Apply for a Utah 2010 Sportsman Permit


Long Time Member
Applications for next year?s most prized Utah hunting permits -- 2010 sportsman permits -- will be available by Nov. 2.

Only Utah residents may apply for sportsman permits. One sportsman permit is offered for each of the following species: Desert bighorn ram, Rocky Mountain bighorn ram, buck deer, buck pronghorn, bull elk, bull moose, hunter?s choice bison, hunter?s choice Rocky Mountain goat, black bear, cougar, sandhill crane and wild turkey.

If you draw a sportsman permit, the dates you can hunt vary. But in most cases, they're longer than the regular season dates. You can also hunt on almost any unit in Utah that's open to hunting the species you drew a permit for.

Highly prized

?Sportsman permits are highly prized,? says Judi Tutorow, wildlife licensing coordinator for the Division of Wildlife Resources. ?If you're one of the lucky hunters who draw one, you'll have plenty of days -- and plenty of areas -- to hunt.?

You can apply for a sportsman permit starting Nov. 2 at Applications must be submitted no later than 11 p.m. on Nov. 19 to be entered in the draw for permits.

Draw results will be posted by Dec. 10. If you draw a permit, you'll also receive a letter in the mail. ?Not many hunters draw these permits,? Tutorow says. ?If you receive a letter in the mail, it wouldn't surprise me if you frame it!?

For more information, see pages 23 and 24 of the 2009 Utah Big Game Guidebook ( or call the nearest Division of Wildlife Resources office. You can also call the DWR?s Salt Lake City office at (801) 538-4700.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
What a day after my birthday present that would be!! Another $5 gift (app fee) to the good ole dwr on it's way...

I've never applied for a Sportsmans Permit so I have a few questions.

If your currently in a waiting period for a species... lets say Elk... can I apply for the Elk sportsmans Permit ?

I've been doing my OIL points towards a Buffalo permit... does applying for a Sportsmans permit effect my current points ? Lets say I want to do a Bighorn Sheep... can I still Go for my OIL Buffalo or will that Screw up my chances for 2010 Buffalo ?

sportsman permits dont effect any other points or waiting periods... good luck and bye bye 60$
Geez backinthegame, you really know how to make my day brighter guy...jk but honestly after rethinking this thru...I've got way better odds at an expo tag so I'll just blow an extra $60 there and increase everyone elses odds at their not-a-chance-in-hell sportsmans tag. Only lucky people draw either though so I should be right about screwed!! :)

The drawing for the sportsmans tags will not effect your current bonus point status. Even if you drew an elk tag during the regular drawing, you are eligable for the sportsman tag drawing. however, if you have already drawn a once-in-a-lifetime, youcannot put in for that species.
i have a dumb question that I am sure I could look up, but only have a few moments right now. my boys are 12 and recieved a card in the mail to remember to put in for sportsman permit. I know that you have to be 14 to enter limited entry. is that not the case with the sportsman permits? any help would be great otherwise i will look it up later. thanks Layne
Don't waste your money if your already in a waiting period... they do apply.... I actually looked it up.


R657-62-24. Sportsman.

(1) Sportsman applications.

(a) One sportsman permit is offered to residents for each of the following species:

(i) desert bighorn (ram);

(ii) bison (hunter's choice);

(iii) buck deer;

(iv) bull elk;

(v) Rocky Mountain bighorn (ram);

(vi) Rocky Mountain goat (hunter's choice);

(vii) bull moose;

(viii) buck pronghorn;

(ix) black bear;

(x) cougar; and

(xi) wild turkey.

(b) Bonus points shall not be awarded or utilized when applying for or obtaining sportsman permits.

(2) Group applications are not accepted.

(3) Waiting Periods

(a) Any person who applies for or obtains a Sportsman Permit is subject to all waiting periods and exceptions as applicable to the species pursuant to rule R657-41.

(b) Once-in-lifetime waiting periods are applicable when applying for a sportsman permit.

(c) Limited Entry waiting periods are applicable when applying for a Sportsman permit.
Off the top of your head, does anyone know what happens to your OIL points if you get a sportsman's permit?

From the DWR application page:

Notice: Sportsman Permit Applicants

Clarification to Rule R657-62-24

During a consolidation of rules, language describing how waiting periods are treated for Sportsman permits was unintentionally omitted.

Limited-entry waiting periods. You MAY apply for a Sportsman deer, elk, pronghorn, bear or cougar permit even if you are on a waiting period for that species. Likewise, you will not be given a waiting period if you draw a Sportsman deer, elk, pronghorn, bear or cougar permit.

Once-in-a-lifetime waiting periods. You MAY NOT apply for a Sportsman bison, bull moose, desert bighorn sheep, Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep or Rocky Mountain goat permit If you have already used your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for that species. If you draw a Sportsman permit for a once-in-a-lifetime permit species, you will be given a lifetime waiting period for that species.

Bonus points cannot be earned or used in the Sportsman drawings

Say if someone has 10 moose points and they draw sportsman's moose I'm assuming you can't transfer them to sheep, right?
Don't know about transfering points, but I do know three people who have drawn a sportsmans tag. All had exceptional hunts and unless something drastically changes in my business life, this is my only change for one of these types of tags.

Once-in-a-lifetime waiting periods. You MAY NOT apply for a Sportsman bison, bull moose, desert bighorn sheep, Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep or Rocky Mountain goat permit If you have already used your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for that species. If you draw a Sportsman permit for a once-in-a-lifetime permit species, you will be given a lifetime waiting period for that species.

What if you draw a once-in-a-lifetime tag and then have a Heart attack, die and come back to life,or if you flat-line in the hospital and they rescusitate you. Are you then eligible for the sportsman permit for that species? Technically that lifetime waiting period was over and you are on a new lifetime. Because I know guys that would kill themselves just to jump through that loophole.

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