Area 10



I realize that not all the seasons are over yet, but considering I did not get to draw a tag this year, I Have the fever. Im already looking at next years hunt. I did get the oppurtunity to help a young lady onher first hunt ever, and we were able to tag out a small buck on our last day out in Unit 173. I am looking to hopefully be successful in area 10 and was wondering if anyone would be willing to give me some insight into this area. I have read many posts on the units, but am unsure as far as where would be a good place to get started, as in access points, stay north of a certain pass or south of a certain lake. Im not looking for anyone to walk m eonto their sweet spots, I will be more than willing to find those myself, just looking for a great place to get started.

Depends on what you are looking for you can shoot a pretty decent mature buck with a little effort and getting away from the road hunters a litle there are a lot of pockets tucked away in that big range that are not hunted too hard
I am willing to walk any distance to get in deep, but having never been to the area, Im just wondering where to start, ie good access points and such.
"I am willing to walk any distance to get in deep"
Have you been to the rubys before? If not you may want to see them before you say that. lol

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
I have not been to the Ruby's no, however, Im not quite sure how long I will be stationed here in Nevada, and from what I have read, this to me would be the type of hunt I dream of. While on my scouting trip to Unit 173, we pushed anywhere from 7 to 15 miles a day. Just getting to know the area. I realize that the terrain is steeper up there, or so I have read, however I'm excited for it. Thanks for the heads up though.~BaldBeaver
Shoot me a PM with questions or ask fatrooster. He lives at the base of the mountains.[/IMG]
I'm hoping to draw a tag as well. Not quite sure what the odds will be with one point. Starting to do some homework now though. I live at sea level in WI and have tried southern Utah for the past few years. Looking forward to seeing the Rubys (my legs aren't though).
Wll plenty of time to prepare the legs for the ruby's. Just acouple of trips to the gym per week and the legs should be ready to go.

"No man should go through life without once experiencing healthy, even bored solitude in the wilderness, finding himself depending solely on himself and thereby learning his true and hidden strength."~Jack Kerouac
Shoot fatrooster a Pm or you can PM me as well. I tought Fat everything he knows about the rubys. lol And your legs can never be in to good of shape!

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
I kind of tweaked my knee a bit there this fall, and can still feel it if I step wrong..The Ruby's just hurt...Period. And I keep in shape...

Anyway, I don't think your odds of getting a big buck are any better in 10 than 17, I have hunted both. I hunt 10 more often because 10 is easier to draw...That's all...10 has more deer, but more hunters..Both are fun.
I hunt area 10 every year, it takes a day to pack in as far as we go and a day to get out. The elevation change, the distance, and terrain is underestimated by everyone. Going to the gym just "a couple" times a week will not helf at all if you do in fact go to the Ruby's. I work out 6 days a week and run long distance twice, the Ruby's still kick my butt with blisters on the feet and sore muscles. It took me two years to finally get a shot, bucks are near impossible to get in on. I love the area so it brings me back every year. You have to hunt the Ruby's different then any other place in NV. I wouldnt recommend the area for someone just looking for a one time tag in NV, unless your willing to change all your gear and your hunting style
I guided in the Ruby's for 10 year until the outfitter I worked for lost the permit. Like has been said it's pretty rough country. I've ridden my horse past some pretty exhausted back pack hunters. Give me a call and I'll help you out
Let try to get a few more people going if we can make it happen. Six of us have applied to that area so I'm hoping atleast one of us gets a tag :)
Bald, Scouting the Rubys this time of year is great for learning access points, and glassing from long distance. You won't be able to get to where the deer will be in Aug-Oct though. Neither will the deer. Pretty much anything you see except access points will be useless come hunting season IMO. Wait till you have a tag then scout. Snow doesn't melt fast at 11,000 feet. In fact the Rubys should get more snow this coming week.

As hunting40 said. A couple of days in the gym isn't enough, again IMO. My last trip into the Rubys my conditioning program was an hour hike uphill 4-5 days a week (all summer). The last month the pack held 63 lbs. I led 3 horses in, stayed for 6 days and still felt I coulda done more to get into shape. I lost 10 pounds in those 6 days and I ain't heavy. And I had horses to pack my gear in and deer out. 11 miles in, over 3 summits over 10,500 just to set up base camp. Then the work started. To top it off, 22" of snow on the night of Oct 2nd. Try covering ground in wet snow over your knees. That's when the horses really proved themselves. I'm not trying to get you off of the Rubys, just being realistic. But it's all worth it.

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