An easy prediction


Active Member
Derek Chauvin will be acquitted of murder due to George Floyd having a lethal level of Fentanyl in his body and having heart disease. There will be riots across the country and most of the media will side with the rioters. Ammunition will be scarce for anther 2 years.
I might do a little rioting myself if that dude is acquitted!
The DA should not have overcharged Derek Chauvin. They knew tge condition George Floyed was in. The DA should have charged involuntary manslaughter and some heavy assault charges and then been open and honest about why they charged Chauvin.
The prosecutor could have won that case and it probably would have limited the riots to only the extremists on the left.
The prosecutor said the trial is not about race and politics. It is ALL about race and politics. The prosecution overcharged to convict Chauvin for every black man ever killed by the police. They want their pound of flesh and if they don’t get it there will be hell to pay.
The prosecutor said the trial is not about race and politics. It is ALL about race and politics. The prosecution overcharged to convict Chauvin for every black man ever killed by the police. They want their pound of flesh and if they don’t get it there will be hell to pay.
Do you think he should be found not guilty based on what you've seen so far?
Do you think he should be found not guilty based on what you've seen so far?
All I have seen are the opening statements. Chauvin is a sadistic p.o.s. as evidenced by the video. I don’t see him being convicted of murder, especially with the lethal amount drugs in Floyd’s body. Overcharging will lead to his acquittal. From what I know and have seen to this point, I would not vote to convict of murder if on the jury. I hope they protect the jury’s identities because their lives are in jeopardy.
Chauvin doesn't stand a chance in hell. I'm not saying he is innocent or guilty. I don't know because all I know is the garbage the media feeds us. But he ain't got a friend in the world and logic, objectivity, and understanding left our general public long ago.
All I have seen are the opening statements. Chauvin is a sadistic p.o.s. as evidenced by the video. I don’t see him being convicted of murder, especially with the lethal amount drugs in Floyd’s body. Overcharging will lead to his acquittal. From what I know and have seen to this point, I would not vote to convict of murder if on the jury. I hope they protect the jury’s identities because their lives are in jeopardy.
I haven't even seen that, just the video. I don't know what evidence the defense will have, but I would think it'll need to be awfully good to justify kneeling on someone's neck for so long.
I don't know what the charges are. I don't think his goal was to kill. But he did and should've taken care not to.
Well there is the Minneapolis police department handbook illustrating this move as one of many acceptable moves to subdue a suspect. There is the fact if you can't breathe, you can't speak. And there's the lethal amount of drugs in his system as indicated by the toxicology reports. Then there's the video of him kickin the hell out of the back of the cruiser, the reason they pulled him out and took him down again to wait on the patty wagon. AG Ellis is not the sharpest tool in the shed and he overcharged. It'll bite him in the ass in the end and Minneapolis will burn again, as planned from the onset. Those business owners in Minneapolis better channel the rooftop Korean in them if they want to have anything left when this is over.
Minneapolis P.D. paid out 27 million to Floyd's family because they know the officer used a restraining hold that was taught to him by the dept. and they had to accept responsibility for poor training.
The D.A. screwed up and bowed to minority pressure and over charge the crime by using homicide as a charge. Now the minority population will expect that charge to stick. When it does not, they will riot and Minneapolis will again have egg on their face and millions of dollars burned to the ground and the possibility of lives lost.
There is a greater chance the jury will come back with a guilty on manslaughter and not the greater crime of homicide.
The officer should have released his knee hold when Floyd stated he could not breath, and if he had, I think Floyd would still have died due to the drugs in his system and heart condition. If the officer had been smart enough to release the knee hold, he would not have been prosecuted for a crime if floyd did die later.
Minneapolis P.D. paid out 27 million to Floyd's family because they know the officer used a restraining hold that was taught to him by the dept. and they had to accept responsibility for poor training.
The D.A. screwed up and bowed to minority pressure and over charge the crime by using homicide as a charge. Now the minority population will expect that charge to stick. When it does not, they will riot and Minneapolis will again have egg on their face and millions of dollars burned to the ground and the possibility of lives lost.
There is a greater chance the jury will come back with a guilty on manslaughter and not the greater crime of homicide.
The officer should have released his knee hold when Floyd stated he could not breath, and if he had, I think Floyd would still have died due to the drugs in his system and heart condition. If the officer had been smart enough to release the knee hold, he would not have been prosecuted for a crime if floyd did die later.
crazy to think the crackheads life was worth 27 million.

This punk and his mom were only worth 2 million. Stupid white people.
Be interesting to see, I guess, if the newly "elected" leadership can do any better managing this adolescent behavior people have been allowed to run amok with.

Not counting on it when somebody pretends they can rule by fiat authority in the name of executive orders...
Do you think he should be found not guilty based on what you've seen so far?
There was a report that came out late that said that he swallowed a handful of pills when they tried to take him into custody. So between those pills taking effect minutes after ingesting them and them putting their knee on his neck that the two combined and he died because of it. They reported that the pills were fentanyl.

So maybe second degree manslaughter?
There was a report that came out late that said that he swallowed a handful of pills when they tried to take him into custody. So between those pills taking effect minutes after ingesting them and them putting their knee on his neck that the two combined and he died because of it. They reported that the pills were fentanyl.

So maybe second degree manslaughter?
How would this one play out. Guy 'A' drives drunk. Guy 'B' gets pissed for being cut off by Guy 'A' and runs him off the road. Guy 'A' dies because if it.

Pretty sure that Guy 'B' will be charged with vehicular homicide, involuntarily manslaughter, or a host of other things.

Political drama queens (and kings) are making this an issue more than it should be. No better way to implement martial law.

Tread lightly people...
There was a report that came out late that said that he swallowed a handful of pills when they tried to take him into custody. So between those pills taking effect minutes after ingesting them and them putting their knee on his neck that the two combined and he died because of it. They reported that the pills were fentanyl.

So maybe second degree manslaughter?
"There was a report....." :rolleyes:

I'll take actual evidence over a "report" any day.
Would you consider the autopsy report as actual evidence?

According to the documents, Floyd had 11 ng/mL of fentanyl in his blood, a dose that could have been justified an overdose verdict had his death occurred in different circumstances.
there won't be any rioting regardless how it goes.............the left is in charge.....and they control the rioters.....
??? I guess your statement is an attempt at humor. It’s not funny. Maybe restate what you are trying to say.
I thought it was crystal clear? The left can keep their dogs on a chain, and turn em loose when they want. They probably won't let em off the chain when the left is in charge of everything.
I thought it was crystal clear? The left can keep their dogs on a chain, and turn em loose when they want. They probably won't let em off the chain when the left is in charge of everything.
Thanks, it wasn’t clear. Ambiguity doesn’t work in today’s America.
From John McNulty...

“I watched the Democratic leaders of Congress kneel in the halls of Congress for about 9 minutes, for the death of a black man named George Floyd.

I have never seen them kneel for a fallen *Police Officer.

I have never seen them kneel for a fallen *Soldier.


I have never seen them kneel for the thousands of (black and white) *babies aborted EVERY DAY.

I have never seen them kneel for a murdered *white man or woman.

I have not seen them kneel for the thousands of *black-on-black murder victims.

I have not seen them kneel for the thousands of *elderly people that died in nursing homes due to the Corona Virus.(Especially N.Y.)

I have to ask: *WHY are Democrats putting the life of George Floyd as more valuable than the lives of everyone else?

In fact, Democrats have put so much value on the life of George Floyd, they have allowed rioting, \uD83D\uDE45 looting, \uD83D\uDD25 arson, \uD83E\uDDDF ‍♂ ️ murder, and \uD83D\uDCA3 mayhem in communities Nationwide...


The family (brothers and sister) of George Floyd opened a Go Fund Me account to "help the family"? It has already raised $14,455,100.00 (Not the mention the $27 Mil. from Minneapolis) and still counting from donations as of June 22, 2020. Yes, almost $14 1/2 MILLION. This is for a guy who was arrested NINE times; was a convicted drug dealer (and at a drug deal the day he died); held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant lady while his five buddies robbed her home; did prison time three different times totaling about eight years, and obviously didn't learn from our penal system. And America is memorializing him by painting murals of the guy on the sides of buildings like he's a hero? Unbelievable!!

You got to be kidding me. Crime does pay! .....and to pour salt in the wound, Rep. Pelosi(democrat) presented his brother a folded American flag flown over the Capitol in his honor in a beautiful tri-cornered presentation case

Are you throwing up yet?

I saw the video of Floyd interacting with the cops before he was kneeled on.

I feel like if I conducted myself in a similar manner I would fully expect to be killed or severely injured by the cops. Doesn’t matter the color of skin, if you act like that while getting arrested you will probably get your ass handed to you. At least I would.

Not saying it’s right or wrong just saying that’s how I would expect to get hurt by some cops.
I’m hurt that you feel that way. :ROFLMAO:
Don’t be a crybaby!! I was joking. Like I have time to riot.
Definitely not a crybaby asshat!! You made a stupid statement & I called you out on it, so now you say it was a joke. You’re still a douche!!
Either is yours, but you sure like to give it! Also no need to send me anymore pm’s like the one you just sent me.
You came to my website to call me a name over a joke. Apparently something I say is important to you. I didn’t seek you out caring what you had to say.
Founder your joke was in very poor taste. Riots, burning down buildings and endangering lives is not a joking subject. We both know that if a Trump supporter came on here and made that "JOKE" about rioting, you would have deleted his post and sent him a PM to rip him a new Adam Henry.

I take offense to your statement or joke as you call it!! I watched business owners & families lose everything & they had nothing to do with Floyds death. Chauvin was a douche for kneeling on Floyd, but Floyd was no saint!! I think you owe an apology to the people that lost everything in the riots for your stupid statement. As for your website you can shove it!! I no longer want to even associate with this site after your stupid statement or joke as you say. It was in poor taste!! How would you like someone to say that after your business was destroyed!!
I take offense to your statement or joke as you call it!! I watched business owners & families lose everything & they had nothing to do with Floyds death. Chauvin was a douche for kneeling on Floyd, but Floyd was no saint!! I think you owe an apology to the people that lost everything in the riots for your stupid statement. As for your website you can shove it!! I no longer want to even associate with this site after your stupid statement or joke as you say. It was in poor taste!! How would you like someone to say that after your business was destroyed!!
Fair enough. Like I said, I shouldn’t have posted that. Bad me. :devilish:(y)
I wouldn’t want to be a juror on this chit show trial. The media is going to intimidate & Dox the hell out of them if they don’t render the verdict they prefer
If the jury pool is made public, you can bet your bottom dollar that the BLM idiots will try to intimidate them with mass showups at their homes where their families are.

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