Archery Scores in 2022 - Photo Contest

Photo contest


Founder Since 1999
I know we have a mule deer archery thread going in the Mule Deer Forum, but this thread is for any game animal you scored on with a bow in 2022. Elk, Antelope, Bear, Cougar, Deer, Goats, Sheep, Moose, etc.

We'll run the photo contest for a month or so and then I'll pick a couple of the best/fun pics as winners. You all can use likes to help me decide.

The contest prizes will be a Phone Skope Kit for 1st place and Pyro Putty and an Arch Lighter for 2nd place. Thanks to the folks at Phone Skope for the gear! If you don't already own the a Phone Skope, then get over to their site and get one......that is if you don't win one here! It's a valuable piece of gear to have with you for helping to preserve your hunting and scouting adventures.

Get Yourself a Phone Skope

Like some other posters, selfie on a timer laying on my backpack on a solo DIY in NM on Sept 12. Lighting and angle aren't the greatest but with elk, you pretty much take the pic where he is. I'm 6'5" and 285# - no chance of budging this guy. Had a great time but hard work for us old, overweight flatlanders.

Bull Cropped.jpg
I posted this in the New Mexico thread, but figured I'd throw my name in the hat. My son has been really bugging me to get him a phone skope so maybe we can make it happen through this.

It's usually the third day of the hunt where I begin wondering "How is it even possible, to kill a mature bull with a bow?" They are so weary and elusive, the old adage that's why they are big applies.
Short version of the story, begins on day 5 after countless failures and being thoroughly being embarrassed by elk, an opportunity presented itself. My son spotted this elk at first light. I have video of him on my IG. After watching him for 2 hours we were able to see him bed on a ridge top with 2 cows. My wife and I discussed who would go after him, she graciously allowed me the opportunity. After a tough hike we split ways, she went to a possible escape route (you can't predict anything). I dropped my pack and made my way in to his last known position. I texted my son who still had eyes on him and he confirmed he moved to the west. I crawled what seemed a mile (60 yards) through jagged rocks, dodging twigs, and eluding mosquitos which were relentless this year. I sat under a mountain mahogany for about 20 minutes, the wind seemed to have divine intervention always in my face (this never happens). Finally the bull moved his head and I caught a glimpse of his antlers. I slowly ranged a tree behind him at 55 yards, I remember thinking I got him. I figured out a shooting lane and realized I was going to have stand to shoot. I could not find his cows and could only pray they would not bust me when I stood up. HERE WE GO, I drew my bow, slowly stood up, crept around the bush placed my 50 yard pin on him, and attempted a cow call. I had a bad experience shooting a bedded bull and will never do that again. The call was probably the worst cow call I have ever attempted, it was a new reed on account of not hearing 1 buggle so no need to call. The bull quickly turned his head I waited 10 seconds, he stayed. Another attempt at a cow call, even worse, I am really screwing this up. The bull stayed still. I remember thinking level your bubble, which I did, it was off to the left, nerves settled. One more cow call, nailed it, a perfect yeahhhhh. The bull slowly stood, my pin right behind his shoulder, I pulled back on my release and watched my arrow spin for an eternity until it disappeared into his brown fur. Disbelief, I just arrowed a giant. Hit a couple soft cow calls, backed out and I called my son, he frantically said, "Why didn't you shoot him", I said, "I did", he said "He's running, wait he's walking, wait he just went behind a tree, he's laying down". I had to get my wife to share the news, I backed out slow and quite, when I was clear I broke into a run down the mountain to her ambush spot. We high fived and hugged, I get choked up thinking about it. We made it to the bull, Unbelievabull. My son came over and he thought he looked smaller than what the spotter made him look. I just shook my head, no shrinkage in my eyes, just a beautiful animal that God allowed me the opportunity to have. This will be cherished for as long as I breathe.

Cole and I Elk.jpg
Kool story. Awesome Bull!

I've experienced the inadequate calling feeling when turkeys are in close. You gotta make the perfect sound, but some weird noise come out!

Nice photos! I plan to go hunting with our friends this weekend. I think it will be a good day and I will be able to share a photo with you

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