Antler Growth


Long Time Member
How far along is the horn growth in your area?

I'm in N. Utah and am finding bucks with width outside their ears, but I'm having a hard time finding bucks with much antler height or tine length. Am I looking at immature deer or do we just have a few more weeks to go before their antlers finish off?

There's two - three weeks of growing left. I saw one on Sunday that had 5-6 inches of tine length above each fork.
I was going to ask that exact same question. I am watching one particular buck that has grown substantially in the last 3 weeks and looks to be pretty balled up on the 2's and 3's but the main and 4 are looking pointed out. Hopefully he can hold it together and turn those knobs to length in the next few weeks.
looking at immature bucks if you ask me.

The big ones are almost finished!

Really; I thought they had 3 or 4 good weeks left for the most part yet compared to elk that finish earlier.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-11 AT 11:31AM (MST)[p]The older bucks drop in January they start growing earlier then the younger bucks. So they finish earlier.. It also depends on the area your hunting. Northern Utah grows em earlier then southern Utah. It can also depend on how the deer wintered but typically the older bucks finish earlier.

I'm looking in northern Utah and the 4 year old or older bucks "not your plane 4 pt bucks" are pretty much finished... The younger bucks still have your 3-4 weeks of growth left.

However I don't get out scouting much so I could be wrong.:D
+1 swb

Young deer. All of the shooters Ive seen are out almost to the tips. The bulbs are almost gone.
SWB---"However I don't get out scouting much so I could be wrong."

Yea, right! You're probably on some mountain right now glassing and using a laptop with aatellite connection to the site, LOL!!!
I took this picture in Northern Utah yesterday, this is the best antler growth I have seen so far. He had several other small four points with him with antler growth of what you describing. I think they are just immature bucks.

>SWB---"However I don't get out scouting
>much so I could be
>Yea, right! You're probably on
>some mountain right now glassing
>and using a laptop with
>aatellite connection to the site,

Lol just got off the hill videoing a buck that looks just like the one posted above

So tell me on the deer above I'm seeing a 4 or 5 year old deer with 2 weeks of growth left. Is this incorrect? I know Topgun or Sw will know the answer I'm not sure.
I would say that is a 4 year old deer. It has a massive big blocky head along with a big mature body.

Good luck with that deer! I think he is done growing though!

I would agree that he's a 4 year old deer unless the year he was born was a below average year for precipitation/feed in his area and it took him an extra yet to get where he is now in the picture. Regardless, I'd shoot him this Fall if I saw him on public land!
Thanks! I'm always here to learn. We are still seeing growth especially on tine length on whitetails which I'm still seeing growth. I also believe we have some growth time left on mulies. The difference between Nebraska and the western states and the difference in food supply I'm sure has to have an effect.
That's about what I figured. I also have noticed deer in central Nebraska lose their velvet between September 1st and 15th some exception of course. I've seen bucks in Colorado and Wyoming 2 weeks later than that in full velvet.
Yep; I've also seen a number of bucks in full velvet during archery elk hunts in late September in northcentral Wyoming.

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