNN & MSNBC Trump construct or some other abstract.

The difference between you and me concerning Reagan I met the man and went to his inauguration. Was I a good personal friend NO, but I had been in his presence more than a few times and he was a great guy that loved his country and the charisma was real. See Grizz different worlds lead to different parallels and different conclusions, yet we both liked the man and wish we had one like him now.

Some of us really dealt with Washington and had family employed there in different capacities and in politics and some didn't but Reagan was no fan of socialism in any stretch of the imagination, and if he saw what was going on today he'd be upset, not at you, but with Washington in general for allowing the cancer to metastasize and get embedded.

I'll let you remount now to continue your crusade but it's a little hard to take you serious when you're riding the dems donkey or as we republican's call it an ass, since they like to show it all the time.
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You'd think Griz being the patriot that he is, might have shown just a little concern that his heroes tried to undermine and overthrow a duly elected president via "Russia, Russia Russia!" Of course given the likely media sources that he consumes, he probably knows nothing about the "smooth peaceful transition of power" that Obama/Biden offered Trump. Or the fact that taxpayers are on the hook for countless millions for the Mueller investigation that knew prior to opening of the special counsel that there was no there there. He should be so proud that his heroes are so upstanding.

Personally I do believe there are more indictments coming other than just Clinesmith.
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First of all, it's hoss that brought that up. Secondly, your statement is yet again devoid of fact and purely theoretical with no basis. Thirdly, both the Clean Air Act (think: coal) and the Endangered Species Act (think: grizzlies and wolves) were passed in the 70's and signed by Republican Presidents so your assumption that GAOA would not have been supported in the 80's carries no justification via historical precedence.
I suppose 50 percent correct is good enough for a liberal!
Clean Air Act 1963 signed by Liddon B Johnson
Endanger Species Act 1973 signed by Richard B Nixon.
I would argue that neither of our choices are, either physically, or from an ability to lead and govern standpoint.

Kind of a cheap shot. I know you dont like him, but there arent a ton of 70 yr Olds keeping a schedule like Trump.

But ill notice you dodged the actual point. FDR was in **** physical shape, but was pretty on point mentally.

Care to comment on Joe?
hoss .........careful they think they both fooled ya! The libs typical mo split hairs and don't answer any question that will hurt them........LOL

Beside if they answered that honestly it leaves good old # 2 as the subject and she was a very poor choice at best.how can anyone support her when she dropped down faster than old Stormy on a $20.00 bill.
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Kind of a cheap shot. I know you dont like him, but there arent a ton of 70 yr Olds keeping a schedule like Trump.

But ill notice you dodged the actual point. FDR was in **** physical shape, but was pretty on point mentally.

Care to comment on Joe?
As I said, I don’t think Joe is fit for office, though his mental status isn’t nearly as bad as many of the curated videos make him appear. No, I don’t like trump. Trump (and any president) has a very demanding, very stressful, very intense schedule. He is showing plenty of signs of strain, as anyone his age likely would. It will likely get far worse if he does another term. In my mind we have two presidential candidates that are unfit both physically and mentally to lead this country until January 2025.
hoss .........careful they think they both fooled ya! The libs typical mo split hairs and don't answer any question that will hurt them........LOL

Beside if they answered that honestly it leaves good old # 2 as the subject and she was a very poor choice at best.how can anyone support her when she dropped down faster than old Stormy on a $20.00 bill.

The question I answered was “Do you think Joe Biden is capable of this Job?”. I answered that he was not. Both the VPs suck, which makes the tops of the ticket all the scarier.
I suppose 50 percent correct is good enough for a liberal!
Clean Air Act 1963 signed by Liddon B Johnson
Endanger Species Act 1973 signed by Richard B Nixon.
LBJ's in ’63 is considered a prelude. Even the EPA considers Nixon as the one who signed Clean Air Act (see below)

Screenshot_20200910-150738_Samsung Internet.jpg

it's a little hard to take you serious when you're riding the dems donkey or as we republican's call it an ass, since they like to show it all the time.

You're a real class act, especially since I've never defended the Dems and even wrote...

What some here don't seem to understand is I'm in no way a Democrat, in fact I won't even vote for them.


You are great at banging Trump.

But lets check you honesty.

Its KNOWN Biden has had brain aneurysm. Hes had brain surgeries. Its obvious he has had pretty dramatic cognitive decline since he left the VP.

You know the drain the Presidency is. At his age, with his brain health in question, and his rapid decline, do you seriously believe hes even capable of the job.

No comparisons. Is Joe Biden capable of this job?
I sure dont see it.

It appears you've framed your question under the pretense that Trump is mentally capable. He's shown he's not and several members of his cabinet have alluded to that fact. But I'm not confident Biden is either. I also said I wouldn't vote for Biden and have never defended him so I'm not sure of your point.

You'd think Griz being the patriot that he is, might have shown just a little concern that his heroes tried to undermine and overthrow a duly elected president via "Russia, Russia Russia!" Of course given the likely media sources that he consumes, he probably knows nothing about the "smooth peaceful transition of power" that Obama/Biden offered Trump. Or the fact that taxpayers are on the hook for countless millions for the Mueller investigation that knew prior to opening of the special counsel that there was no there there. He should be so proud that his heroes are so upstanding.

Personally I do believe there are more indictments coming other than just Clinesmith.

There you go again making stuff up about my "heroes" when I've clearly said I won't vote for them. I don't ever even recall commenting on Russia but you're somehow trying to make it relevant here along with Obama's transition. Anything to distract, I guess.

but there arent a ton of 70 yr Olds keeping a schedule like Trump.

I know of at least one other person in his 70s that keeps Trump's schedule... watching Fox News and typing attacks on his phone all day, so it can't be that hard ?
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how can anyone support her when she dropped down faster than old Stormy on a $20.00 bill.
Are you really attacking Harris for her sexual history by referencing the person that Trump paid hush money to over his own sexual escapade?

Not smart.
If you honestly think you haven't defended the dems actions on this forum on numerous threads you're delusional. In many cases when you oppose what the GOP or Trump did it infers you agreed with the dems position by the way you reply since Trump was wrong and you keep trying to point it out using your little CNN & MSNBC buddies. Why in the hell do you think you get yourself sideways with so many people, on so many threads............DUH

Why do you think I asked you if your read what you write? Being linked to liberal websites & quoting them, on so many threads makes you appear complicit with their opinion. Now, reread what I wrote and see if you can see how it happens........ Just because you say you're not a democrat.....your constant defending of their position and Trump bashing says otherwise.......and when you use their arguments you continue to put nails in your own coffin. Perception is reality.........
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Google the polls. There are dozens to choose from.

And the polls were right in that Hillary carried the popular vote and Trump only won by 80,000 votes out of 140 million cast.

The polls were right? Trump is the President.

When you get Biden, you will get;
Anti- second amendment
Failed policies, like his last 45 years
Pro-1st Amendment including burning down your towns
Increased taxes
Anti-fossil fuels
Good luck with that Grizz.

My quote
"how can anyone support her when she dropped down faster than old Stormy on a $20.00 bill."

What's really not smart is you trying to correct anyone on perception. Which candidate in the DNC dropped like a rock in their primaries? Harris The fact it could be taken either way shows you're not too bright it's called a double entendre and if you were as well read as you try to imply you'd have known that........

It doesn't require a complete revision of the characters, and details and story to arrive at the conclusion......it's much easier and a lot less work....
If you honestly think you haven't defended the dems actions on this forum on numerous threads you're delusional. In many cases when you oppose what the GOP or Trump did it infers you agreed with the dems position by the way you reply since Trump was wrong and you keep trying to point it out using your little CNN & MSNBC buddies. Why in the hell do you think you get yourself sideways with so many people, on so many threads............DUH

Why do you think I asked you if your read what you write? Being linked to liberal websites & quoting them, on so many threads makes you appear complicit with their opinion. Now, reread what I wrote and see if you can see how it happens........ Just because you say you're not a democrat.....your constant defending of their position and Trump bashing says otherwise.......and when you use their arguments you continue to put nails in your own coffin. Perception is reality.........
I don't defend Dems unless they deserve it. Just like I defend Trump when he deserves it, such as his Rona response and GAOA, which I've done both in the last day right here on MM. That's the freedom of not being beholden to anybody, I can be honest in praise and criticism.

Also, I don't get sideways with anybody, if they get sideways with me then that's on them for thinking MM is worth getting upset about and taking personally. I literally couldn't care less what people say here. It's not real, that's why it's so funny to watch people get all riled up over something so stupid. And that's especially true since my posts aren't the ones filled with attacks and that person would be "sideways" only because we have differing views of Trump. Again, that's on them.

As to you saying, "why do you think I asked"... I usually don't even read your posts, if you can't type without personal attacks, you're not worth my time so as soon as you start in on them, I just move on. Again, because this isn't real. Nobody has ever won anything arguing politics on MM. It's pretend. A Fantasyland. You've gained nothing by posting links from kooky internet writers. I think it's fun to engage but if it makes you mad enough to attack another person then that's on you. If you want to just screw around with petty little arguments, then we can keep it up for laughs. I really don't care.

But, because I realize that this is fake and your attacks are idiotic and therefore skip so many of your posts, I have no idea to what you're referencing. And I don't care enough to scroll back up to find it so I have no response there.
These debates always get to the same place.

Grizzly will wax poetic about his tea party bonofides, then back John Huntsman. And honestly, he is maybe as anti Mike Lee as I am.

So it shows he isn't the absolutist or principled voter he claims. He isn't lead by "core values". Mike Lee was the tea party golden boy, knocking off Bon Bennett. To be honest he bashes spending. So what are Grizzly core values? Spending? Or public land? Depends on the day I guess.

Wyo? His answer is everyone sucks. But notice he doesnt actually have courage of his convictions. He lives in Wyoming. The closest lib politicians are in Salt Lake or Denver. Why would someone so anti R live in Wyoming? Because that control has been good for him. Same as grizz, same as me.

Difference being a guy like me simply tries to convince the R that public land is good for R. Grizzly and Wyo think voting Mickey Mouse is a protest. From 2 of the most conservative states in the country. Meaning they are safe from the consequences of their silliness
These debates always get to the same place.

Grizzly will wax poetic about his tea party bonofides, then back John Huntsman. And honestly, he is maybe as anti Mike Lee as I am.

So it shows he isn't the absolutist or principled voter he claims. He isn't lead by "core values". Mike Lee was the tea party golden boy, knocking off Bon Bennett. To be honest he bashes spending. So what are Grizzly core values? Spending? Or public land? Depends on the day I guess.

Wyo? His answer is everyone sucks. But notice he doesnt actually have courage of his convictions. He lives in Wyoming. The closest lib politicians are in Salt Lake or Denver. Why would someone so anti R live in Wyoming? Because that control has been good for him. Same as grizz, same as me.

Difference being a guy like me simply tries to convince the R that public land is good for R. Grizzly and Wyo think voting Mickey Mouse is a protest. From 2 of the most conservative states in the country. Meaning they are safe from the consequences of their silliness

As to my involvement with Mike Lee and Tea Party, I bring that up for historical perspective. I wholly regret supporting Mike Lee. That was a mistake of my youth that I've learned from.

And my number one concern is public land, because as I've stated... that can't be undone once it's sold. Everything else Congress does is fluff and can change with the wind. I'll get back to you when I have more time to elaborate on core values, though, as that's a long post.
this is Fluff????

1. no more electoral college
2. expanded Supreme Court
3. DC and Puerto Rico statehood with 4 more liberal senators..
this is Fluff????

1. no more electoral college
2. expanded Supreme Court
3. DC and Puerto Rico statehood with 4 more liberal senators..
Don't forget about getting rid of the filibuster in the Senate.
The anti public land Republicans have close to zero chance of implementing PLT with the filibuster in place. Mike Lee will be quietly smiling if the Democrats do it for him.
I mean the reality of the situation is that only one of two people will be the next POTUS. Either Donald Trump is re-elected or Joe Biden is elected, PERIOD! So your three choices are Trump, Biden or protest both and write in someone else. I did a write in in 2016 because I really didn't believe Trump was serious about being POTUS. I thought he just wanted his huge ego stroked and since my vote didn't count anyway I wrote in someone else.

I now realize the error in my ways. Trump in no way shape or form is a perfect president but he most closely represents my personal agenda so although California will vote Biden I will cast my vote for Trump. As I get older I become more of a realist and I really believe we need a viable third party in this country but reality is that we don't have one so again, our next POTUS will be Trump or Biden PERIOD. We can discuss past presidents, historical bills, who did this, who did that, etc. until we are blue in the face and it changes absolutely nothing.

The TEA Party movement was cool but it was hitched to the Republican Party and the media hated it so it fizzled out. We need a third party that has common sense. We "Republicans" need to let go of certain issues that prohibit common ground on other more important issues. We need to let go of gay marriage. Who gives a flying f**K if two queers want to spend the rest of their lives together? It doesn't affect me at all so I don't give a shyt.

The bottom line is that we always vote for the lesser of TWO evils and until we have a THIRD evil, all we do is throw shyt back and forth and see what sticks.
I mean the reality of the situation is that only one of two people will be the next POTUS. Either Donald Trump is re-elected or Joe Biden is elected, PERIOD! So your three choices are Trump, Biden or protest both and write in someone else. I did a write in in 2016 because I really didn't believe Trump was serious about being POTUS. I thought he just wanted his huge ego stroked and since my vote didn't count anyway I wrote in someone else.

I now realize the error in my ways. Trump in no way shape or form is a perfect president but he most closely represents my personal agenda so although California will vote Biden I will cast my vote for Trump. As I get older I become more of a realist and I really believe we need a viable third party in this country but reality is that we don't have one so again, our next POTUS will be Trump or Biden PERIOD. We can discuss past presidents, historical bills, who did this, who did that, etc. until we are blue in the face and it changes absolutely nothing.

The TEA Party movement was cool but it was hitched to the Republican Party and the media hated it so it fizzled out. We need a third party that has common sense. We "Republicans" need to let go of certain issues that prohibit common ground on other more important issues. We need to let go of gay marriage. Who gives a flying f**K if two queers want to spend the rest of their lives together? It doesn't affect me at all so I don't give a shyt.

The bottom line is that we always vote for the lesser of TWO evils and until we have a THIRD evil, all we do is throw shyt back and forth and see what sticks.
Check it out, forkie and I pretty much agree on something! ??
These debates always get to the same place.

Grizzly will wax poetic about his tea party bonofides, then back John Huntsman. And honestly, he is maybe as anti Mike Lee as I am.

So it shows he isn't the absolutist or principled voter he claims. He isn't lead by "core values". Mike Lee was the tea party golden boy, knocking off Bon Bennett. To be honest he bashes spending. So what are Grizzly core values? Spending? Or public land? Depends on the day I guess.

Wyo? His answer is everyone sucks. But notice he doesnt actually have courage of his convictions. He lives in Wyoming. The closest lib politicians are in Salt Lake or Denver. Why would someone so anti R live in Wyoming? Because that control has been good for him. Same as grizz, same as me.

Difference being a guy like me simply tries to convince the R that public land is good for R. Grizzly and Wyo think voting Mickey Mouse is a protest. From 2 of the most conservative states in the country. Meaning they are safe from the consequences of their silliness

Why would I live in Wyoming? Because there is more to life than politics. I don't live in a big city, because I have no desire to share space with that many people. I also have never said I like the way democrats runs things. I have political views that agree with different sides on different topics, because I didn’t build my beliefs around a party platform. My opinions are my own, not what has been fed to me. Just because the ignorant folks on this site assume anyone who disagrees with Trump or some of what the Republican Party‘s platform contains, does not make that person a far left liberal.

How many of the regulars in here live in California or other blue states? Are you questioning whether they have the “courage of their convictions”?

Wyoming is hard red nationally, but actually has a fair number of democrats at the county and town level. We had a democrat governor serve two terms from 2003-2011. If we didn’t have term limits, he’d probably still be in office. He did a good job and was generally very well liked. Put the same guy in California, and no one would ever consider him a democrat more than likely. Wyoming democrats are (generally speaking) a very different animal than what you might find in bigs cities or on the coasts.

I don’t think I actually know a single person who chose where to live based on politics. Strange way to think.
The TEA Party movement was cool but it was hitched to the Republican Party and the media hated it so it fizzled out. We need a third party that has common sense. We "Republicans" need to let go of certain issues that prohibit common ground on other more important issues. We need to let go of gay marriage. Who gives a flying f**K if two queers want to spend the rest of their lives together? It doesn't affect me at all so I don't give a shyt.

Both sides need to stop with the litmus tests-gay marriage is a great example, there are many issues the left won’t bend on, even if the average blue voter could care less. People need to feel free to have their own thoughts, and both parties squash that whenever it rears it’s head. Doesn’t matter if it’s a Democrat that approves of something a Trump does, or a Republican who disagrees with him- either way you’re getting shunned.
As to my involvement with Mike Lee and Tea Party, I bring that up for historical perspective. I wholly regret supporting Mike Lee. That was a mistake of my youth that I've learned from.

And my number one concern is public land, because as I've stated... that can't be undone once it's sold. Everything else Congress does is fluff and can change with the wind. I'll get back to you when I have more time to elaborate on core values, though, as that's a long post.

We disagree. No need. I know where you are on land. Good to have allys

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