ADA Struggling, need your help !



ADA Struggling, need your help !


The ADA needs your help , in the way of volunteers.

Why me , I'm too busy ?

Well because we all have jobs and responsibilities , but make a little time to work for wildlife.

Let someone else do it , I just want to hunt.

Poor attidude , you just can't take and not give back.

Those of you that say , the ADA is run by the good old boys and my voice won't be listened to , need to jump on the bandwagon , cause now is YOUR time to be the next " GOOD OLD BOY "

Is it easy ? He!! no , it's hard , but most things that are worthwhile , are also difficult.

What can you expect to really get done ?

The ADA has fought the BLM, USF&W , NPS, AZG&FD, and at the same time worked closely with these same organizations.

Working for the betterment of wildlife in Az. , and supporting the youth hunters, just coming up.

Sound like something you want to be involved with, then go to their web site.

They desperately need your help, what do you say ?

I've been part of the ADA for more than 10 years.

Steve Cheuvront
RE: ADA Struggling, need your help !


Zero responces !

Do ALL of you not care at all ?

Tell me , should I just let this plea for help just fade away?

I will not ask again.

RE: ADA Struggling, need your help !

Steve I'm not trying to start an arguement....But I have some reservations when it comes to the ADA. I feel as though and I could be wrong, that the ADA has very little interest for the deer where I live and hunt in region 4. That being said I just have a hard time supporting an organization that puts there primary focus on the units north of the river...I'm not bad mouthing them, they can do what ever they please. Trav and I have talked to a few ADA people about other places other than the North units including region 4 and what we had to say fell on deaf ears. Until then when I notice the ADA's interest expanding to other parts of the state even in the ugly tag units I may consider supporting them.

Gun control is a good aim and a steady rest
RE: ADA Struggling, need your help !

I think you may have hinted at one of the problems when you mentioned the "good old boy" leadership.

I looked at the ADA website in hopes of finding a copy of the bylaws to see how elections were held but could not find them.
RE: ADA Struggling, need your help !


I really didn't mean to hint about anything, but maybe I did.

I did not try to bad mouth anyone or anything.

The web site is just as good as the information presented.

I think there is a place on the web site to ask questions.

Please try that.

Ask me any question you like.

But don't just bit ch at me for something the ADA did or didn't do.

We are looking for constructive ideas from people who want to make the ADA better and work hard for wildlife.

Complaints, I have heard them all, and made most of them , myself. So you would be preaching to the choir.

Thanks, for you that have taken your time to at least read my post and take time to make a comment.

Steve Cheuvront
RE: ADA Struggling, need your help !

Is that true that ADA spends little time or even cares about Region 4 or any desert units? I support the ADA every year with a corporate table and would like to think some of the monies and effort are going towards the units here in the desert!
RE: ADA Struggling, need your help !

LAST EDITED ON Oct-12-10 AT 07:53PM (MST)[p]Desertbucks and Misquetehunter

I sit on the HPC committee, which dolls out the money, derived from selling the commissioners tags.

There is always more money spent south of Phoenix , than many other places.

The answer to your question is YES, the ADA has for many years worked closely with John Hervert, in region 4, to improve tth water holes in region 4.

I have heard that complaint too many times and it simpley isn't true.

Please call region 4 and speak to john Hervert and ask him if the ADA and the yuma valley rod and gun club have been very active in funding and building water catchments.

The word is that all we care about is north of the river, thats not true, yes we have fought the doe hunts for many years, and that got all the attention of the people looking in , BUT we always funded projects all over the state.

Remember, we can only fund projects that are submitted, if the local wildlife mgr doesnt apply for funds , there is nothing we as the ADA can do.

I hope this answers your questions, if not call me 602-373-8637

RE: ADA Struggling, need your help !


Remember, this is a call for help.

Help them if you feel like it and if you feel they don't represent you then don't.

I ask you this, then who will you have to represent the region 4 deer.

Would it be you guys fighting for funding?

Would it be you guys who come before the commission, and plead the case for mule deer ?

Would you guys form your own non-profit organization, and apply for and receive the commissioners tag. Then guarantee to sell it?

Would you guys, form a 5 person HPC committee and read thru
a 5" thick stack of proplsals, and then meet and call the prospective recieptiants of the money. Then meet again to decide which proposals really did the most good for mule deer.

Then go to the state HPC meeting and listen to all the proponents try to sell their proposals to the folks with the vote.

Then negotiate with the other organizations to share the expence.

It is NOT a simple job , believe me.

But you guys can volunteer to help the ADA, and take on that job and make what ever changes you feel necessary.

The ADA is asking for your help, with their hands extended.

Will you help, or just complain?????????????????

Step up.

Steve Cheuvront
RE: ADA Struggling, need your help !

Hope things workout for you.

Not sure what is going on, but sometimes organizations become so big and fractured, even small issues and events are impossible to have a consensus on. Happens on school boards, churches, my dad's square dance club... whatever.

Probably what's happened... nobody's fault. The cancellation of last weekend's Jr deer hunt in 23 is a symptom probably. They are not the only ones putting on camps and if they would have reached out that camp could have happened.

I was at the 23 south camp and plan to be at the 42 camp in Nov. I would probably have helped on the 23N camp if that kept it going. But no one knew it was canceled till a few days before.

Anyway, some of us aren't into organizations making the decisions with our money and time, I'm one of those. No knock on the ADA, I'm just a solitary cuss and work the way I hunt. Youth recruitment is my main focus, it's what drives me. From what I can see, the ADA needs a big change there.

From the outside looking in, that's the way I see it.

RE: ADA Struggling, need your help !


Thank You for your comments.

RE: ADA Struggling, need your help !


I've been an ADA member for 9 years, been to several banquets and have even helped on a catchment want more help from the community?

Here is my offer;

I will donate an hour of volunteer work for every Arizona Strip Mule Deer Buck picture that you produce (4x4 or better) here on Monster Muleys. I'll even donate 2hrs for every buck over 200. And since you have said many times the pics are time stamped They need to say 2009 or 2010. I will donate up to 100 hrs, so thats 100 different bucks 4x4 or bigger, 50 bucks over 200 or a combination of the two.

If im going to help I would like a little out of it..Im also sure many others will join in on this type of tradeoff. You get 10 people to commit to 100hrs..well you do the math..thats a whole lot of help..

RE: ADA Struggling, need your help !


If you start producing pictures here and there people will become more receptive to you. But honestly your "confidential" study pics have people wondering what your really doing. Like you have said before the pics are the data. You can say what ever you want but people arn't going to belive you.

Yes your buddys who spend time on the strip obviously know what your doing first hand and they stick up for you (plus you show them the pictures) but for the rest of the hunting community that may never have the opportunity to go there or even hunt have no idea what your really doing. Just food for thought..

RE: ADA Struggling, need your help !


I have heard every accuation about me, my motives, and have answered every type of question imaginable.

Your leading questions, amuse me , they really do.

I know the truth , my friends, also know the truth , and even though I have tried to make friends with you , or at least tried to help you, with knowledge I have aquired from many years on 13B, but you have rejected every effort on my part, to help.

I really don't know what you want.

You are not going to provoke me , I hope you realize that by now.

What I / we are doing is important , and I really don't need the help. I have plenty of folks , without tags, who are more than willing to help , with no hope of ever knowing what is on the cameras. They are aware of the deer numbers in a general area , and learn a tremendious amount on how to get around the unit , and just driving from place to place , and glassing , they learn the real way to scout and find deer.

I realize you will dispute that , but that's ok , the guides , working up there , to a man , will tell any one willing to listen , that glassing is the way they scout and find big bucks
during and before the hunt. No , all guides do not utilize cameras to find big bucks. If you notice , during the hunt and a few days before , most all the cameras , will have been removed. That means , even if you knew where a big buck was drinking , you still have to find him. Then you have to make a stalk, and hopefully , have a hunter that can shoot in a stressful situation.

I can tell you when a hunter sees his first truely monster buck, they all take a second to react. I'm not saying they can't finish the job , but they all swallow hard , in sheer disbelief.

I would not continue to utilize cameras , if I was not doing a study. The pictures will be undisputable evidence . This is why it is so important that I get these pictures and not give the actual pictures to any agency. I will supply the data , meaning the numbers of animals , when , where , how often, etc. A representative of the said agency will look at the pictures to confirm their authinticity , but the pictures will remain my property. Reason--- if a govt. agency owned the pictures , any one could get them , by filing a " Freedom of Information Act "

So you see , why I will not share the pictures with any one.

Plus , if I devulged the information to any guide or hunter , that would give them an unfair advantage. Besides , they could have their own cameras , and have all the information , I have.

Lets see now , oh yea--

#1 I don't need or want your money.

#2 I don't need or want your help.

#3 I don't care if you don't believe me.

#4 I understand, from your posts , that you have spent a lot of time , scouting 13B for your upcoming hunt. I am sure you have some great pictures of big bucks , you have scouted ,
why not share a few with all the other MM members , and show them how well you are doing , and show them what a really big buck , looks like.

Please let us see what you have found so far.

I'm sure the other guys would love to see them.

I wish you all the best on your 13B hunt. Really I do.

Steve Cheuvront
RE: ADA Struggling, need your help !


First off im not trying to provoke you, Your post is titled

"ADA Struggling, need your help !"

I'm just as much an ADA member as you but im not on here asking for help. I'm trying to offer a solution to your obvious problem (ADA Struggling, need your help !). If you dont like my idea for soulutions just say so, with a simple no or no thanks. or maybe try to explain why you dont want to go that route as you state in paragraph 11. A simple 2 and a half lines summing up your motives for not revealing the pictures..very well put and respected..

I dont need to read a 30 page paper on guide practices, hunting ethics and stratigies, federal legislature etc..95% of that pertains to nothing I suggested or even talked about.. If there is an outfitter whos is guiding up there this year who has not put one camera out all summer, get me his or hers name. Im done talking stratigies/ ethics/ practices. So please only respond back to anything I posted in my last post.

Lastly, I have a tag up there, not you. Why would I post my pics? so that my spots get swamped with hunters and all my hard work/money/tires/gas gets ruined?. Your working for the ADA their mission is to help maintain wildlife to HUNT. Its not PETA. If a good buck gets killed in an area where YOU located it on a cam, good for the ADA. Ultimatly thats what your their for. Thats why I donate a boatload every year, so that not me but my grandkids have opportunitys to hunt mule deer in arizona when they grow up. My grandson will be able to hunt in 6 years, not a single buck over 180 that you know of today will be alive then.

Most importantly..Steve im not trying to provoke you nor am I discrediting your "study" I was offering an idea for a soulution and you blew it out of porpotion. Im sorry I offended you.

oh by the way to all MM members,I will email anyone as many pics of bucks from the strip as soon as I tag out, with every tank and drinker name they come off of. I dont care "Do to others as they would do to you" Maybe helping a guy from here next year will snowball into helping my granson one day. who knows.


Arizona Hunting Guides & Outfitters

SilverGrand Outfitters

Offering mule deer, elk, antelope, bighorn sheep, javelina, and turkey hunts in Nevada and Arizona.

Arizona Elk Outfitters

Offering the serious hunter a chance to hunt trophy animals in the great Southwest.

A3 Trophy Hunts

An Arizona Outfitter specializing in the harvest of World Class big game of all species.

Arizona Strip Guides

Highly experienced and highly dedicated team of hardworking professional Arizona Strip mule deer guides.

Urge 2 Hunt

THE premier hunts in Arizona for trophy elk, mule deer, couse deer and javelina.

Shadow Valley Outfitters

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