A Scoring opinion on this Bighorn Sheep


Active Member
Hey Guys, I have a friend who was lucky enough to draw a Sheep tag in Wyoming, only 2 tags given out and the other hunter has already filled out, so he is only one left hunting this area. He has been out and got a couple photos of a ram that he is deciding on taking or maybe not...But some of you sheep experts might be able to give a score out on the sheep below (pretty much the middle sheep in the pics), we have our opinions on him but wanted to see what you all may think?



not much of a sheep scorer but that last picture the 2 rams are nice. would be a tough choice for me if i had the scope on them..
Nothing wrong with that ram in my book. He seems to have a fairly tight curl and I think dwalton is pretty close on the score. He looks to have smaller bases than the one on the left in the first picture, but he is a pretty ram and I guess it just depends on what the hunter likes.
The cowboy state rams are not known for growing big. A 160ish ram is pretty typical for up there. He also looks to be a fairly mature ram, so unless he is seeing bigger, he may want to punch his tag.
thanks guys on your thoughts of this ram/ Pretty much where we are sitting is in that 160ish range, I am thinking uppers though 166-168, base measurements will be the difference. Very hard telling by pics, better to be in the field and get a better judge of him. There is a possiblity bigger rams exist, but is good to know where this one stands. Odds are good he will continue to stay where he is...
I'd put him right around that 161-2 range.The one on the left looks a little heavier and loopier in that last photo.

Good luck !
He is a shooter in most places in Wyoming.
-Beautiful cape
-Mature 7.5 years plus
-Should score 160-165

I hope he gets him.

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