Anyone buy beef?


Very Active Member
I was sorting through my chest freezer the other day and noticed a large void where an elk would normally go. So I have decided to buy half a beef. I don't have any idea how to go about doing that. Any of you guys ever buy a beef? Whats the typical price? And any recomends from anywhere in western wyoming or northern utah on where to buy one would be appreciated. Don't want to buy one from these price gougers here in rock springs/green river.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-31-09 AT 01:26AM (MST)[p]Sent you a pm

Colorado, U.S.A
Hell, they're everywhere. Just drive around till you find one close to the road. No sense packing it too far, I mean it's just a cow?! I've heard the red ones taste better than the blacks? You looking for a nice mount too or strictly just for meat?
Yea and do it at night, there eyes light up nice and bright. One well placed shot in the eye socket with a 180 grain Nosler should fill your freezer! Damn I hope you don't go after any of my cows...........
here in washington state I sell my for 1.75to 2.00 hanging weight, and they pay cut and wrapping. which is sbout .46/lbs
Davis is also right on for hanging halves in our area. (Utah)

One problem with hanging carcass is many may wiegh 700 lbs so a half will run $700. (plus cut and wrap)

Of course if you really know what you are doing and know some of the best beef, you can buy a live wieght 800lb for around 30 cents ($250). Our last two beef we killed cost between $250 (850lb live wieght) and $350 (1100lb live wieght), plus kill, cut, and wrap. Hanging they went around 450 and 600 hanging. Certain dairy crosses are the cheapest, but produce the best tasting beef. We sell all of our angus calves every year and buy the good stuff if we want a beef.

Dairy crosses produce the best tasting beef?

Sell all of your angus cattle and buy the good stuff?

I'll just have to assume that was a typo.

Packout said; "Certain dairy crosses are the cheapest, but produce the best tasting beef."

You learn something every day, if true. That's news to me!

We always set a few, Hereford/Angus cross, aside to grain up for a couple-few weeks before getting the M-1 carbine out for the chore of getting them ready for the butcher. In later years, there was a guy who'd do the ranch kills as a business and though he cost, he was good, fast, and dependable. He'd handle the "chore" and get the halves to the butcher.

Because we had no electricity other than a small old fashioned generator and a bank of batteries, we had to keep a deep freeze locker in town. Heavy coats, real heavy, as i remember back, were worn in the big deep freeze locker vault. I especially liked to help Grandma select a dozen or so packages to take home on a really hot day.

You ask around enough, like this, you should be able to find someone willing to cut you in on a half or whole beef for a good price. Gets done all the time, can't see why someone wouldn't want to help you out, satisfy your wish, and make a few extra bucks in the bargain.

Then also, some go buffalo, there's deals to be had there too and the young ones are darn good on the table!

Joey under "classifies" then under "Livestock" they have a lot of ranchers selling meat that way.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
...all that great costco beef is holstein...

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Don't knock it if you ain't tried it. haha Yes, I did state it and will stand by it. I never said dairy cows, I said dairy crosses, barren heifers or steers. Never a holstien, nor a purebred jersey. BUT if you have a jersey/holstien cross or a holstien/swiss cross or a swiss/jersey cross or a straight swiss you have the makings for the best beef money can buy. 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 year old with 30 days of finish will give a great marbled, but not fat beef. Lean burger and incredible flavor. All for less money.

You guys have been watching too many Artic Circle commercials and reading too many "Angus Association" propaganda. haha

I will say that I have been in a ranching family my whole life. Over the years we have raised reg. limosine, triple muscles, charolais, black simmental, etc. We currently run large framed reg. hereford cows or hereford crosses bred to reg angus bulls. Last Oct, our calves weaned at 746 lbs. We also raise dairy heifers in our feed lots. Not saying I know everything, but this has been my experience.

Packout, Like i said, that news to me. But, kinda makes sense. Being i can't say you're wrong, i'll say Thanks for the info! Might toss it around with a few buds that are still in the business and see what they say.

Now, if they start laughing and throw their hats in the dirt saying that's the craziest thing they ever heard... I got you to blame! :)

Tend to think you are right Pack. But we have always leaned toward Angus - Herford crosses. They always bring top dollar at auction. I'm feeding a couple of beef right now. One is a Charolis cross the other one is a ... hmmm .. Longhorn, Angus, ummmm Herford. Aw sh!t I don't know.

Secert is to corn the crap outta them for 90 days before slaughter. I like them at around 1200lbs.

................Nah. I'm to tired to get in on this one.

I been out shooting coyotes for 2 weeks everyday, that are eating the calves off of about 6,000 local Angus cows.

All of a sudden Angus aren't top beef cattle......who knew?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-02-09 AT 09:19PM (MST)[p]Go with Buffalo!!! You can buy a whole 2 to 3 year old meat bull for $750 to $850. We use to buy a whole or half beef every year. Two years ago we bought our first "Meat bufalo" a 2 1/2 year old bull. We won't go back to beef ever for a quantity buy of meat. It will be bison. Very, very flavorfull. Good eats.
Besides the meat you can keep the skull and robe. Just my .02 worth. Take care, Spike.

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