

Bura Nut

This is killing me. I am all set to go, but the clock is not moving fast enough. I have to babysit the two boys tonight, so I will take off in the morning around 2:00 and hopefully get on the bucks we have bedded down on my Honey Hill. I dont want to lose my "MO-JO" by saying what I hope happens, but you can guess what results I want. Hope all you other tag holders for this Nov. hunt make it till tomorrow morning and shoot some big ones............ Allen......
It seems like it takes forever for the hunt to get here. Then before you know it, it's all over and it's time to come home. Hang in there Allen it's just a matter of time. :)
Allen, I don't know who is anticipating your hunt more - you, or us. We are excited to hear all about it next week. I guess, you would be... :)
Good luck you coues hound. Sounds like you got the itch pretty bad. It's suposed to rain Saturday so the news guy says, but we know how taht works in AZ. Have fun, be safe and take good pics.
I know what you mean about the clock going so slow! Tuesday can't get here fast enough. Looking forward to 5 full days, of clean, fresh, pure air. The sights, the sounds, and hopefully the thril of finding that perfect buck waiting for me to put the cross hairs on him. Ok, out of dream land, back to work..

Good luck Allen. I'll let you know how it goes when we get back..

Hang in there Allen! Now is the time to check & re-check your gear!

Good luck! I can't wait for the story on Monday!!!!


Man, Allen you've got it bad!! Your pain will ease at dawn tomorrow morning. I'll bet you don't sleep a wink tonight. Good luck, if they have internet access at the ranch in Wyoming I'll check in next week and get an update. Go get'em Tiger!!

Scott A: You were right, I cant sleep. I do have it bad for these little deer. I really hope you get into some shooters up in Wy. I hope we have mutual great news to tell each other........ Allen......
Bura Nut

Hope your hunt went great. Let me now when you get home and I will call you. By the time you get off the phone from telling your story you might be a old man. Anyway want to talk more about the unit. I also read a post from you on skull bleaching I do skull mounts as alittle part of my business I can talk to you about that too. Hope that he is a big one.
24 hours to go... The anticipation is killing me. Tomorrow a 8 hour ride, sleep and off to find the perfect buck... Allen, I'll have to wait for a week to see how your hunt went.. Hope it went well. Wish me luck.

i feel ya so much, i had to go through a week of aschool and a varsity football game before i could go hunting. lest say that the game b4 deer was not great is all i say were pictures of huge whitetail poppin in my head. so did ya get one?

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