Any 3 point fans??


Active Member
I know I am!!!


Here’s I big 3 point (at least big to me anyway). I took him in 2020 in Montana. Prior to this hunt I had taken a few mule deer but nothing really big. I really wanted a good representative 4x4 when I went in this trip , but when I saw this deer I couldn’t pass him up. I am sure glad I squeezed the trigger I think he’s a pretty cool deer.

Here’s I big 3 point (at least big to me anyway). I took him in 2020 in Montana. Prior to this hunt I had taken a few mule deer but nothing really big. I really wanted a good representative 4x4 when I went in this trip , but when I saw this deer I couldn’t pass him up. I am sure glad I squeezed the trigger I think he’s a pretty cool deer.

View attachment 86439
Does he make the 30" mark..??

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