antelope dates


Very Active Member
Got a couple of questions do opening dates ever change from what is posted in the non-res proclamations and do they post the closing dates on the website? Thanks
Closing dates on website, NO. Or at least I have never seen them. Let me see if I have some older regs and if the dates are the same.
Just a quick glance between 2009 & 2010 and there was some units that stated a day earlier and in one unit that I hunted in 2009 had a Type 2 which is like a late season for Lopes but in 2010 there was no Type 2 tags.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-12 AT 11:34AM (MST)[p]
The only closing dates posted are like I mentioned in the other thread. They are in the final Regulation that goes on the website early in the summer or in the pamphlets mailed to licensees or that are available at license agents businesses. They tweak things a little now and then like kilowatt mentioned, but overall things are pretty similar every year. Having said that, I see that this year the unit I got my 2009 goat in has had the opener moved up by 9 days, which is great from my perspective. However, I don't believe they ever change an opening date on a unit once it is posted on the site for people to enter the draw. That would create one major mess and hunter rebellion. One problem I see with the way they do it is if a person doesn't want to hunt the opener and has a certain vacation plan set if they are still working like many are. In that case you sort of have to pray that the season will close the same as the previous year(s)if you are working that close to the previous closing date for your hunt.

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