Applegate Muzzleloader


Active Member
Drew the November muzzy tag. Anyone ever hunted it?
I’m a non-resident , so this will probably be the only time I hunt it. I don’t live super far away, so i may be able to make a couple trips. Looking forward to a fun hunt, and thanks for any help.
I hunted it last year.

It’s highly rut dependent. There are a lot of deer around there and some good bucks. However, like most blacktail, they are very good at making themselves scarce outside of the rut.

We had kinda a short window to hunt it and they were not very active. We found one pocket where there must have been a hot doe because there were bucks out and about on a couple ridges.

We shot a fork and a solid three point with eye guards.

The next week (last week of the season) a bunch of nice bucks hit the ground.

If you have a week or more to commit to the hunt I would hold out for a 4pt, the unit produces many. If you only have a few days I would probably shoot any decent buck that you get within muzzleloader range!
Congrats and good luck. Curious how many points it took to draw. I am a NR as well and hope to hunt it in the next year or two as I have 14 points. Seems like I’m on the borderline. Thanks
I believe I had 15…
I think when I started applying it took like 4. With the mule deer situation in Oregon what it is, there just wasn’t anything else appealing out there.
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