Amateur Taxi Work


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Apr-27-11 AT 08:42AM (MST)[p] Hey guys- here are some mounts that my uncle has recently done. I posted them in order from his first to his fourth mounts... He is definitely getting better. He just does this on the side for family right now, and says he will never really do more than that... Have a look and lemme know what y'all think... I know he'd like some feedback from guys who really appreciate taxi work...

This first one has the cape off a muzzleloader 4x2 from 2009, the 4x4 rack is from a Chalk Creek buck shot in 1991. This was his first ever shoulder mount.



This next one is my uncle's 2009 Book Cliffs rifle buck. He is exactly 25" wide:



This third one has the cape off a 2010 SouthEast Muzzy 3x3 and a gnarly little 4x3 rack from Chalk Creek found in about 1990. This is the slickest cape I have ever laid my hands on. (This buck is not yet complete, but pretty close):



And lastly, he just finished up the first round on my 2004 Chalk Creek buck. I will post finished product pics in about 2 weeks when I bring it home and put it on my wall. He scores 171 6/8" gross, 167 7/8" net with an outside spread of 26 3/8".




This last pic is of a good set of sheds I put on a Mountain Mike's skull plate. It scores roughly 165" gross.


Hope the pics are good. Lemme know what ya think. Having my deer done and watching video of past hunts is sure gonna make the next 33 days very long...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
For an amateur I would say he's doing a great job. The only negative I would have is the way the ears were set in the initial ones. I prefer ears set in a more alert pose like the latter ones. That's just my preference and other may like them like that, so it's in no way critical of the actual work itself!
I think they all look pretty decent.
I will say that something doesn't look quite right with the facial expressions on the mounts. The eyes are too wide open or something. Brings new life to the statement "Deer in the headlights". Also the noses could be touched up a bit, they kinda look old and worn.

As far as the sheds go, I think you did a good job. The antlers look a little too dark and have no grain to them. You must have stained them right? I would take some sand paper and sand the high points and then put a clear coat on to shine them up.

I'm no taxidermist, that's just my personal opinion.
way better than i could do ! good work ! i tried to mount a ruffed grouse once it ended up like a ruffed grouse you would find in someones radiator grill ! taxidermy is an art form
I definitely don't have any credibility, but, in my opinion the tear ducts in all of the mounts just seemed a little off or something. They were the first thing I noticed on all of these mounts. You are right though, that cape on the third buck looks like a dandy.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
One on my wall that i had a big hand in doing is worse than any of yours. I think most guys that hunt big bucks are more into the Racks than they are the taxi work. Don't get me wrong, great work is a huge plus but when you can't afford it or would rather try it yourself, it's all good!!

Of the 4 deer mounts i have, only my first buck taken was professionally done. Bitching about the quality of my mounts is going to be about the surest and quickest way to get booted out the door! :)

Off to a good start. I would suggest getting several reference photos for each species he plans on doing. Most supply companies (Research, McKenzie, Jonas, etc.) sell reference photo books. Magazines are also a good resource. Can't go wrong copying the real thing.
Looks pretty good for your first couple. I will say I am not even remotely close to a professional taxidermist as I just finished my first mount about 2 weeks. If you want true critiques post on They can be pretty harsh but if you want to get better thats were you need to be. They also have tons of reference photos on there that you can save on your computer of LIVE deer and use when mounting if you have a laptop or even print them out. You could spend weeks on that site learning and soaking up all kinds of info. Just a thought.
Thanks for all the replies guys- we both really appreciate your comments...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Got to be honest, I do not see much right with those mounts. Time to invest in some lessons...
4000, Why don't you tell him what he did wrong instead of always taking cheap shots? Your a professional Taxidermist aren't you? I don't recall ever seeing your work on here. Do you have a website or pics to show? Your first mount maybe?
Last 2 bucks are getting better, remember the details in the jaw lines, crown of the nose, eyes are deffinetely too open, ears should be straighter along the top edge, tear ducts are much darker. Doing a good job though. You should see my buddies collection of mounts that he's shot over the years! HORRIBLE!! We all are flabergasted by them but he doesn't seem to notice. And his mounts were done by a very well know taxidermist that's been doing it for decades! You are way ahead of him.
"4000, Why don't you tell him what he did wrong instead of always taking cheap shots?"

That wasn't a cheap shot. It would be worse if I did go into a list of things wrong. Like I said, I don't know if anything was done right. Anyone can throw a skin over a form and it will look somewhat like a deer. He should pay for some lessons, and join his state association if he seriously wants to get better.

I've posted pics before, but don't waste my time doing so anymore. Everyone wants a $400 deer mount, and that is not what I am selling...
I decided that the camera angle or the lighting really must not have done this buck justice... We got it on a wall now, and I think it really looks great.

For the record, I really appreciate all of the comments and honesty- thanks guys... Here's my cell phone pics:

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I have to say that you are coming along just fine. I started out the same way. I've done quite a few deer now and each one gets better.

One thing I noticed is that your eyes are not the right shape(too wide open)You need to make sure the pupil of the eye is parallel with the face. Make sure your tear ducts are tucked in. Consider using "critter clay", it doesn't shrink like conventional clay. Make sure to leave the t-pins in for a couple weeks to allow plenty of time for drying. This will make the tear ducts stay in place.

I'm nowhere near an expert, but have spent a lot of time trying to get better with each mount. Your last mount is miles ahead of your first, but the learning curve get really steep after the first few mounts. Did you use ear liners or the bondo method for your ears?

It's really fun to do your own mounts, and as I got better I tore apart some of my earlier mounts and did remounts. Overall good job. Only one way to learn how to do it, get your hands dirty.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-11 AT 08:59AM (MST)[p]
Hard to believe a professional, if that's what you are since your profile shows your "hobby" is taxidermy, would come on this thread and interject not only one negative post, but then follow it up with a downright nasty one that definitely wasn't needed!!! This person's uncle has just started out and is doing what most of us feel is a decent job for a novice! The previous posts by WKidder and another member, whether they're pros or not, is more of what I would expect someone to offer up on this thread! Maybe you should have just thought for a minute and not posted and made yourself look like a jackass to a lot of the members on here!!! PS: I also didn't see anthing in the OP saying the guy was going to start doing mounts for $400 either. I've seen a lot worse than his last couple come out of professional year around taxidermy shops and for a lot more than $400!!!
If the truth hurts, by all means avoid it. I never criticized the guy who mounted them, I simply had nothing positive to say about the mounts. If the guy really has an interest in taxidermy, he should join his association, and seek out some lessons.
BR, I am no taxidermist and if I tried a deer on the freeway would look better after the 3rd semi....

The ears look a little funny on the first one and the tear ducts do look a little different also.
He has done a GREAT job though for his first 3 deer!


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-11 AT 11:17AM (MST)[p]Sorry 4000fps, but IMHO, that's just another very poor post in what appears to be your attempt to justify in your mind the two previous unnecessary posts. What do you mean that you didn't criticize the guy that did them? What do you call those two posts for Pete's sake? All you really needed to do was either not make any comments at all or say the newbie guy is trying and to look for tips from others who have been in it for a long time to improve his mounts. It's not WHAT you say, is an old saying, but in your case it was, as well as HOW you said it in a very nasty, condescending way on a thread otherwise containing a lot of polite comments, with some offering positive reinforcements and tips the way it should be done on something like this!!! At least BR can forget what you spouted, since luckily he isn't the one doing the taxidermy and can be a little more discreet when he talks with his uncle!

Great followup post BR! You showed a lot of class with that response Sir!!!
Not at all!!! You just need to grow up and learn how to be decent and act like an adult instead of a smartazz!!!
Great start on them bucks. The last one is looking nice. Keep at it and you will pick up a lot as you go. Every one starts off clawling, walking and then running!!!

I guess that is everyone but 4000fps. I have avoided negitive posts to this point, but what the heck.

Hey 4000fps, just asking a question? Looked up you profile and all it says is DM. Question, does that stand for DUMB MOTHER F*%%ER??? Just a question since I don't know you just a question based on your posts!!!
No, but thanks for asking!

I have exgirlfriends that don't whine as much as you guys.
They are obviously in much better company if they're you exes, LOL! Just can't stop making a fool of yourself can you!!! Whiners my azz!!!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-11 AT 03:40PM (MST)[p]TopGun - if people don't want to hear the truth then they shouldn't ask for it - no matter how ugly it is, especially if they ask for it in a public forum. 4000fps has a right to express his opinion, even if that is a little negative and hard to handle. It may sound a little harsh, but if you take a step back and look at it, it was not all that over the top. Maybe it was a little blunt but in the end, it is good advice. These things will help BR's uncle improve. I hope BR's uncle is man enough to take some perceived negativity with a grain of salt. Let's just pretend that he isn't the fragile little child you are perceiving him to be and can stand up to the heat a little. To me, it would be more offensive to have someone over-defend me in the face of criticism, thus portraying the image that I am too weak to just ignore it and get over it, than the criticism itself.

As far as the taxi work is concerned, well remember it is an art form and all good art is developed over a long period of time. You can definitely see the progress. BR - tell your uncle to keep at it, he has a knack for it but still has a lot of work to do.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Mr Mundo (4000fps) The taxidermy biz. must be a little slow if you are spending all your time on the web dealing out harsh words and "good advice"!

Why is it the only time you seem to pop up is on a taxidermy thread??? Oh Yeah it is because you are omnipotent when it comes to that subject.

Yes everyone is entitled to their opinion. Your opinion just comes across as internet courage. Do you have the courage to say all these things to the people you critique if you were to meet them in person?

You have rubbed many of us the wrong way for years. You must have been the kid who got picked on in elementry. A sad person who is now the bully behind the keyboard!
ROY---Please read post #14 and if you can see anything in that post that told the guy anything positive, which most feel this thread was started for to improve the guys's work, then you are better than we are! Then he followed it up with even worse posts like he always does, just being a wisecracker! Sorry, but it appears you have been around here for quite a while and if you condone the way this jerk makes almost all posts that are condescending to the members, then we obviously disagree on the proper way to treat people. All he needed to say is that it looked like the uncle was progressing and should seek professional help on the intricate parts of the process and not all that other bullsquat!!!
I can see you've made progress. I would recommend getting two movies (DVD) that will help your work out. One is Tom Weickum Mule Deer Shoulder Mount and the other is Rick Carter Whitetail Deer Shoulder Mount: A to Z . Both are from Wasco Supply Company. There is some really good reference on Taxidermy Net. Good luck quest
>AT 03:40?PM (MST)

>TopGun - if people don't want
>to hear the truth then
>they shouldn't ask for it
>- no matter how ugly
>it is, especially if they
>ask for it in a
>public forum. 4000fps has a
>right to express his opinion,
>even if that is a
>little negative and hard to
>handle. It may sound a
>little harsh, but if you
>take a step back and
>look at it, it was
>not all that over the
>top. Maybe it was a
>little blunt but in the
>end, it is good advice.
>These things will help BR's
>uncle improve. I hope BR's
>uncle is man enough to
>take some perceived negativity with
>a grain of salt. Let's
>just pretend that he isn't
>the fragile little child you
>are perceiving him to be
>and can stand up to
>the heat a little. To
>me, it would be more
>offensive to have someone over-defend
>me in the face of
>criticism, thus portraying the image
>that I am too weak
>to just ignore it and
>get over it, than the
>criticism itself.
>As far as the taxi work
>is concerned, well remember it
>is an art form and
>all good art is developed
>over a long period of
>time. You can definitely see
>the progress. BR - tell
>your uncle to keep at
>it, he has a knack
>for it but still has
>a lot of work to
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-11 AT 08:45PM (MST)[p]Those mounts need a lot of work, and no input from a bunch of non-taxidermists is going to help. Get some lessons if you are serious about taxidermy, hobby or otherwise...Even posting on would be better than feedback from a bunch of guys on a hunting site, that know nothing about deer anatomy.

PS. Guess how my work got better? Endless study of reference of deer anatomy, practice, and negative feedback. I remember thinking my first mount was a world champion...then a real taxidermist pointed out about 20 things that were wrong. Then I went back to the drawing board, I didn't cry myself to sleep that night, with the Indigo Girls playing in the background. You give children "atta boys", you give men the truth.
Although a bit over the top rough on the first couple posts 4000 makes an excellent point or two on this last entry IMO.

Although many hunters know a bad mount when they see it a taxi would be better suited to telling why it is bad. This is not an easy thing to do with words in a post but much more effective in person in lessons.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
You guys may not like it, but 4000's posts were the most helpful. Coming on here and saying "looks great for your third mount" or "change the ears" or "the tear ducts need work" doesn't help. How do you get the ears right? How do you get the "tear duct" right? How do you look at a reference and make it happen on the mount? You can either hack your way through mount after mount trying to improve on your own, or get lessons. Buy some DVD's. Spend $50 and join your state association and network with other taxidermists. That's how improvement happens.
I spent a few years hacking up mounts trying to learn on my own. One weekend with a qualified taxidermist taught me a 100 times more than I had learned in 3 or 4 years on my own.
That's fine and you two or three can say all you want about his knowhow in taxidermy. I won't and am not arguing that he may be right on what he said, but I won't change my mind about the person himself who mainly comes one here with smartazz comments every time he posts on anything. He might want to take a course in "how to treat people properly" while the other takes a course in taxidermy. I think right now his posts suck and now he basically is condescending to all of us with his "expertise" in the art. I sure as H*** hope his tact improves because most members probably would not do business with somebody that makes posts like that. At least I know I wouldn't! Mine is an award winner with a diorama of antelope in the Smithsonian in DC, so I think I know who I will stay with! End of my comments on this!!!
LAST EDITED ON May-03-11 AT 11:34AM (MST)[p]4000fps might be an ashhole, I don't know, don't know him...What I do know is some of you need some thicker skin..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Well after reading all the bickering here I think things are getting pretty thick.

But that being said. 4000 is right, your uncle needs to take some lessons. My younger brother spent the $4,000 and went to the Montana School of Taxidermy. To be honest his project mounts look better than any of the ones your uncle did. Although the last one looks pretty good and I would be happy to hang it in my house if the price were right. Here is the link to the school. It was a lot of work and time, but he learned the basics of what he needs to know, and like I said his practice mounts look better than any of the mounts your uncle did. His work from there is just getting better and better.

(Though he still isn't too good at birds, but don't tell him I said so)


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LOL to the ignorance post...!

Truth is I appreciate all the comments. 4000, my uncle works full-time, but will be retiring in the next few years. I know that he would love to spend more time learning the "tricks of the trade" and he will- once he has more time. I labeled the thread "amateur" for a reason, he doesn't proclaim to be great- but he is proud of his work so far and will continue to improve.

Thanks to all who have looked and posted. Thanks to everyone for their positive feedback as well- Happy Hunting..!!

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I will be the first to admit, my first pieces left a lot to be desired. Actually, I do not have any of them anymore, I remounted them when I got better.

Tell him to join the state association, he will get lots of feedback and instruction.
Some things I see wrong are. tear ducts should not be open that far. Look at some reference and you will see that the tear ducst are skin to skin, very little, if any opening. The ears need alot of work. Some things I see are the shape is wrong, look at some reference pics and pay attention to the hair patterns , then compare them to yours and you will see differences. Another tip is to use earliners, you may have, but they look to me like you did not. Another big area of concern are the ear butts (muscles). You have none. These can be very tough to get right, but again, get some reference and compare them to your ears. The eyes are the wrong shape. Eyes are not round. They have definite corners and shapes to them. Again reference and pay attention to the shape of the eye compared to the pupil of the eye. The nostrils look to be drilled out to much. Deer do not flare there nostrils in these poses. Get a reference cast of a nose and you will see that they are not jst oval holes in a deers nose. Your lips appear to be "pulling" which means that you did not thin them enough. your eyes also are pulling, again not thin enough. The brisket is not lined up. Should be straight down the middle and if you look at yours you will see that you pulled the armpits around the shoulder. A common mistake. taxi your skin forward instead of trying to pull it around to make it fit. The long hairs on the outside of the armpit should follow the high point of the manakins legs. Again reference.

4000 is right that you should look into lessons. Looking at your deer I see the same mistakes over and over. Maybe now that you see some of them they will get better, but it does help to have someone show you the right way.

Not to be offensive but I agree with 4000. A bunch of hunters telling you that they look great does not help you. take these to and post and ask for feedback. Be ready, cuz some of those guys are worse than 4000, but they are all taxidermists.

Good Luck! get some reference and study, study, study
Tear ducts look great in my opinion, haven't seen many good ones in your day son?

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